Corn Syrup |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
(CD x C-99) x (CD x SD) |
Classic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(CD x C-99) x Purpurea F-2 |
Classic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Auto Caesus |
V Elementum Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cahuita Kush |
Pura Vida Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto California Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
74 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Candy |
Divine Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Candy Creamy |
Panoramix Genetics |
77 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Auto Cannabis Light |
Ministry of Cannabis |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Caramel King |
Bulk Seed Bank |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Caramelino |
Victory Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Caramelo Mango |
Cartel Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBD Angel |
Divine Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBD Monster |
Divine Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBD Star |
Ministry of Cannabis |
42 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBD White Widow |
Bulk Seed Bank |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBD-Victory |
Dutch Passion |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBDV 1:1 |
Seedsman |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBG |
Cannabiogen |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto CBG Nectar |
Original Sensible Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese |
Panoramix Genetics |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese |
Bulk Seed Bank |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese |
GB Strains |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese |
Gea Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese |
GreenLabel Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese Berry |
00 Seeds Bank |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese Cake |
Advance Genetic |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cheese NL |
Ministry of Cannabis |
66 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chemdawg |
Dutch-Headshop |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chemdog |
Auto Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cherry Pie |
GeneSeeds Bank |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chingón |
Biohazard Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chocodope |
Victory Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chocolate Cream |
00 Seeds Bank |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chocolate Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chocolate Skunk |
00 Seeds Bank |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chocolate Skunk XXL |
00 Seeds Bank |
68 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chronic Monster XXL |
Victory Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Chronical |
Bulk Seed Bank |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cinderella Jack |
Dutch Passion |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Clinical |
Dispensario Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Auto Cocopopo |
Bulk Seed Bank |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cookies |
Domus Seeds |
43 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Cookies |
Linda Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Cream |
Bulk Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Cream Mass |
Mr. Hide Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Auto Creeper |
Super Sativa Seed Club |
88 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
Seedmakers Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
Bulk Seed Bank |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
CBD Seeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
Exclusive Seeds Bank |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
Female Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical |
Victory Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical + |
BSB Genetics |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Amnesia |
Real Gorilla Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Bang |
Sputnik Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical GB XXL |
GB Strains |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Hog |
TH Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Auto Critical Lemon CBD |
Advanced Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Man |
Family Ganjah |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Mass |
Advanced Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Ogre 'Big 'N Fast' |
Seedsman |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Orange Punch |
Dutch Passion |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical Soma |
Advanced Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical X |
Panoramix Genetics |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical XXL |
Apex Seeds |
69 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Auto Critical Zone |
Mallorca Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Auto Critical+ |
Linda Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical+ |
Bulk Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critical++ |
Gea Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Critico+ |
Cartel Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Automatic Cheese |
Organic Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Automatic Cheese |
Motherland Genetics |
80 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Automatic Cheesecake |
Organic Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Automatic Cinderella Jack |
Organic Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
C 13 |
Natural Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
C-13 Haze |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
73 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
C-99 IBL |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C-Class '99 |
Annibale Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
C-Dilla |
Frosty Mountain Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
C-Plus |
Chimera Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
C-Vibez |
Dutch Passion |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
C.B.D. |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
C.B.Diesel |
MTG Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C.Banana |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
C.Banana |
Utopia Farms |
- |
unknown |
regular |
C.Banana x Tom Hill Haze x A5hbx x Mac |
Hammerhead |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C.C.'s Afghani Hashplant |
Silberhaze Genetics |
56 |
indica |
feminized |
C.C.'s Blueberry Hashplant |
Silberhaze Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
C.Chinensis |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
C.E.C.A.#2 |
Cannabis 42° |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
C.H.U.D. |
Twin Peaks Cannabis |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
C.R.E.A.M. x Lem OG |
Lempire Farmaseed |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C’Mon Now |
NBG Seed Co. |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
C#4 |
Bask Triangle Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
C+ |
D+Calidad Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
C+ Auto |
D+Calidad Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
C4 |
Chimera Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
C4 |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C4 IBL |
East Coast Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
C4-D |
Reberth Genetics |
64 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
C4-Matic |
Fast Buds Company |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
C5 3/4 Haze |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C5 Haze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C5 Haze x Kali China |
ACE Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 |
Fatbush Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 |
Female Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 |
ApeOrigin |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 |
Nectar Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 |
G13 Labs |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 |
Lineage Genetics |
50 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 F2 |
OriginSeeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 F4 |
HighRise Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 F4 Pineapple Pheno |
Frost Brothers |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 Haze |
710 Genetics |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 Hybrid |
Female Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 NYSD x Tuna Kush |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
C99 x Biker |
Karma Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
C99 x Blueberry FAST |
Seedsman |
46 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
C99 x C99 |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
C99 x SSGH |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 X SSSC Skunk 1 |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
C99 X TGA Vortex |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cab Driver |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cab’s Here |
Let’s Grow WNY |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cabana |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cabbage Wine |
Kindway Farms |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cabeca de Preto |
Maconha Seeds Bank |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cabernet |
Brothers In Farms |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cabernet Sauvignon |
Black Tuna |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cabin Fever |
Cult. Six16 |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caboose |
Strain Hunters Seed Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caboose |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Cacao |
Taylormade Selections |
72 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cacao Kush |
Regular Seed's French Legacy |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cachalote |
Gea Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cactido |
In House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cactus |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
indica |
regular |
Cactus Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cactus Breath S1 |
El Pampa |
66 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cactus Cooler |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cactus Fruit |
Skunk House Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cactus OG |
In House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cadillac Rainbow |
3rd Coast Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caesar |
Alphakronik Genes |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caeser |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caesus |
V Elementum Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caetano Velozo |
Maconha Seeds Bank |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cafe Girl |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cafe Racer |
Blim Burn Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cafe Roze |
Primordial Beanz |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cage Dancer |
GanjaMed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caged Alien |
GanjaMed |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caged Gorilla |
GanjaMed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cahaba Lilly |
Jamie Cee’s Premium Cannabis Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cahuita Kush |
Pura Vida Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caiman |
Black Tuna |
72 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Caipirinha |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cajun Mints |
Lovin' in Her Eyes |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cajun Moon |
Lovin' in Her Eyes |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Cake and Ice Cream |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake Bliss Monster |
Happy Bird Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake Bomb |
Prolific Coast Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Boss |
Solfire Gardens |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Cake Breaker |
Light Seeker Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cake Breath |
Taylormade Selections |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Breath |
Backcountry Farms |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Breath |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cake Crasher |
Seed Junky Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Dough |
Coool Beans |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cake Face |
Archive Seed Bank |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cake Face |
517 Legend Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cake Fight |
Flavor Chef Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake Fighter |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cake Frosting |
Moksha Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Fruit |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake King |
TreeTown Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cake Mintz |
3rd Shift Genetics |
65 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cake Mix |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cake N Chem |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cake Placid |
Happy Bird Seeds |
88 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake Pops Auto |
3rd Shift Genetics |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cake Popz |
Evermore Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cake Stomper |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cake-Flip |
High Five Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caked Up Cherries |
Relentless Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cakes N Cream |
In House Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cal Train Wreck |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Calamity Jane |
Buddha Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Calder City Kush |
Cult. Six16 |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Bay Dream |
Garden of Green |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cali Bubba |
Envy Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cali Cherry Pie |
BSB Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cali Cookies |
BSB Genetics |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cali Cookies |
Sincerely Cali |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cali Cookies |
Teonana |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cali Couture |
Twenty 20 Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cali Cream |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cali Deli |
Hypno Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cali Doctor CBD 1:1 Auto |
Medical Marijuana Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cali Dragon F2 |
Ethos Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Dream |
BSB Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cali Gangsta Kush |
Sumo Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cali Gelato Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cali Grapes |
Purple Caper Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Cali Jack |
Medicann Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cali Lavender |
Love Genetics |
66 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cali Love |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Cali Mints |
Envy Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Miss |
British Columbia Seed Company |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cali Orange Bud |
White Label |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Orange S1 |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cali Quake |
SappFire Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cali Soca |
Up The Hill Creations |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Sour D |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cali Sunset |
Envy Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Warrior |
Da Bean Co. |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cali Zmoothie |
Solkana Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Calicarpa Kush |
Dirt Farmer Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calico Queen |
Greenpoint Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
California |
CH9 Female Seeds |
49 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
California #1 |
California Connoisseur Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Black Roze |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Cannon |
Greenpoint Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Chrome |
Twenty 20 Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Cookies |
Roots 6.4 Gardens |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Dream |
Mandala Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
California Dream'n |
SoCal Seed Collective |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
California Dreams |
Sterquiliniis Seed Supply |
63 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
California Hash Plant |
Dinafem |
48 |
indica |
feminized |
California Haze |
Flash Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / sativa |
regular |
California Haze |
Sensi Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
California Haze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
sativa |
regular |
California Indica |
Sensi Seeds |
48 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
California Indica |
Brothers Grimm |
60 |
indica |
regular |
California Indica |
Capricorn Seed Company |
60 |
indica |
regular |
California Karma |
SoCal Seed Collective |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
California Kush |
Sumo Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
California Kush |
Anesia Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
California Kush Fast |
00 Seeds Bank |
48 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
California Nugget |
Kera Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
California Octane |
Humboldt Seed Company |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Orange |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Orange |
Mighty Mite Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Orange |
Expert Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
California Orange |
The Seed Bank |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Orange |
Seedsman |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
California Orange Bud |
Nirvana Seeds |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Orange Bud |
Growi Seeds Amsterdam |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Orange Cheese |
Big Buddha Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
California Purple Haze |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
California Runtz |
Grow Today Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Sativa |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
sativa |
regular |
California Skunk |
Fatbush Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
California Sour |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
California Sour Diesel |
Humboldt Seed Company |
70 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
California Special |
KC Brains Holland |
60 |
indica |
reg. and fem. |
California Wildfire |
Emerald Triangle |
74 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Californian |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Californian BB Skunk |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Californian Gold |
Paradise Seeds |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Californian Hashplant |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Californian Orange |
Dutch Passion |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Californian Orange |
Hemcy Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Californian Orange |
Homegrown Fantaseeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Californian Orange Bud |
Barneys Farm |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Californian Orange Bud |
Positronics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Californian Orange Bud |
Original Sensible Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Californian Skunk Haze |
Seedsman |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Californian Snow |
Fast Buds Company |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Californian Sunrise |
Alpha Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CaliFunk |
TH Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CaliGuavotti |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Calina Negra |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
sativa |
regular |
Calipso |
Automaris |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CaliRaisin |
Envy Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calisson Candy |
Ananda Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calizahr |
Chimera Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Call Girl |
TCVG Shit |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Callahan |
Da Bean Co. |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Callandor |
Katsu Seeds |
54 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Callaway Cough |
White Lightning Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Calling Dr.Irving |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caloosahatchee Kush |
Terptown USA |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calvin |
BlueHemp Switzerland |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calvinia |
The Landrace Team |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Caly Wompus |
Howe Farms |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calypso |
Bigworm Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Calypso |
Danky Dankster Seed Co. |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Calypso |
Sincerely Cali |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calypso Candy |
Green Wolf Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Calypso Fruit |
The Grateful Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Calypso Sunrocks |
Anesia Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Calyx Chalice |
Bound By Fire Seed Co. |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Calyxxx |
Almighty Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cam1 x C99 |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cam3 x C99 |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Camarosa |
Crockett Family Farms |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cambo/TW/FL x Freezeland |
Bush Brothers Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cambodia Mekong River Delta |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
140 |
sativa |
regular |
Cambodian Child |
MassMedicalStrains |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cambodian Jahgoo |
Nuggy’s Seed Company |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Cambodian Putang |
MassMedicalStrains |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cambodian x Haze |
Reefermans Seeds |
80 |
sativa |
regular |
Camel Walk Kush |
The Bank Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Camelot Kush |
Dutchgrown Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Camp Stealth GSC |
Vashon Seed and Mercantile |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Campfire |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Can9ne |
Olympia Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canada - Mostly Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Canada - Ruderalis |
Original Strains |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Canada - Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Canadian |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canadian Elmerz |
Frosty Mountain Genetics |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canadian Kush |
Medical Seeds Co. |
63 |
indica |
feminized |
Canadian Kush 2.0 |
Medical Seeds Co. |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Canadian Sour |
Sumo Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Canadian Widow |
Canadian Seed Lab |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Canadian Widow Auto |
Canadian Seed Lab |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Canaloupe Kush Auto |
Moscaseeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Canarian Clementine |
Canarifornia Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Canary Diamonds |
Black Leaf |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Canasta |
ThugPug Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cancer Killer OG |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cancers Nightmare |
Sin City Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candelion |
Prana Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candi |
The Highlander Cannabis |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candi Chrome |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candi Gas |
Lit Farms |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candida |
Medical Marijuana Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Candied Crepes |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candied Garlic |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candied Lemons |
Skunk House Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candied Pie |
Terra Firma Exclusives |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candied Truffles |
Beleaf Cannabis |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Candiez |
Nugs 420 |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canditty |
The Green Highlander Seeds Bank |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy |
Stoney Girl Gardens |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Candy |
Dane Strains |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy |
Divine Seeds |
63 |
indica |
feminized |
Candy Aisle |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Apple Banana |
Mana House Hawaii |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Apple Kush |
Exotic Genetix |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Applez |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Applez |
Coool Beans |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Candy ASS |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Baer |
THC Development Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Belts |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Bezelz |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Blast |
Organic Earth Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Bowl V2 |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Brain |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Buds Automatic |
Sensi Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Cain |
Magic Strains |
50 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Cake |
Coool Beans |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Candy Cake |
Big Sky Beans |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Candy |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Cane |
Crop King Seeds |
49 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Canes |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Caramelo Automatic |
Zambeza |
55 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Candy Caramelo Fast Flowering |
Zambeza |
45 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Chrome |
Tiger Trees |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Cream |
Seedsman |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Cream Auto |
Seedsman |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Creamy |
Panoramix Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Cubed |
Royal Jellies |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Cupz |
Backcountry Farms |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Dawg |
SeedStockers |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Dawg Autoflower |
SeedStockers |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Diesel |
THC Development Seed Company |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Dog |
Nation Of Kamas |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Drop |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Factory |
Hillbilly Sunshine |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Flight |
Prima |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Flip |
Nerds Genetics |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Candy Floss |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Floss |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Fruit |
V Elementum Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Fruit Auto |
V Elementum Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Fumez |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Candy Fumez F2 |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Girl |
Love Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Candy Girl CBD |
Nativ Canna |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Glue |
Lineage Genetics |
58 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Candy Hash |
Sensi Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Haze |
Ambrosia |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Candy Ice |
Lineage Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Jack |
Clone Only Strains |
60 |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
Candy Junction |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Kush |
Auto Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Kush |
Eskobar Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Kush |
Nirvana Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Kush |
Growers Choice |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Kush |
Seeds66 |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Kush Express |
Royal Queen Seeds |
49 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Kush Pop |
Nugs 420 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Land Parade |
Zen Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Lemons |
Jonny Hempseed LLC |
62 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Lime |
Zmoothiez |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Magic |
THC Development Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Master StarDawg |
Bulletproof Genetics |
- |
indica |
regular |
Candy Matterz |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Mike |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy MintCakes |
Gas Reaper Genetics |
89 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Candy Mob |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Mouth |
Massive Creations |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy N Cream |
Zmoothiez |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Orange Fusion |
Jamie Cee’s Premium Cannabis Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Packz |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Pavé |
Compound Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Payton |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Princess |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Queen |
Pisces Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Rain |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Rain |
Zamnesia |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candy Rain Automatic |
Zamnesia |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Rain x Apple Mintz |
Tiki Madman |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Candy Rain X London Poundcake |
Stone City Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Raygun |
Dead By Dawn Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Ringz |
Nugs 420 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Runtz |
Nasha Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Shop |
Shoreline Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Candy Shop |
Skunk Devil Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Skull |
Inseedious Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candy Skunk |
THC Development Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Slab |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Candy Sluricane |
Jordan of the Islands |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candy Store |
Ethos Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Candyclysm |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CandyCrush |
Envy Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Candyland |
Emerald Triangle |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Candyland |
Grand Daddy Purp |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Candyland |
Garden of Green |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Candyland Peyote |
Seeds66 |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Candyland x GarlicBreath |
IndoSmokez |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candylicious |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Candyman |
Shoreline Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Candyshop |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cane Fiyah |
Gimp Grown Organics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Canela |
ACE Seeds |
84 |
sativa |
regular |
Canis Majoris |
Secret Society Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canna Banana |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canna Berry |
Apothecary Genetics |
46 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Canna Whoopass |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Canna-So-Hard |
The Seed Kompany |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Canna-Tsu |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canna-Tsu |
Southern Humboldt Seeds Collective |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canna-Wreck |
Homegrown Natural Wonders |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cannabae Double Stuffed Cookies |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cannabarbital |
Cult Classics Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cannabea Cookies |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cannabill Nectar |
Cannabill-ized Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cannabis Light |
Ministry of Cannabis |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cannabis Sativa Slang |
Sativa Seedbank |
60 |
sativa |
regular |
Cannabista |
Power Seeds |
84 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cannabliss |
Hi-Elevation Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CannaBoom CBD+ |
Original Sensible Seeds |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cannacotta |
Tastebudz Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cannadential |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
CannaFuel CBD+ |
Original Sensible Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cannalicious |
Power Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cannalope Dog |
B. Seeds Co. |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cannalope Glitch |
Glitch Genetics |
61 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cannalope Haze |
The Plant |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cannalope Haze |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
sativa |
regular |
Cannalope Kush |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CannaMontana |
KingJayGenetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cannanball OG |
Mr. Natural Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CannaSutra |
Delta 9 Labs |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cannatonic |
Resin Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cannatonic CBD |
Nirvana Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cannatonic CBD + |
CBD Plus Buds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cannatonic x AC/DC 78 |
Green Bodhi |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cannatose F1 |
Street Medic Genetics by Clone Chief |
80 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CannaTsu F3 |
Yellowhammer Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Canned Heat |
White Clouds Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cannibal Breath |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cannoli |
Astrul |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cannoli |
Alphakronik Genes |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cannon Ball |
Sincerely Cali |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cannonball Runtz |
Happy Bird Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Canoleez |
Cannarado Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cantaloupe Skunk |
Insane Seed Posse |
62 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cantarela |
La Mano Negra |
80 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cantava |
Aficionado French Connection |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Canton Kush |
Silberhaze Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Canton Kush #12 |
Silberhaze Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Canton Star |
Silberhaze Genetics |
50 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cantucci |
Umami Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Canuk Cookies |
Canuk Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Canyon Blues |
Tatewari Tactical |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cao Bang |
The Landrace Team |
84 |
sativa |
regular |
Cap ‘n Kush |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cap Fish |
Boston Bob |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cap Junky |
Seed Junky Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cap Junky x Sour Diesel |
Katsu Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cap'n Jazz |
Riot Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Capital G |
Dominion Seed Company |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Capitol Reefer |
Westco Seed Co |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CapJunky S1 |
Lazy Daizy Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Capleton |
Irie Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Capri |
Gonzo Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Capri Og |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Capri Zun |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Capri Zun Punch Automatic |
Terpdawg Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caprichosa Thai |
Élite Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Capstone |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Johnston's Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Captain Cook |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Captain Crunch Muffin |
Kickflip Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Captain Curts Rainbow Taffy |
Monster Flowers |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Captain Future |
Anesia Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Captain Hazeman |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Captain Hook |
Sincerely Cali |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Captain Hooks Cookies |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Captain Insano |
Aqualung Gardens |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Captain Krypt OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Captain Morgan |
The Landrace Team |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Captain Noyes |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Captain's Cake |
The Capitan's Connection |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cara Cara |
Symbiotic Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cara Cara Pie |
Holy Perogy |
65 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cara Cara Pie F2 |
Holy Perogy |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caramba |
Paradise Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caramel Apple Gelato |
Compound Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Caramel Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Caramel Automatic |
Zamnesia |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramel Cake |
Solkana Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramel Candy Kush |
Dynasty Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caramel Cough |
Dynasty Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Caramel Cream |
Humboldt Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel Cream Auto |
Humboldt Seed Company |
90 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramel Crème Auto |
Lineage Genetics |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramel Gold |
Deluxe Seeds |
52 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel Grape Dounuts |
Mr. Macblunts |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caramel King |
Bulk Seed Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel Kona Coffee Cookie |
Pua Mana Pakalolo |
64 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Caramel Kona Coffee Kush |
Pua Mana Pakalolo |
64 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Caramel Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel Machiatto |
Bad Fish Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caramel Monster |
Vision Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramel Pinaz |
Terp Hogz |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Caramel Tsunami |
Tsunami Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Caramelice |
Positronics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramelicious |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caramelicious |
The Bulldog Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramelino |
Victory Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramella |
Homegrown Fantaseeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caramella Auto |
Homegrown Fantaseeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramella Auto |
Expert Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Caramellate |
Gea Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caramellow |
Dane Strains |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Caramellow Kush Automatic |
Sensi Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Caramelo |
Delicious Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Caramelo Fast Version |
Delicious Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Carbon Cake |
Raw Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Carbon Candy |
Cannarado Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Carbon Fiber |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Carbon Fiber |
Blim Burn Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Carbon Fiber x Jealousy |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Carbon Killerz |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cardi-B |
Envy Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cardinal |
Gage Green Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Care Bear |
Firebudz Genetics |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Caregiver |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caribbean Breeze |
Seed Junky Genetics |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
Caribbean Candy |
The Plant Stable |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caribbean Crème |
Solfire Gardens |
56 |
unknown |
feminized |
Caribbean Crush |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caribbean Kush |
Grandmas Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caribbean Vampire |
The Plant Stable |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caribe |
Cannabiogen |
67 |
sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Carlifornia Dreaming |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carlota De Limon |
RTR Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carma Fuel |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carmagnola |
North East Hemp |
100 |
sativa |
regular |
Carmagnola |
SeedStockers |
150 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Carmagnola CBD |
Seeds66 |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Carmagnola CS |
SeedStockers |
150 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Carmelita |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Carmelized Banana |
13 Hills |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Carnage Formula |
SupraGenetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carni Stalker |
MGB Worldwide |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carnival |
Ministry of Cannabis |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Carny Fuel |
Red Scare Seed Company |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carol Bazkins |
Umami Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carolina OG |
Rage City Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Carolina Souwahh |
Mountain Flowers |
55 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Carpathian Mazar |
Carpathians Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Carpathian Skunk |
Carpathians Seeds |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Carpatian |
Darwin Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Carpenter Kush |
Westco Seed Co |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carrie White |
The Bakery Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Carrot Breath |
Lost Relic Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cart Wheels |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cartagena |
Rated Gas Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cartier OG |
Aficionado French Connection |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Carwashed |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Casaba Melon |
Lost River Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cascade |
Irie Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cascade Connie |
Western Cultured |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cascadian Frost |
Swami Organic Seed |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caseus |
Apex Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Casey Cookies |
Mamiko Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Casey Jones |
The Devil's Harvest Seed Company |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Casey Jones |
Head Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Casey Jones S1 |
Sure Fire Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Casey Jones x The GG4 R.I.L |
Tonygreens Tortured Beans |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Casey Killerz |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Casey's Rollex O.G. |
DutchFem |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cash Cow |
Anesia Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cash Crop |
Cream of the Crop Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cash Croppa |
Riot Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cash Cropper |
Green Hornet |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cash Express |
Zamnesia |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cash Plant |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cashew Kush |
Sensi Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Casper OG |
Archive Seed Bank |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cassava Connection |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
95 |
sativa |
regular |
Cassidy |
Top Dawg Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cassius |
Stoney Girl Gardens |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Castle Rock Cherries |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Casual Tea |
Stank Face Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cat Dog |
Lost River Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cat Piss x Star Dawg |
Greenpoint Seeds |
73 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Catalina Wine Mixer |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Catalyst |
Keys to the Kingdom |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Catalyst Kush |
Catalyst Creations |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cataract 2.0 |
Exclusive Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cataract Cake |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cataract Kush |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cate Harrington |
Pornoseeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Category 5 |
Santa Cruz Goatfarm |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Category 5 |
J2G Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cathouse |
NBG Seed Co. |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Catnip Kush |
Black Cat Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Catpiss |
707 Seed Bank |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Catrina |
Brujo Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cats In Space |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caturra Kush |
Cultivated Choice Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Caustic |
ThugPug Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caustic Cookies |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cave Gurl |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Caviar Lime |
Taylormade Selections |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Caviar Mule |
Short-Sleeved Magician |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cavity Kush |
In House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cayambe Grand Daddy |
593 Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cayman Kush |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBcanD |
MTG Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CBcanD lll |
MTG Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
CBD #1 |
ACE Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD #11 |
Shaman Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD #77 |
Shaman Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD + Black Widow |
Positronics |
57 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD + Critical #47 |
Positronics |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD 1:1 Silver Lime Haze |
SeedStockers |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD 1:1 Silver Lime Haze Autoflower |
SeedStockers |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD 3D |
CBD Crew |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CBD Afghani |
House Of The Great Gardener |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Amnesia |
CBD Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Angel |
Divine Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Auto 20:1 |
Fast Buds Company |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Auto Blackberry Kush |
Dutch Passion |
91 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Auto Charlotte's Angel |
Dutch Passion |
91 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Auto Compassion Lime |
Dutch Passion |
74 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Auto White Widow |
Dutch-Headshop |
53 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Auto White Widow |
Dutch Passion |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Big Bud Super Skunk |
CBD Botanic |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Black Diesel |
United Cannabis Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Blackberry Crumble |
Sumo Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Blue Shark |
Barneys Farm |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Blueberry |
420 Genetics |
50 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Bomb |
Growers Choice |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Bomb Autoflowering |
Growers Choice |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Bubba Kush |
CBD Botanic |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Cake |
Kalashnikov Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Caramel |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD Caramel Cookie |
Sumo Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Charlotte’s Angel |
Dutch Passion |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Cheese |
Big Buddha Seeds |
77 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Cheese Auto |
Seeds66 |
80 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
CBD Chem Dawg |
CBD Botanic |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Chemdawg #4 |
Seeds66 |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Cherry Kush |
Sumo Seeds |
74 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD China White |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Chronic |
Serious Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Crack |
Fast Buds Company |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Critical Cure |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
Dutch-Headshop |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
Linda Seeds |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
420 Genetics |
52 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
Seedsman |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
CBD Crew |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass |
Phoenix Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Critical Mass Auto |
Seeds66 |
95 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Critical XXL |
SeedStockers |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD D Diesel |
CBD Botanic |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Divine |
CBD Crew |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD Dragon |
7 East Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD Fix |
Zamnesia |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Fix Auto |
Zamnesia |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Girl Scout Cookies |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Girl Scout Cookies |
CBD Crew |
54 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Glue Tide |
Equilibrium Genetics |
81 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD God |
B.C. Bud Depot |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD Good Wild Shark |
Bulk Seed Bank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Green Crack Auto |
Semyanich |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Groom Lake |
Mr. Natural Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Hammer Shark |
CBD Botanic |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Harlequin |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Hash Plant |
Seedsman |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Haze Auto |
Seeds66 |
70 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Haze Auto |
Top Tao Seeds |
135 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD High Hopes |
Naledi Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Jack Herer |
Linda Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Jam |
Delicious Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Kong's Kush |
Sumo Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Kush |
Dutch Passion |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Kush |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Kush Auto |
Seeds66 |
81 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
CBD Lambsbread |
MassMedicalStrains |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CBD Lemon AID |
Original Sensible Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Lemon Auto |
Herbies Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Lemon Potion Auto |
Barneys Farm |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Mango Haze |
CBD Crew |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Mazar |
Dutch Passion |
56 |
indica |
feminized |
CBD MedGom Auto |
CBD Crew |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Medi Kush |
Spliff Seeds |
77 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Medicalstar |
Naledi Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD MediHaze |
CBD Crew |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Mexican Gold |
Seeds66 |
73 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Nepal Gold |
Bulk Seed Bank |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD New York Diesel |
CBD Botanic |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Nordle |
CBD Crew |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Northern Lights |
SeedStockers |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
The Cali Connection |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Greenpoint Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD OG Fem |
The Cali Connection |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD OG Kush |
CBD Crew |
74 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD OG Kush |
Reefermans Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD Painaway |
Naledi Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Panties |
7 East Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD Pupil V1 |
MassMedicalStrains |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Pure |
Pure Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Pure Hazeling |
CBD Crew |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CBD Purple Kush Auto |
Unknown or Legendary |
81 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
CBD René |
House Of The Great Gardener |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Republik |
Reggae Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Republik II |
Reggae Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Rich Blessing |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CBD Rich Candy |
Philosopher Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD S'n'S Widow |
CBD Crew |
56 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
CBD Sensi Star |
CBD Botanic |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Shark |
CBD Crew |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Shark Shock |
Seedsman |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Skunk Haze |
CBD Crew |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Skunk Haze |
Dutch Passion |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Somango |
CBD Botanic |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Sour Lemon |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Spiced Orange |
BSB Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Spliff Berry |
Spliff Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Star |
Ministry of Cannabis |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Super Lemon Haze |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Sweet 'n Sour Widow |
Seedsman |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD Sweet Hemp |
CBD Botanic |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBD Terra Italia |
Female Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Therapy |
CBD Crew |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Tide |
Equilibrium Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
CBD Tonic |
World of Seeds Bank |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD Ultra |
Pure Seeds |
85 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD Warlock |
Serious Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD White Widow |
420 Genetics |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD White Widow |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD White Widow Auto |
Seeds66 |
74 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
CBD Willie |
Reefermans Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
80 |
unknown |
feminized |
CBD Yeti Autofem |
Healing Path Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBD Yummy |
CBD Crew |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBD+ Caramelice |
Positronics |
68 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBD+ Jack Diesel |
Positronics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBDelight |
Paradise Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBDenergy |
Paradise Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBDestroyer |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
La Plata Labs |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CBDiesel |
Shaman Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBDivine |
Paradise Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBDream |
Paradise Seeds |
63 |
indica |
feminized |
CBDrelax |
Paradise Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBDrelief |
Paradise Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBDV 1:1 Auto |
Seedsman |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBDv Finola F2 Early x Russian Landrace Auto F2 |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBG #1 |
Seedsman |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
CBG #18 |
ApeOrigin |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBG Auto |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CBG Kush |
Nativ Canna |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBG Zerodue |
SeedStockers |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBG-Force |
Dutch Passion |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CBG-Force Auto |
Dutch Passion |
74 |
unknown |
feminized |
Dman Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Land and Heir Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Off Grid Seed Co. |
72 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ceasar 2021 |
Green Sapphire Seed Co |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cecil's Green |
Boston Bob |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CeeCee |
Fygspray |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Celestial Berries |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Celestial Dragon |
Dragons Flame Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Celestial Temple Sativa |
Federation Seed Company |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Celia Bx1 |
Turnspit Genetics |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Celly OG |
Secret Society Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Celosa |
Shuga Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Celtic Passion |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cement Crunch |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cement Shoes |
Cult Classics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cement Shoes |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cement Shoes 2 Blueberry Edition |
Universally Seeded |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cement Shoes S1 |
Universally Seeded |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cement Shoes Special Edition |
Cult Classics Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cenote |
Cult Classics Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cenote |
Omuerta Genetix |
73 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Center |
Cult Classics Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Centerfold |
Let’s Grow WNY |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Centripetal Force |
Socal Seed Vault |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CEO Cookies |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cepillín |
MGB Worldwide |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cerberus |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cerberus |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cerberus |
Turpene Time |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cerberus |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cereal Bar |
Taylormade Selections |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cereal Killa |
Drohammad Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cereal Killer |
Cabin Fever Seed Breeders |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cereal Milk |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cereal Milk |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cereal Milk X MAC |
Stone City Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cereal Milk x Zawtz |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cereal Runtz |
13 Hills |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cerebral Sherb |
Nuf Ced |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cerecita #89 |
The KushBrothers Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ceres Kush |
South Bay Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ceres Kush |
Ceres Seeds |
53 |
indica |
reg. and fem. |
Ceres Skunk |
Ceres Seeds |
48 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cerezaz |
Black Tuna |
50 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Certified 20 |
Love Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cerulean |
Beyond Top Shelf |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cetme |
Pitt Bully |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Emi Indico |
60 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
CFK Rbx |
Emi Indico |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CH9 |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cha Cha |
Coool Beans |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chachi |
Ronin Garden |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chad Special |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chad's Revenge |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chalet Creme |
Dirty Water Organics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Challah Bread |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chamanica |
Nativa Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chamberful |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chamhaole |
Guam Maineian Gardens |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chaminade |
Blue Bloods Grow |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chamoy |
Red Scare Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Champa |
Skunk Devil Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Champagne |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champagne Breath |
Unknown or Legendary |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champagne Fire Mints |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champagne Kush |
Seedism Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Champagne Room |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Champagne Showers |
Lit Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Champagne Skies |
Enlightened Genetics |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Champagne Stomper |
UFO Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champaña |
Black Tuna |
62 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Champange Patties |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champapple |
Mana House Hawaii |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Champasak |
The Landrace Team |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Champawat |
Prolific Coast Seeds |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Champions Cheese |
Heavyweight Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chamula Skunk |
CabbagePaps |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chamula Tangerines |
Genesis Genetics |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chanana Bing |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chanderkhani-Rumsu Feral Selection |
Zomia |
126 |
sativa |
regular |
Chang Rai Northern Highland Juicy Fruit Thai x Chocolate Thai |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chang Rai Northern Highland Juicy Fruit Thai x Metal Haze |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chang Rai Northern Highland Juicy Fruit Thai x Vietnamese Black |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Channel Kush |
Andina Seeds |
50 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Channel+ |
Medical Seeds Co. |
48 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chantilly |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chaos Kush |
Elemental Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chapel Of Love |
Purple City Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chapita de Michoacan |
Cannabiogen |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Character Zero |
Irie Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Charcuterie |
Cannarado Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chardonel |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Charger |
Da Bean Co. |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chariot |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Charity OG |
Gage Green Genetics |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charizard |
Highrule Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Charles Cosby |
Southern Star Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Charles Kush |
Reefermans Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charlevoix |
3rd Coast Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charlie Foxtrot |
Meraki Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Charlie's Angel |
Prairie State Genetix |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charlie’s Stank Ass |
Dragons Flame Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Charlotte's Dream CBD |
Growers Choice |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Charlotte's Dream CBD Autoflower |
Growers Choice |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Charlotte's Soda |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Charlotte's Web |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Charlotte's Yesterdream |
Sniper Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Charlotte’s Cherries |
Oregon Green Seed |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Charlotte’s Gift |
Relic Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Charlottes Cookies |
Purple Caper Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charlottes Cream |
Twisty Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Charlottes Glue |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charm Cookies |
Mamiko Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Charm Dog |
AlpinStash |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Charmz |
Raw Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chasing The Rainbow |
MSS Genetics |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chatterbox |
Mother Labs |
63 |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
Chaze |
Flash Seeds |
98 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Che |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
49 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheap Trick |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chebarkul |
The Landrace Team |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Chedda Whizzy |
Farmer Fly |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheddar |
SappFire Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheddar Biscuits |
Beefcake Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheddar Cheese |
Amsterdam Finest Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheddar Koi |
Matchmaker Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheddar Koi BX2 |
Matchmaker Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Cheddar Valley |
True Canna Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheddar Zi |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheddarhead |
Alphakronik Genes |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheddarwurst |
Alphakronik Genes |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheddarwurst 2 |
Alphakronik Genes |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheech Biggums |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheech Bomb |
Strains Lab |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheech Island |
Strains Lab |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheech Island x Tropisour |
Strains Lab |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheech Wizard |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheech Wizard |
Mogwai Genetics |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheeesecake |
Organic Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheeisenberg |
Breaking Buds Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheem Cream |
Nation Of Kamas |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheerios |
Joint Custody Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
regular |
CheeriOZ |
High Moon Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheese |
Homegrown Fantaseeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese |
Seedsman |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
SeedStockers |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Sensation Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
The Plant |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Dutch-Headshop |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Expert Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
G13 Labs |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Green House Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Royal Dutch Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Bulk Seed Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Canuk Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
CBD Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
United Seedbanks |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
VIP Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Vision Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Zamnesia |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Zativo |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Zoo Seeds |
48 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Original Sensible Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Aztech Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Big Buddha Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese |
Linda Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Dinafem |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese |
Dr. Blaze |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese |
Clone Only Strains |
48 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cheese #1 |
Kaliman Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese 99 |
Fatbush Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Expert Seeds |
76 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Homegrown Fantaseeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
420 Genetics |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Dr. Blaze |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Aztech Genetics |
81 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Zoo Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto |
Original Sensible Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Auto CBD |
Dinafem |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Autoflowering |
Dinafem |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Automatic |
Garden of Green |
68 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Automatic |
Big Buddha Seeds |
83 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
49 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese Bomb |
MTG Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese Breath |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese Butter |
Fresh Coast Seed Company |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese BX1 |
Hazeman Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheese Cake |
Mad Scientist Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheese Cake Cookies |
The KushBrothers Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese Candy Auto |
Delicious Seeds |
40 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese CBD |
Dinafem |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Cookies |
Mamiko Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Dawg |
Big Buddha Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese Dipz |
London City Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese Dog |
Bio Vortex |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese Dog |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese Dog Haze |
Connoisseur Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Fast Version |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Fondue |
Canadian Seed Lab |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheese Fondue Auto |
Canadian Seed Lab |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese For You |
LusoDream Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Kush |
Kush Cannabis Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese Louise |
Savage Seed Collective |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheese Master |
Pisces Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese n Chaze |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheese n Chong |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheese Nuts |
A.B. Seed Company |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Cheese Plate |
TreeTown Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheese Puffs |
Big Buddha Seeds |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cheese Quake |
SubCool’s The Dank |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheese Surprise |
Breeders Boutique |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese Tease |
Kaliman Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheese x Cali Orange Bud |
Trump Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese x Critical |
Exclusive Seeds Bank |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese x Haze |
Dampkring Seed Bank |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese x Purple Punch |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese x SCBDx |
SuperCBDx |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese x ZBX |
Mean Beanz |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheese XL Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese XXL Autoflowering |
Dinafem |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheese-Wreck |
Goldenseed |
67 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheese+ |
Pepita Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheese+ |
D+Calidad Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CheeseBerry |
00 Seeds Bank |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheeseberry |
Eskobar Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheeseberry Haze |
Eskobar Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheeseboy |
Unknown or Legendary |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CheeseBoy F3 |
Cannaseur Seedbank |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheeseburger |
Taylormade Selections |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesecake |
Green Devil Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheesedom |
Freedom of Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheesehead |
Mile High Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheesel |
Southern Humboldt Seeds Collective |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CheeseRyder |
Rebel Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesetastic Sherbet |
Saint Rosin |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheesetral |
Underground Seeds Collective |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
CheeseWreck |
Seedism Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheesey Jones |
Sure Fire Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheesey O’Grass |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesey Zkittlez |
London City Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheeskaberry |
Venus Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheestar 99 |
Shaman Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheesus |
Big Buddha Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheesy Amethyst |
Triple C Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheesy Auto |
Philosopher Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheesy Auto CBD |
Philosopher Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheesy Black Danish |
Chosen Few Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheesy Curd Berries |
Beefcake Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesy Dick |
Big Buddha Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheesy Fire OG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesy Headband |
Emerald Triangle |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cheesy Mix Tape |
Sweet Funky Breeze Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheesy Puffs |
Frost Brothers |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesy Rider |
Karma Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesy Royal Danish Erdpurt |
Zenseeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheesy Royal Lebanese Erdpurt |
Zenseeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cheesy Smurf |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheetah Piss |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheetah Piss S1 |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheetah Piss x Jealousy |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cheetah Piss x Zawtz |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheetah Shit |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cheetah the Hut |
Atlas Seed |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CheetieOs |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheeto FIngers |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cheetos |
Santero |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheetoz |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Cheetoz Glue |
The KushBrothers Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cheez IT |
Taylormade Selections |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheez Wreck |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cheeze It |
Petepacks |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chef Blasian |
Chef's Genetix |
90 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chef's Hard Lemonade |
Chef's Genetix |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chef's Majik |
Chef's Genetix |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chefs B Burried |
Chef's Genetix |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chellofornia |
Envy Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chelumbian |
NorStar Genetics |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem ’91 |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem & Kush |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem #4 X Lemon Larry F2 |
Jaws Gear |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem #4 x OTM #1 |
Moscaseeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem 101 |
Coastal Seed Co |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem 101 2.0 |
Crickets and Cicada Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem 3D |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chem 4 Auto |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Chem 4 DD |
Green Beanz Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem 4 OG |
Green Source Gardens |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem 4 OG |
The Cali Connection |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chem 541 |
Massive Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem 541 2.0 |
Massive Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem 91 Auto |
Night Owl Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem 91 BX |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Chem 91 BX |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem 91 IX |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem 91 SK VA |
The Cali Connection |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chem 91 Skunk VA |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Chem 91 x Blueberry Syrup |
CalCo Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem 91 x Laos |
MassMedicalStrains |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem 91 x Skunkdog BX1 |
Matchmaker Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chem 91 x Talk of Kabul |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chem Berry D |
Dark Horse Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem Berry OG |
Cannabella Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Beyond Diesel CBD |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Blazzin |
Strayfox Gardenz |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Breath |
Lost River Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Chem Brulee |
Covert Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Cake |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Candy |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Cat #3 |
Span Lion Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Chillz |
Capulator |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Chip |
Therapy Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Choco Glue |
Natural Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem City Blues |
Mephisto Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Cleaner |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem con Leche |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Cookies |
Natural Genetics Seeds |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chem Cookies |
Divine Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem Crackerz |
Bristol County Cultivars |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Crasher |
Pure Melt |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Crinkle |
Scj Grows |
85 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Chem Cupcakes |
Gas Reaper Genetics |
81 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem D |
Apothecary Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem D / O. Haze x Chem D / ChemSis |
Cannarado Genetics |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem D BC1 |
Jaws Gear |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem D BX3 |
Insane Seed Posse |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem D Cookies |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem D x Fire Pie |
Greyskull Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem D X Girl Scout Cookies |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem D x Puck BC2 |
Crickets and Cicada Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Daiquiri |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Dawg |
Medicann Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chem Dawg 04 |
Apothecary Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Dawg 91 |
Apothecary Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Daze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem DD F2 |
Green Beanz Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem DD F3 |
Green Beanz Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem DD v1.1 |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chem DD x Star Dawg |
Greenpoint Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem De La Chem BX1 |
Full Moon Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem De La Sour |
Deep Space Creations |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem Del La Chem |
Deep Space Creations |
61 |
unknown |
reg. and fem. |
Chem dela Corpse |
Covert Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Double D |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Fire |
B.C. Bud Depot |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Fire OG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Fuego |
Lucky Dog Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Fusion |
Dungeons Vault Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem Galactuz |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Glue |
House of Funk Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Jones |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem Jong-Un |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Junky |
Lazy Daizy Genetics |
56 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chem K |
North Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Kesey |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Krush |
Lucky Dog Seed Co |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Kush |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Lee |
East Coast Genetix |
93 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Lem |
Dark Horse Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Link |
Mycotek |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Lotus |
Westco Seed Co |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Moments |
East Coast Genetix |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem n Cream |
Dungeons Vault Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem n Qoolaid |
Night Owl Seeds |
85 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chem OG |
Female Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem OX |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Pie |
Greenpoint Seeds |
69 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Power |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem Pupil |
MassMedicalStrains |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem Pupil V2 |
MassMedicalStrains |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Rider |
Realpotency |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Scout |
Loud Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem Sister |
Clone Only Strains |
70 |
indica |
Clone only |
Chem Slayer |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Chem Soda |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chem Soda BX1 |
Jaws Gear |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem Soda Cookies |
Jaws Gear |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Soda F2 |
Jaws Gear |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Soda OG |
Jaws Gear |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Spangled Banner |
Croatoan Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Star Diesel |
Dirty Water Organics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem Sweat Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seed Company |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem Tini |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Toffees |
Holy Smoke Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Trail |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Chem Valley Bubble Funk |
Verified Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Valley Kush |
The Cali Connection |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chem Valley LSD |
Bohemiaseeds |
- |
indica |
Clone only |
Chem vs Ryu |
Flip Side |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem Walker |
Almighty Farms Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Wolf |
Exclusive Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem Wreck Haze |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chem Wrecker |
Top Dawg Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Chem x Purple Punch |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem x White Widow |
Ripper Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem x Zombie Kush |
Ripper Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chem Z |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chem-Bomb Auto |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem-D-Cake |
High Five Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chem's Sister |
New420Guy Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chem3 OG |
The Cali Connection |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chem91 Bx2 |
Lucky Dog Seed Co |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemage |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemancipator |
Cultivated Choice Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemberry Cookies |
Awka Semillas |
65 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Chemberry Nuggets |
Croatoan Seeds |
71 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chembo Kush |
Alphakronik Genes |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chembustion |
Green Team Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ChemD |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemD |
SoCal Seed Collective |
70 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
ChemD I95 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemdawg |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
ChemDawg |
Apothecary Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemdawg |
Dr. Blaze |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chemdawg |
Dr. Greenthumb |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdawg #4 |
Big Head Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdawg 104 |
Illuminati Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdawg 91 x Memory Loss |
Archive Seed Bank |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemdawg Autoflower |
United Cannabis Seeds |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdawg D Gold Line |
Riot Seeds |
98 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
ChemDawg Guava x Creamsicle |
Twisty Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemdawg Haze |
Antenna Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Chemdawg OG |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemdawg Special Reserve |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemdawg Swirl |
HighRise Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemdelice |
Mamiko Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemderella 991 |
High Five Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemDMT |
MassMedicalStrains |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog |
Anesia Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog |
Gnomes Garden |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chemdog |
Green House Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog |
Unknown or Legendary |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemdog |
Nirvana Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog #1 |
CSI Humboldt |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog #1 X Chemdog D |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog #4 |
Blim Burn Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog #4 x Alien OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemdog #4 X Chemdog D |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog 91 Bx |
Lucky Dog Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chemdog 91 X Triangle Kush |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog 99 |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemdog D |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica |
feminized |
Chemdog D BX#1 |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D BX#2 |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D IBL |
Reservoir Seeds |
68 |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D IX-I |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D IX-II |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D Kush |
Reservoir Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chemdog D x Sour Diesel |
Tiger Trees |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Chemdog D X Triangle Kush |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdog dd |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemdog Gorilla |
Expert Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog Haze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemdog Millionaire |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog Millionaire Guava |
Garden of Green |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdog Sister x C99 |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chemdog Sour Diesel |
Clone Only Strains |
72 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Chemdog Sour Diesel |
Reservoir Seeds |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemdog x Afghani |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemdog x C99 |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
64 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chemdog x Limepop |
Lempire Farmaseed |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemdog x Vintage 2006 |
CH9 Female Seeds |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemdogging |
Mephisto Genetics |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemdozer |
Archive Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemeleon |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemex |
Jamaica Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemfish |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chemfish Tang |
Denverdoggy |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemgos |
Pepita Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chemhawg Kush |
Riot Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemhead OG |
Mycotek |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chemhead OG |
Pheno Finder Seeds |
66 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChemheaDD OG |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Chemical Bride |
Green House Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemical Cocktail |
Irie Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chemical Cookies |
Johnston's Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemical Flo |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemical Kush |
Pisces Genetics |
67 |
indica |
feminized |
Chemical Warfare |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemical Weapon |
South Fork Seed Collective |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemical X |
Beyond Top Shelf |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemist |
Mr. Ghost Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemist's Reserve |
Croatoan Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemistry Set |
The Agrarian Society |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemjack |
Mother Chucker's Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemkaberry |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemkaine |
Old School Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemlander |
The Green Highlander Seeds Bank |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemlatto 33 |
707 Seed Bank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemmando |
Cabin Fever Seed Breeders |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemmental |
Nation Of Kamas |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChemMO |
Gas Reaper Genetics |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemmoseuir |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemmunication Breakdown |
Thunderfudge |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chemmunity Service |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemmy Gibbler |
Red Scare Seed Company |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemmy Gibbler F2 |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemmy Grape |
Span Lion Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Chemmy Jones |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chemmy Lemons |
Sub Rosa Gardens |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemnesia |
Lucky Dog Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemo |
Jordan of the Islands |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemo X Jack Herer |
Brazilian Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemodo Breath |
Mycotek |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemodo Dragon |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chemodo Dragon #9 BX |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemonade |
True Canna Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemonade V2 |
True Canna Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemonade V3 |
True Canna Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chemonchello |
True Canna Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ChemPie |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chempie x Black Domina |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChemRock |
Bedrock Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ChemRyder 91 |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
50 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
ChemShishter |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ChemTex |
Nation Of Kamas |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChemTK |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemtrails |
Organic Gardeners |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemTrails |
ITC Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemValley Cooks |
True Canna Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemValley Cooks F2 |
True Canna Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chemwreck Kush |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chemzilla |
Basement Chuckers |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chemzilla Grape |
Smoke A Lot Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
ChemZu |
Nation Of Kamas |
54 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chemzulu |
Basement Chuckers |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chere |
Carpathians Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chernobyl |
SubCool’s The Dank |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherokee Beach |
Jamie Cee’s Premium Cannabis Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherokee Lane |
Beta Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cherried Alive |
Strait A Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherries & Limes |
Omuerta Genetix |
71 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherries 2.1 |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherries for dinner |
Turpene Time |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherries in a Jiffy |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherries Jubilee |
The Cali Connection |
66 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherries N Cream |
Olympic Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherries, Berries & Funk V1 |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherries, Berries & Funk V2 |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CherrieZ |
Dankensteins Lab |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherrizozki |
Bask Triangle Farms |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry 18 |
Crockett Family Farms |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry 7Up |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Abducktion |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry AK 47 x Jungle Cake |
Seed Junky Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry AK F4 |
Hungry Hippo Farm |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry AK x Blueberry Syrup |
CalCo Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry AK x Skycuddler Double Kush F3 |
Freeborn Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry AK-47 x Kush Mints #11 |
Seed Junky Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry AK47 |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry AK47 F3 |
Jaws Gear |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry AK47 X Cherry Pie |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Alien |
Pacific NW Roots |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Alien Auto |
Original Sensible Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Alien IX |
Pacific NW Roots |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Alien OG |
Mr Grow Guy |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Cherry As Fuck |
Tiki Madman |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Assassin |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Ave |
Roots 6.4 Gardens |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Ave. |
Envy Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Ayahuasca |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bacio |
Unknown or Legendary |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Bacio |
Sensi Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Banana |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Banana Auto |
Silver River Seeds |
80 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Bang Bang |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Berry |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Berry |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Berry Punch |
Dynasty Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Bird |
Red Scare Seed Company |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Blossom |
Source Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Blossom Kush |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bomb |
Swami Organic Seed |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cherry Bomb |
Barneys Farm |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry BOMB |
MTG Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bomb |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bomb |
Almighty Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bomb Auto |
Bomb Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Bomb Indica |
Reefermans Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Cherry Bonkers |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Bonkers F2 |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Brandy |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Breath |
Taylormade Selections |
57 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Bubba Kush |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Bubble Gum |
Moscaseeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Buckeye |
Melvanetics |
74 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Bud Automatic |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Burger |
Skunk House Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Busey |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Cake |
Purple Caper Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Candy |
808 Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Cane |
Strait A Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Chardonnay |
Valley Exclusives |
60 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Cherry Cheesecake |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cheesecake |
Tastebudz Seeds |
81 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cherry Cheesecake F2 |
Lit Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cheesecake Fritter |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Chem |
South Fork Seed Collective |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Chew |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Chimera |
Trichome Orchards |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Choc Kush |
Top Boy Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Chocolate Meds |
Jaws Gear |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Chocolate Widow |
Third Eye Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Choke |
Calyx Bros. Seed Co. |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cindy |
Moscaseeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Clifton |
Uprising Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Clouds |
Savage Seed Collective |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cobbler |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cola Auto |
Fast Buds Company |
81 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Concussion |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Cookie Breath |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cookie Haze |
Relentless Genetics |
78 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cookies |
Relentless Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cookies |
Purple Caper Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cookies |
Pure Instinto |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Cookies |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Cookies Mints |
Tramuntana Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Cookies X Wedding Crasher |
Stone City Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cooks |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Cool-Aid |
Freak Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cordial |
SubCool’s The Dank |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Cosmo |
Exotic Genetix |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Cream Float |
Enlightened Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cream Freshies |
Cult Classics Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cream Pie |
Exotic Genetix |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Creek OG |
Denverdoggy |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Crumble |
Terra Firma Exclusives |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Cupcake |
808 Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Diesel |
MTG Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Diesel |
ApeOrigin |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Diesel x Star Dawg |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Do-Si-Dos |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Dragon |
7 East Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Dream |
Kannabia Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Dream Meeting |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Dreamz |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Driver |
Relentless Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Dubyas |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Fire Pie OG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Flambé |
Greensnowman |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Flo Fighter |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Forever |
Jinxproof Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Freeze |
Bush Brothers Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Fritter |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Fritter |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Frosting |
Smokingrower |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cherry Fume |
808 Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Gar-See-Ya |
Ethos Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Garcia x White Giant |
Motherland Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Gasoline |
808 Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Geisha |
Senpai Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cherry Ghostenade |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Cherry Glue |
Omuerta Genetix |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Glue Head |
Andromeda Strains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Goji |
Forbidden Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Gorilla |
In House Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Gorilla X Ice Cream Dream |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Cherry Grapefruit |
Kera Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Gumball |
iiTzToasty |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Gushers |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Haze |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
sativa |
regular |
Cherry Haze |
TreeTown Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Heads |
Dank Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Heat |
South Bay Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Heaven |
Full Spec Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Hills |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Hills |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Hulk |
Moscaseeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Ice Cream |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Impossible |
Massive Creations |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Inferno |
Tiki Madman |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Inferno Breath |
Bayou Boys Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Inferno S1 |
Copycat Genetix |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Jam |
iiTzToasty |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Jello |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Kerosene |
Sin City Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Kiss |
Anesia Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Lemonade |
SubCool’s The Dank |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Lime Dog |
Bio Vortex |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Lime Donny |
Flip Side |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Lime Pie Bx |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Lime Reserve |
Atlas Seed |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Lime Slurpee |
Taylormade Selections |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Lime Soda |
Umami Seed Co |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Limeade |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Limeade OG Kush |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Limepop |
Freeborn Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Lotus |
Bodhi Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Louis |
Masonrie Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Lush |
Lit Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Mac Muffin |
Growers Choice |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Mafia |
RedEyed Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Malawi |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Malawi |
Kingdom Organic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Mandarin Kush |
Top Boy Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Milk |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Mint Julep |
PNW Cultivar |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Mints |
Cream of the Crop Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Mints x Purple Punch |
Tramuntana Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Mist |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Monster |
Taylormade Selections |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Moon Pie |
Big Buddha Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Moonshine |
Dungeons Vault Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Mountain |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Cherry Mui |
Taylormade Selections |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Nefertiti |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Noir |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry O.G. |
MTG Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Octane |
Relentless Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
53 |
indica |
regular |
Cherry OG |
Emerald Triangle |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cherry OG |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry OG Kush |
420 Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry On the cake |
Old J Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry on Top |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Oreoz |
Bayou Boys Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry OZone |
TreeTown Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Paloma |
Raw Genetics |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Pastry |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Payton |
Lit Farms |
62 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Pie |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Flavour Chasers |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
ApeOrigin |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Clone Only Strains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Pie |
Dr. Blaze |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Zamnesia |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Ethos Genetics |
61 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Fatbush Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie |
Female Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Auto |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Auto |
High Speed Buds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Automatic |
ApeOrigin |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Automatic |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Pie BX1 |
Pacific NW Roots |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Pie Fast |
High Speed Buds |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Fast |
Advanced Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Glue |
Doc's Dank Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pie Kush |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Pie Kush x 88g13HP |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Pineapple Zmartiez |
Secret Santa Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Pines |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Pit |
Pacific NW Roots |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Plantains |
Strait A Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Pop Rockz |
Kre8 Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Popper |
7 East Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Posh OG |
Life's Blood Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Pot Pie |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Pound Cake |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Private Stock |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Puff |
Gage Green Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Punch |
Symbiotic Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Punch |
BSB Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Punch Auto |
Philosopher Seeds |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Punch Dawg |
Holy Seeds Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Queen |
Bodhi Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Raindrop |
Flip Side |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Razz |
Moscaseeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Ripple |
Eleventen |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Rolls |
Freak Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Royale |
Great North Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Royale |
Mana House Hawaii |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Runtz |
Elev8 Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry S1 |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Sage BF2’s |
Roots 6.4 Gardens |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Sangria |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sarlacc |
Red Scare Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sauce |
Andromeda Strains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Scuffins |
Califunkyuh |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sherbert x Acai Mints |
Tiki Madman |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Sherbet |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Skittles |
Wicked Sowa Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Skunk Plushie |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Slam |
Tiki Madman |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherry Slimeade |
Swamp Donkey Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Slimer |
Seeds of Compassion |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Slyder |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sorbet |
Smoke One Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cherry Sorbet |
Mr Grow Guy |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sorbet #1 |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Soul |
Top Boy Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Soul |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Spice |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Springer |
Crockett Family Farms |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Sprite |
Annunaki Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Squares |
Motarebel |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Star |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Star Mints |
Honey Hive Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Stardust |
True Grit Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Starfighter |
True Grit Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Street |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Strudel |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Sukka |
Envy Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Sunset |
World Trade Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Super Dawg |
True Grit Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Tahoe |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Tahoe |
In House Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Tahoe |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cherry Tangerine |
Bred by 42 |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Tart |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Tart |
LEDSeedz |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry Tarts |
Raw Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Tooth |
Olympia Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Topping |
DSP Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cherry Trance |
Bodhi Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Tree |
Mountain Top Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Tree V1 |
Santero |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Vanilla Cookies |
Dynasty Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry West Bx |
Freeborn Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry West Bx1 F3 |
Turpene Time |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Whip |
In House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry White |
Moscaseeds |
61 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherry White |
Cabin Fever Seed Breeders |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry White Pines |
Fire Ridge Seed Co |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Widow |
Motarebel |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wine |
Tree of Life Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Wine CBD |
HillBilly Herb Grower |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wine Cure |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wine F2 |
Greenpoint Seeds |
69 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wine Haze |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wine Spectrum CBD |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
61 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cherry Wolf |
Green Wolf Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cherry Wonka |
Dark Horse Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Cherry Wulf |
Weed Should Taste Good |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherry Zelato |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Zephyr |
The Bank Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Zoap Autoflower |
Growers Choice |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherry Zoda |
Umami Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherryade |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CherryFuel |
Sin City Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherrygasm |
SubCool’s The Dank |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
CherryGotti Plush |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cherryland OG |
Mr Grow Guy |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cherrymosa |
Perfect Tree |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherrytini |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cherrytini S1 |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
CherryTK |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cherrytopia |
Strait A Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Cherrywine F3 |
Fractal Ridge Farms LLC |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cheshire Cheese |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cheshire Fox |
BSV Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cheshire Kush |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cheshire Kush |
Alphakronik Genes |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chestah The Cheetah |
Beleaf Cannabis |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chester Copperpot |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chester the molester |
Sinisterslim |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chets Freebie |
Meows Trap Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chewaka |
Pepita Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chewie |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chewing |
BlueHemp Switzerland |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chewy Gooey Cookies |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chewy Runtz |
Kre8 Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chi-Boom |
Aloha Island Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chi-Chi |
Kickflip Genetics |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chi-Chi's |
Dominion Seed Company |
68 |
unknown |
regular |
Chiang Mai Haze |
Siam Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chiara Kush |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chic FaLay |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chic-Lit Auto |
Twenty 20 Genetics |
83 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chicago Fire |
Seed Canary |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chicha |
Secretfile Genetic |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chicha |
Pacific NW Roots |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Chicharrón |
Slide Grows |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chick Magnet |
MassMedicalStrains |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chickasaw Cooler |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chicle |
TH Seeds |
56 |
indica |
feminized |
Chico |
WetCoast Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chief HAHA |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
90 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chief Hosa |
Cannarado Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chief Rocka |
Herring Chokers |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chief Tecumseh |
Papermaker Genetix |
76 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiesel |
The Devil's Harvest Seed Company |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chiesel |
Big Buddha Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chiesel Automatic |
Big Buddha Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chihuahuah |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chika Bomb |
Gualuka Seminoteca |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chikara |
Ronin Garden |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chilake |
Boston Bob |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chilato |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chilavender |
Boston Bob |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Childs Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chile Azul |
Made Men Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chile Verde OG |
H.B.K. Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chill Bill |
Altitude Genetics |
75 |
indica |
feminized |
Chill Bomb |
Joebud Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chill Haze |
Joebud Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chill Pill |
Three Ravens Farm |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chill-OM |
Mandala Seeds |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chilla |
BlueHemp Switzerland |
43 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chilled Cherry |
Zamnesia |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chillz |
Capulator |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chimax |
Beleaf Cannabis |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chimbo |
Bask Triangle Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chimborazo Ghost |
593 Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chimera |
Beleaf Cannabis |
60 |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chimera #3 |
Beleaf Cannabis |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chimera Breath |
Beleaf Cannabis |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chimera Cookies #2 |
Bad Fish Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chimera Cookies #2 F2 |
Bad Fish Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chimera Crasher |
Pure Instinto |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chimera Cut |
Anesia Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chimera Junky |
Highrule Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chimera x White Larry |
Hammerhead |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chimp Breath |
Tarantula Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Chimp Juice |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chimp Mints |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chimtal |
Afghan Selection |
67 |
indica |
regular |
Chimtal |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chin |
The Landrace Team |
91 |
sativa |
regular |
Chin Checked |
Laid Out Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
China - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
China - Mostly Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
China - Ruderalis |
Original Strains |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
China Beijing Botanical Garden |
The Landrace Team |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
China Rider |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
China White |
Reefermans Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
China White |
Ustad Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
China Yunnan |
ACE Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chinar |
Red Scare Seed Company |
61 |
indica |
regular |
Chinatown Hustle |
Bred by 42 |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chingon |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chingona |
SnowHigh Seeds |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chingona |
Atlas Seed |
73 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chinook Haze |
Greenpoint Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chips Deluxe |
Dankensteins Lab |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chiquita Banana |
County Line Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chiquita Banana |
Blim Burn Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiquita Banana |
Taylormade Selections |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chiquita Banana |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiquita Banana Auto |
Philosopher Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiquita Banana Bread |
Fatbush Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiquita Banana S1 |
Hammerhead |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chiquita Milkshake |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chirimoya |
Barba Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chirimoya |
Kannabia Seeds |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Chirinana |
Barba Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chiroptera Kush |
MzJill Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chispitika OG |
Therapy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chita-Chew |
Umami Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chitapon Green |
Bean Drop Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chitral |
The Landrace Team |
50 |
indica |
regular |
Chitral Lights |
Just A Handful |
53 |
indica |
regular |
Chitral Mass |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chitral Valley |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chitral-Tuguegaro Fillipino Hybrid |
Super Sativa Seed Club |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chitrali |
The Real Seed Company |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Chitrali #1 |
Breeder Choice Organisation |
- |
indica |
regular |
Chitrali Hindu Kush x Baghlan Hindu Kush |
Tonglen Song |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Chitrally |
BioQueen Seeds |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Chizpa |
Positronics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chlemontree |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chloe Simone |
The Bakery Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Choc and Cheese |
Motherland Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Choc Lit Zulu |
Happy Bird Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Choc-Matic |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Choco Automatic |
Sensi Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Choco Bud |
Vision Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Choco Candy |
Zambeza |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Choco Cheese |
Dizzy Duck Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Choco Chiba |
Brazilian Seed Company |
75 |
sativa |
regular |
Choco Cookies |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Choco Cream |
BSF Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Choco Dog |
B. Seeds Co. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Choco Gorilla |
Space GenetiX |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Choco Haze |
Zamnesia |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Choco Kush |
Amsterdam Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Choco Kush Auto |
Amsterdam Genetics |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocobang |
Delicious Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocoberry |
Bigdogs Seeds Collection |
64 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocoberry Kush |
Zorrino Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocodog Lab DC |
B. Seeds Co. |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocodope |
Victory Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
ChocoDurban |
Bigdogs Seeds Collection |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocoheaven |
ApeOrigin |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocoholic |
Mighty Irish Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolada |
Let’s Grow WNY |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate |
La Semilla Automática |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate |
Gea Seeds |
64 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate |
Fatbush Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Banana Chips |
Chronic Logical |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Berry |
Eskobar Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Blueberries |
Bluerecluse Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Blueberry G13 |
Third Eye Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Brûlée |
Equilibrium Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Cheese |
Eskobar Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolate Chip Cookie |
Purple Caper Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Chip Cookies |
Chronic Logical |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Chip Cookies |
Riot Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Chip Muffins |
Monster Flowers |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Chunk |
TH Seeds |
58 |
indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Chunky Munky F2 |
Frost Brothers |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Cookies |
Breaking Buds Seeds |
48 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Covered Strawberries |
Exotic Genetix |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Cream |
00 Seeds Bank |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Cream |
Cream Crop Co. |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Croissant |
Siam Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Diesel |
Derg Corra Collective |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Diesel |
Unknown or Legendary |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Diesel |
True Grit Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Diesel F4 |
Katsu Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Dipped Bananas |
Fresh Coast Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Dreams |
Love Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Drip |
KropDuster |
84 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Eruption |
Lost River Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Fantasy |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Fire |
Purple Caper Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Flood |
Sunleaf Seed Co |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Fondue |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Fortune Cookies |
Big Nose Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Frosting |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Gelato |
Totemic |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Glue |
Third Eye Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Gorilla OG |
Only Clones |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Grilled Cheese |
Salve My Body Medicinals |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Hammer OG |
Third Eye Genetics |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Hash Breath |
Salve My Body Medicinals |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Hashberry |
Purple Caper Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Haze |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Haze |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Haze |
Mr. Natural Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Haze |
Zativo |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Haze |
Anesia Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Heaven |
G13 Labs |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Inferno |
Generation New Breed Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolate Jamaican |
Sunnyvale |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Kisses |
Amish Warrior Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Kush |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chocolate Kush |
Purple Caper Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Lava |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Lemons |
Equilibrium Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Marshmallows |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Milk |
Dankmatter Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Mint |
Variety of Cannabis |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Mint OG |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Mint OG Auto |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Nightmare |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate OG |
Purple Caper Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Orange |
Mean Beanz |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Orange Auto |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Orange Cream |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Oranges |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Parfait |
misterD Farmhouse |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Poison |
Motherland Genetics |
72 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Posion |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Pudding |
Smiling Tiger |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Puff |
Santero |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Rain |
Eskobar Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Rainbow XXL |
Sensi Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Reaper |
The Plant Stable |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate River |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chocolate Rocket Fuel |
Big Nose Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Sauce |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chocolate Sherbet |
Growers Choice |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Skunk |
00 Seeds Bank |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Skunk CBD |
00 Seeds Bank |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate Stardawg |
Dankonomics Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Thai |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Thai |
AK Bean Brains |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Thai |
SnowHigh Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Thai |
Blim Burn Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Thai |
Dutch Flowers |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Thai Zkittlez |
Riot Seeds |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Thainapple |
True Canna Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Tonic |
Purple Caper Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Tooth |
Dankonomics Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Trip |
Dutch Flowers |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolate Trip F4 |
Katsu Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolate Truffle Shuffle |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolate Wafflez |
Paradise Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolate Zkittles |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolate+ |
D+Calidad Seeds |
75 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolatey Sundae |
Demonic Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chocolatina |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chocolato |
Amsterdam Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chocolato 33 |
Salve My Body Medicinals |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolato Cookies |
Salve My Body Medicinals |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chocolatto |
NemeSeeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolatto Auto |
NemeSeeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChocoLoco |
Vision Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocololo |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolony |
Amsterdam Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
420 Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
United Cannabis Seeds |
75 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
Cannapot |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
Philosopher Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolope |
Seeds66 |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
Gnomes Garden |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolope |
Best Coast Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolope Kush |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope Musk |
Bean Boyz Genetics |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolope NL |
Totemic |
74 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chocolope Sherbet |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chocolope Sundae |
Cannarado Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolope x Jealousy |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chocolope-Skunkberry |
Dizzy Duck Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocolopez |
Blim Burn Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chocolute F2 |
Absolute Cannabis Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chocomel Cough |
Old School Genetics |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Choconut |
Babylon Seeds Bank |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chok Anan |
Bask Triangle Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Choke Berry |
The Blazing Pistileros |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Choke Cherry |
Taylormade Selections |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Choke Cherry |
Sin City Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Choking Hazard |
Sin City Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chonky Fox |
BSV Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chop OG |
Zamnesia |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chop Stick |
Taylormade Selections |
78 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chopper |
Eleventen |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chopper Sic Balls |
Dino Party |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chosen Mango |
Freak Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Chowder Cookies |
Artifact Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Christiania Kush |
Christiania Seedbank |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Christmas Cookies |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Christmas in New England |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
65 |
indica |
regular |
Chroma |
Your Highness |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chromatic Dragon |
Farmer Fly |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chromatose |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chrome Diesel |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chronic |
Fatbush Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chronic |
Bulk Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronic |
Serious Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chronic Cake |
Compound Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronic Haze |
World of Seeds Bank |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chronic Lights |
Original Sensible Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chronic Monster XXL |
Victory Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronic Ryder |
Doctor's Choice |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronic Ryder |
Seedsman |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronic Strawberry Kush |
517 Legend Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chronic Thunder |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chronic Widow |
Unknown or Legendary |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chronic x Nepalese Hashplant |
Centennial Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chronical |
Bulk Seed Bank |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronical |
Gea Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chronicle |
BlueHemp Switzerland |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chronik Kush |
Bohemiaseeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chronomatik |
Gualuka Seminoteca |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chronus Sour |
707 Seed Bank |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chrystal |
Nirvana Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chubby |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Chubby Melon |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chuck Berry |
Apothecary Genetics |
46 |
indica |
regular |
Chuck D |
Budding Industries |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chuck Norris Ultimate Head Kick |
NXT LVL Organics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
ChuckleCherry |
Forest City Seed |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chucky's Bride |
Eskobar Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chuffle Shuffle |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chumaluma |
Dr. Greenthumb |
45 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Chung Lee |
Southern Star Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Chunk 44 |
ABC Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chunk A Dunk |
Greenpoint Seeds |
66 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chunk Norris |
Green Blood Genetics |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chunkadelic Autoflower |
Humboldt Seed Company |
80 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Chunkee Monkey |
3rd Coast Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chunky Balls |
Huba Seed Bank |
65 |
indica |
regular |
Chunky Beef |
Beefcake Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chunky Cheeze |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Chunky Cherries |
Strait A Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chunky Cherry Malawi |
Kingdom Organic Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chunky Cherry Malawi |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Chunky Cookies |
Apex Seeds |
66 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Chunky DMT |
Jaws Gear |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chunky Lemon Tree |
Terp Fi3nd |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Chunky Orange Cookie |
Olfactory Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chunky Skunk |
Freedom of Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Chupacabra |
SickMeds Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Chupacabra |
Aqualung Gardens |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
Chupacabra |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ChupaChup's #1 |
Chef Grow Genetics |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chupete XL |
RabbitWhiteAF |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Chupil |
MassMedicalStrains |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Churros #5 |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Chuy |
Cannabeizein |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Zenseeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cider Kush (X18) |
The Real Seed Company |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Cimarron |
Pacific NW Roots |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Cinco De Mayo |
New England Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cinderella |
Syndikate Vault Seedbank |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella |
420 Genetics |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 88 |
Fleur du Mal |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 88 |
Brothers Grimm |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
G13 Labs |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 99 |
Grand Cru Genetics |
55 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 99 |
Brothers Grimm |
50 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
Elev8 Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
Fleur du Mal |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
Capricorn Seed Company |
50 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 99 |
Reefermans Seeds |
50 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
Moscaseeds |
52 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 |
B.C. Bud Depot |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 99 2016 |
Brothers Grimm |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 Automatic |
Growers Choice |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinderella 99 BX-1 |
Moscaseeds |
52 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 Fast Version |
Quebec Cannabis Seeds |
45 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella 99 IBL |
Nomad Seed Bank |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinderella Cream |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cinderella XX |
Brothers Grimm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cinderella's Dog |
B. Seeds Co. |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cinderella's Snack Platter |
Root Orgin Seed Co |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cinderella’s Stash |
Blue Bloods Grow |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cinderellas |
Sumo Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cindy |
Apotix |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy 99 |
Best Coast Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy 99 |
Dr. Greenthumb |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cindy 99 |
Female Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cindy 99 F3 |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy 99 F4 |
Jaws Gear |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cindy 99 x Cheese |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cindy Hendrix |
Green Work Collective |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cindy IX1 |
Green Work Collective |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy La Pew |
Gage Green Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cindy Limone |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy's 99 |
Blim Burn Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cindy's Bubbles |
Crazy Diamonds Seed Company |
54 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cindy’s Rhino |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinex |
Elev8 Seeds |
58 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinna Mints |
Freak Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinnabom |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cinnacane |
Freak Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinnamittens |
Freak Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinnamon |
Goldenseed |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cinnamon |
Female Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cinnamon Buddha |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cinnamon For Flavor |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cinnamon Pancakes |
Freak Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinnamon Rolls |
Lit Farms |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cinnamon Sour |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Cinnamon Spice |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cinnamon Sticks |
Lempire Farmaseed |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Circles |
Hoku Seed Co |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Circles F3 |
Flower Bounty Farms |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Circus Animal |
808 Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Circus Clown |
808 Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Circus Peanuts |
Green Team Genetics |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Circus Train |
Enlightened Genetics |
66 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ciroc |
Lantzville Craft Cannabis Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ciskei |
Tropical Seeds Company |
53 |
sativa |
regular |
Citradelic Sunset |
Ethos Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citral |
Positronics |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Citral |
Growi Seeds Amsterdam |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citral |
Nirvana Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citral Fire OG |
Terpethic |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Citral Flo |
Ethos Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citral Glue |
Ethos Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citral Skunk |
The Bulldog Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citral Skunk |
CH9 Female Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citralah |
Soma Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrasaurus |
Papermaker Genetix |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citric Acid |
New420Guy Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citric Cataclysm |
In-Tents Genetix |
80 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citric Haze |
Mandragora´s Seed Bank |
80 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citric Sherbert |
Sur Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Citrique |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrix |
Reserva Privada |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citro Haze |
Helvetic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citro Haze |
United Seedbanks |
84 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citrol Sledgehammer |
GK Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citron |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citron City |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citron Givré |
TH Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citron OG |
Terpethic |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citron Sour |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citronella Sky |
PEV Seeds Bank |
50 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citronoyes Haze |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citrus |
Kannabia Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Citrus Ape Paste |
Yetis Pheno |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Berry |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Boom |
Lineage Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Brain |
Wereweedgenetics420 |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Cake |
Skunk House Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Chunk |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
84 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Cindy |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
64 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus City F4 x 1980’s OG |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus City OG |
Bred by 42 |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Delight |
Root Orgin Seed Co |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Explosion |
Kineos Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Farmer |
Dungeons Vault Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Freak Show |
Doc's Dank Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Fruit |
Breeders |
48 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus Fuel Automatic |
Sensi Seeds |
86 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Grove |
Cannabella Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Haze |
Professional Genetics Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Haze Breath |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Citrus Ice |
Eleventen |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Knockout v2 |
Noble Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Limonia |
Black Tuna |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citrus MILF |
3thirteen Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Mist |
Geistgrow |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus Mistress |
Tempest Grove Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Parfait |
misterD Farmhouse |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Paridisi |
Garden of Green |
59 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Pebbles |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Citrus Rail |
Blue Blood Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Rocks |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Citrus Rush |
Archive Seed Bank |
73 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Sap |
Crockett Family Farms |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus Skunk |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Skunk |
Finest Medicinal Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Smoothie |
Massive Creations |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citrus Smoothie |
Roor Seeds Amsterdam |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Soap |
1522 Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Soda |
Motarebel |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Citrus Sour OG |
Bred by 42 |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Stomper |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Citrus Tropicana |
Ananda Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus Tsunami |
Enlightened Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Citrus Valley |
True Canna Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Citruz |
Glory |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
City Blues |
Love Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
City Diesel |
CopyCat Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
City Hoe |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
City Of God |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
City Slicker |
Greenpoint Seeds |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clang |
Bursty |
63 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Clark County Purple Kush |
CannaVenture Seeds |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clase Azul |
Lit Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Classic Skunk |
Annibale Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Classic Skunk |
Zamnesia |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Classic Skunk Automatic |
Zamnesia |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Classic Twist |
Gage Green Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Classified |
Mogwai Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Classy Gas |
1904 Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Claustrum |
Positronics |
80 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Claw |
Taylormade Selections |
72 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clearwater Kush |
Archive Seed Bank |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clem Cake |
Driftwood Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clemberry OG |
Pathetic Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clement Rodier OG |
Brothers Ink. |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Clementine |
La Semilla Automática |
65 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Clementine |
Crockett Family Farms |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Clementine |
Blim Burn Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Clementine |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clementine Cookies |
Art Genetix |
56 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Clementine Kush |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Clementine Kush #1 BX |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clementine x Tripoli Wicked |
Madd Farmer Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clemenvilla Kush |
Pepita Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Clemonadez |
Terp Hogz |
45 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cleopatra |
Nuka Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cletus |
Irie Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Clientele Kush |
Aura Genetix |
48 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cliff Area |
Cult Classics Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clifford |
Crockett Family Farms |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Climax Autoflower |
CH9 Female Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Clinical |
Dispensario Seeds |
48 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clinical White CBD |
Expert Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Clockwork Blood |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Clockwork Ghost OG |
Riot Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Clockwork Kush |
Riot Seeds |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Clockwork Orange |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Clockwork Orange |
Kwaka Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Clockwork Orange |
Clone Only Strains |
70 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Clockwork Orange BX |
Riot Seeds |
77 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Clockwork Orange BX1 V2 |
Riot Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Clockwork Purple |
East Coast Cultivars |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Clockwork Walker |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clone Chief's Citrus Cacao |
Street Medic Genetics by Clone Chief |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clone Chief's Dream Aide |
Street Medic Genetics by Clone Chief |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clone Chief's SVT 40 |
Street Medic Genetics by Clone Chief |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Close Encounters |
Mogwai Genetics |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Close Shave |
Dank Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Closer to the Sun |
Higher Love |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cloud #7 |
Herbaria |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cloud #9 |
Dinafem |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cloud 9 |
Dampkring Seed Bank |
65 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cloud City OG |
Lost River Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cloud Spin |
Cult Classics Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cloud Surfing |
Flip Side |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cloud Walker |
Green House Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cloudberry |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clouded Cosmet |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cloudwalker OG |
Bradley Danks |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cloudy Sunwave |
Austrian Sunseeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Clover Shake |
Bulletproof Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Clown Cookiez |
MGB Worldwide |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clown Royal |
Second Generation Genetics |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clown Shoes OG |
Dark Horse Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Clowns Cookies |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Clowns Kush |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cluster |
CH9 Female Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cluster Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cluster Bomb |
Archive Seed Bank |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cluster Cookies |
7 East Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cluster Funk |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clusterfuck |
AK Bean Brains |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Mr Grow Guy |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CMAC55 |
Curtis Crosses |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CMBz |
Glory |
60 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
CO Super Skunk |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coachella Kush |
South Bay Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coal Creek Kush OG |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coal Creek Kush x Star Dawg |
Greenpoint Seeds |
73 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coal Miner’s Daughter |
Mandalorian Genetics |
73 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Coast Fork OG |
Second Generation Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coastal Cheeba |
Wicked Cheeba |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coastal Haze |
Coastal Seed Co |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coastal Ride |
Crazy Diamonds Seed Company |
98 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cob Chem |
Cannarado Genetics |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cobalt Cookies |
Enlightened Genetics |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cobalt Creamy Haze |
Annibale Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cobbler |
Tree of Life Seeds |
49 |
unknown |
regular |
Cobra |
Annibale Genetics |
42 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cobra |
Flash Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cobra |
FlowerPower Seedbank |
120 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cobra Chi |
Beleaf Cannabis |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Cobra Lips |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coca Berries |
Swamp Donkey Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coca Fields |
Swamp Donkey Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cocaine Pirate |
Sincerely Cali |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cochino x Gator Breath |
Jungle Boys |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cock a Cola |
No Mercy Supply |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cockbreath |
Dolla Seedz |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cockney Kush |
London City Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coco Cola |
Freeborn Selections |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Coco Fresh |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Coco Grape |
2Buds Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Coco Jambo |
Anesia Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Coco Loco |
ITC Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coco Loco |
SnowHigh Seeds |
126 |
sativa |
regular |
Coco Mango |
Staff Selects |
60 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Coco Melon |
Canuk Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Coco Milk |
Perfect Tree |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coco Mug #2 x Mean Mug |
Nutty North Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coco Nibbles |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Coco Pebbles |
Lit Farms |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coco Pebbles |
Cream of the Crop Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coco-Nutty |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cocoa Chem |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Cocoa Fuego |
Sweet Funky Breeze Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cocoa Kiwi |
High Society Hash |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cocoa Kush |
DJ Short |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cocoa OG |
Grand Daddy Purp |
71 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cocoa Pebbles OG |
Dankmatter Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cocoa Puffs |
Hazeman Seeds |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cocobamba |
Exotic Genetix |
80 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cocomero Gelatti |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Coconut Milk |
The Fire Department |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coconut Chalice |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Coconut Cloud |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coconut Cream |
The Fire Department |
55 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Coconut Cream |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Coconut OG |
The Fire Department |
58 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cocoon |
Bodhi Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cocopopo |
Bulk Seed Bank |
67 |
sativa |
feminized |
Code Blue |
Archive Seed Bank |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Code Red |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Codeine Kush |
Fatbush Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Coffe Rocket |
Bulk Seed Bank |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Coffee Breath |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coffee Cake |
Alphakronik Genes |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coffee Creamer |
Seed Junky Genetics |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
Coffee Crisps |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Coffee Gold |
Seeds of Africa |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Coffee Rollz |
Bristol County Cultivars |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cog-ni-dos |
Mr Grow Guy |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cognac Black |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cognition |
Tropical Seeds Company |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cognition Amplifier |
Ronin Garden |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cognitive Liberty |
Nerds Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
COHP17 |
Cultivated Choice Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coked Out Girl Scout |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cokehead Slut |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Col. Kurtz |
Loyal 2 Tha Soil - VA |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Col’ Cocked |
Secret Society Seed Co |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cola Cubez |
Sour Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
Clone only |
Cold Cookies |
Prolific Coast Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cold Creek Kush |
TH Seeds |
75 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cold Fusion |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cold Hawaii |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cold in the D |
Capulator |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cold Parwan |
Afghan Seeds Connection |
- |
indica |
regular |
Cold Snap |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Cold Stone |
Pacific NW Roots |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cold Stoned Chronic |
Bulletproof Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cold Thunder |
Sumo Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cold Turkey |
Pua Mana Pakalolo |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cold War |
Day 1 Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cole Train |
Reserva Privada |
56 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Colin OG |
Ethos Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coljam |
Underground Seeds Collective |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Colleti |
Exclusive Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Collie Man Kush |
Humboldt Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Collin's Cherry Hills |
Old Orchard Seed Co |
48 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Collins Ave |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Collision Kush |
Seed Junky Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Collosus |
The 7 Dwarfs |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Colombia - Hybrid |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colombia - Mostly Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colombia - Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Colombia Mangobiche |
Cannabiogen |
140 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombia Punto Rojo |
Cannabiogen |
133 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Black |
Breeder Choice Organisation |
150 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Black |
Gage Green Genetics |
112 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian D |
Pisces Genetics |
74 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Fruit |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Gold |
Gage Green Genetics |
112 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold |
World of Seeds Bank |
65 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Colombian Gold |
Zamnesia |
74 |
sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Gold |
Brazilian Seed Company |
67 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold |
Best Coast Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold |
Landrace Seeds |
135 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold #2 |
DutchBreed |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold 72 |
Underground Seeds Collective |
126 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold Highland |
The Landrace Team |
140 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold Legacy Edition |
Hyp3rids |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Gold Lowland |
The Landrace Team |
119 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Haze |
Brazilian Seed Company |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Haze |
Antenna Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Jack |
Kannabia Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Jack |
Brazilian Seed Company |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Kush |
Pisces Genetics |
74 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Kushwreck |
Pisces Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Colombian Mango Biche |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Mango Biche |
Energenetics Old World Farm |
130 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombian Queen |
Pisces Genetics |
74 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Colombian Red |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Colombian Red Haze |
Seedsman |
91 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Sweet |
VIP Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Colombian Thai |
Cannapot |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombian Thunder Funk |
NorStar Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colombiana |
Kannabia Seeds |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Colombistan |
The Landrace Team |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colonbian Gold pure |
California Connoisseur Genetics |
76 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colonel Crunch |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Color Of Space |
In House Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Color Out Of Space |
Honey Pot Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colorada |
Faricur Grower |
105 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colorado Bubba |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Colorado Bubba Kush |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colorado Bubblegum |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Colorado Cheese |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
45 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colorado Chemdawg |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Colorado Clementines |
La Plata Labs |
63 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Colorado Diesel |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colorado Diesel |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Colorado Green Bud |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Colorado Kush |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Colorado Meds |
Nerds Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colorado Sunrise |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colorado Trainwreck |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Colorz |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Colossal Cookies |
In House Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Colossal Purps |
Mega Buds |
73 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Colowryder |
Underground Seeds Collective |
118 |
ruderalis / sativa |
regular |
Columbian Chem Fruit |
GreenFire Genetics |
75 |
unknown |
regular |
Columbian Gold |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Columbian Haze |
Zenseeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Columbian Race Fuel |
Red Scare Seed Company |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Columbian Red |
Dutch Flowers |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Columbian Skies |
Dr. Greenthumb |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Columbine |
303 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coma Cookies |
Enlightened Genetics |
69 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coma x Gator Breath |
Jungle Boys |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Comando Vermelho |
Maconha Seeds Bank |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Combat Cookies |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Combava |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Comet |
Pacific NW Roots |
60 |
indica |
regular |
Comfort Zone |
Annunaki Genetics |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Comfortably Dumb |
Jinxproof Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Comfortably Numb |
Enlightened Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commando |
Capulator |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commando |
Blue Bloods Grow |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commerce City Kush |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Commercial |
CH9 Female Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Commodos |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commoking |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commonwealth |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Commrade Treat |
Cannafari |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Communion |
Romulan Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Communitas |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ComPassion |
Dutch Passion |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Compound Z |
Compound Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Comprende |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Compton Creek |
Masonic Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
ComraCerma |
Cannafari |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Comrade Frag |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Comrade Gold |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Comrade Pilot I |
Cannafari |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Comrade Pilot S |
Cannafari |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Comrato |
Cannafari |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Con Leche |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Concord |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Concord Chem |
Covert Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Concord Cream |
Exotic Genetix |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Concord Crush |
Anomaly Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Concord Crush |
Cannarado Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Concord Skunk |
Matchmaker Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Concord Sour |
Canyon Candy Seed |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Concrete Banana |
Concrete Jungle Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Concrete Colada |
Green Wolf Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Concrete Rabbit |
Fire Garden Pharms Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ConeHeads |
Mogwai Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Confetteria |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Confetti |
TBS - The Breeders Squad |
50 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Confetti Cake |
Secretfile Genetic |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Confidencial Medicine |
The KushBrothers Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Confidencial OG |
The KushBrothers Seeds |
53 |
indica |
feminized |
Confidental Purp |
Grand Daddy Purp |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Confidential Cookies |
Mad Scientist Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Confiscated Chem |
Prima |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Confusion |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Congo |
ACE Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Congo |
Anesia Seeds |
77 |
sativa |
feminized |
Congo - Mostly Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congo - Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Biche |
Energenetics Old World Farm |
130 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Black |
The Landrace Team |
102 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Creek Haze |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
84 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Crush |
Alex Beck |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Congo Express |
Mythical Selections |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congo Haze |
Dampkring Seed Bank |
75 |
sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Congo Haze 2023 |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Kashmir |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Congo Kashmir |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Congo Latcher |
Aqualung Gardens |
95 |
unknown |
regular |
Congo Nigerian x OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congo OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congo Pointe Noire |
Tropical Seeds Company |
91 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Pointe Noire |
The Landrace Team |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Red Stem |
The Landrace Team |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Congo Scream |
Aqualung Gardens |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Congo x Kali China |
ACE Seeds |
84 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Congo X Nigerian X Hashplant |
Apothecary Genetics |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congolese |
The Real Seed Company |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Congolese Bandaid |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
90 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congolese Gold |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congolese Kush |
Tropical Seeds Company |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Congolese Red |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Congolese Ticket |
Dragons Flame Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Congonaut Haze |
Sativa Hoarders Seed Co |
85 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Conjugal Visit |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Connie Chung |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Connoisseur Cookies |
Connoisseur Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
feminized |
Conquest |
Illuminati Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Conquistador |
SubCool’s The Dank |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Conrad’s Prodigy |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Conscious Kush V1 |
Conscious Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Conscious Kush V2 |
Conscious Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Conscious Kush V3 |
Conscious Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Conspiracy Kush |
SubCool’s The Dank |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Conspiracy Theory |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Conspiracy Theory |
Riot Seeds |
120 |
sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Constantine |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Consumption |
Relic Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Consumption F2 |
AK Bean Brains |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Continental Breakfast |
Cannabinopathic Conceptions |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Continental Candy |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Convergence |
Gage Green Genetics |
57 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coogies |
Grand Daddy Purp |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookeys |
A.B. Seed Company |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cookie |
Purple Caper Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Cookie Blizzard |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Breath |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Butter |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Cake |
Exclusive Seeds |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Cookie Caleidoscope |
Rustikgrower |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Cargo V2 |
Jaws Gear |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie CBG |
Sensi Break |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Cement |
Universally Seeded |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Confundo |
AlpinStash |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Crash |
Karma Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Crisp Surreal |
Happy Bird Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Crumbs |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Crunch |
Greenpoint Seeds |
69 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Cube |
In House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookie Cutter |
AlpinStash |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cookie cutter Goonie Birds |
Howe Farms |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cookie Cutter Larry |
Treeology Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Dough |
Flavour Chasers |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Dream |
Medicann Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Fever |
True Canna Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Fruity |
A.B. Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Jar |
Greenlife Seeds US |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cookie Killer Automatic |
Urban Legends |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Lady |
Purple Caper Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Monster |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookie Monster | |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookie OG |
Purple Caper Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie OG |
Micro Breeding Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie OX |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Pebble OGEE |
Jaws Gear |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Pebbles |
Green Team Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Pebbles |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Pebbles OG |
Green Team Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Puss |
Jinxproof Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Slush |
Goodfellas Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookie Smasher |
Night Owl Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Stomper |
Irie Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cookie Stomper |
Westside Gardenz |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Stomper |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cookie Tang |
Pisces Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookie Tooth |
Dankonomics Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie Wreck |
Exclusive Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cookie Wreck |
CannaVenture Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookie's Revenge |
The Capitan's Connection |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookieberry 2.0 |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookieberry Diesel |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cookiedawg |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookiehead |
Harry Haze Seeds |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookielato |
Silent Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies |
LaMota Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies 'N' Creamix |
Night Owl Seeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies & Cream |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies & Cream IX |
Resin Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies & Cream IX3 |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies & Cream on Fire |
The Vault Seed Bank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies & Monsters |
Organic Gardeners |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies and Cream |
SeedStockers |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies and Cream Autoflower |
SeedStockers |
77 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies and Cream CBD |
Humble Jungle Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies and Cream Cheese |
Big Buddha Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies and Glue |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies And Weed |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cookies Autoflowering |
Dinafem |
75 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cookies Autoflowering |
LaMota Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies Cream |
Sunset Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Dough Sundae |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies Fast |
SeedStockers |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Gelato |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies Gelato Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cookies Glue Auto |
GeneSeeds Bank |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies Haze |
Kannabia Seeds |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cookies Hurricane |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cookies Jar |
Accelerator Seeds |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Krush |
Super Strains |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Kush |
Barneys Farm |
55 |
indica |
feminized |
Cookies Meets Sativa |
Second Generation Genetics |
68 |
unknown |
regular |
Cookies n Chem |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies N Cream Auto |
Garden of Green |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies N Cream x Platinum Yeti |
Geistgrow |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies N Dubb |
Oni Seed Co |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cookies OG |
Nasha Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies OG |
South Bay Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies Purple Punch |
Medical Seeds Co. |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies Sherbert Auto |
Medical Seeds Co. |
74 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cookies Supreme |
Solfire Gardens |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cookies USA |
Pyramid Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies x 707 Headband |
Emerald Triangle |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies x Key Lime Pie |
Purple City Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cookies x Watermelon Zkittlez |
Purple City Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cookies x Widow |
Ripper Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cookies+ |
D+Calidad Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
CookieWreck x Biker |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cool Breeze |
Coalition Seed Co |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cool Mints |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Coolaid |
Anomaly Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Coolaid Pie |
Anomaly Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cooter Berry |
Beefcake Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Copacabana |
Flash Seeds |
105 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Copacabana |
Maconha Seeds Bank |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Copacetic |
Chosen Few Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Copacobana |
Anesia Seeds |
77 |
sativa |
feminized |
Copenhagen Butter Auto |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Copenhagen Kush |
Zenseeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Copenhagen Kush Auto |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
85 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Copenhagen Kush Project |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
75 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Copenhagen Kush S1 |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Copenhagen Model |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Copper Cassowary |
Genesis Genetics |
69 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Copper Chem |
Greenpoint Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Copper Sunset |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Copperhead |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coral Gables |
Herring Chokers |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Coral Reefer |
Happy Bird Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Cord Verde |
Afterthought Autos |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Corenenburg Breath |
J Love |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Corinto |
The Landrace Team |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Corkscrew Auto |
Royal Queen Seeds |
88 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Corleone Kush |
The Cali Connection |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Corleone Kush x Do-Si-Dos |
Philosopher Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Corn Cob |
Archive Seed Bank |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cornbread |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cornbread Wedding Cake |
Parabellum Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Corner Store Circus |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cornerstone |
Gage Green Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cornetto |
Cannabella Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cornholio |
Sweet Funky Breeze Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cornholio OG |
Mr. Green Jeans Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cornucopia Utopia |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Corpse Paint |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cortez The Killer |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Cosa Nostra |
Brujo Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic 22 |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cosmic Adventure |
Unknown or Legendary |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Cosmic Afghani |
Cosmic Wisdom |
49 |
indica |
regular |
Cosmic Apprentice |
Night Owl Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Berry |
Natural Genetics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Bomb Auto |
Bomb Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Boonani |
Inflorescences of Scotland |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Brain |
Dynasty Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Brownies |
Dino Party |
66 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cosmic Bubba Kush |
The Seekers of Genetic Wisdom |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Charlie |
MTG Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Cobra Breath |
Turpene Time |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Collision |
MTG Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Cookies |
Pacific NW Roots |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Cookies |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Cotton candy |
Most Wanted Genetics |
61 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cosmic Crashers |
Atlas Seed |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Cream |
OG Labs |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Cream Pie |
G2G Genetix |
53 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cosmic Crunch |
East Coast Genetix |
93 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Diesel |
Mr H Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Dogg Shit |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Flo |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Funk |
Newt Brothers Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Glue |
SubCool’s The Dank |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Glue F2 |
Puget Sound Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Haze |
East Coast Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Kiss |
Sensi Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Lights |
New420Guy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cosmic Mandarine |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Noodles Automatic |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Orgasm |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cosmic Queen |
Mephisto Genetics |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Queen F4 S1 |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Revival |
Night Owl Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmic Sundae |
Newt Brothers Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmic Temple |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cosmicdawg |
Gorrilla Grower Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmopolis |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmopolitan |
Envy Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cosmos |
Royal Queen Seeds |
80 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Cosmos |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cost Nostra |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cotton Bud Automatic |
Zamnesia |
42 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Cotton Candy |
Federation Seed Company |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cotton Candy |
Delicious Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Cotton Candy Bud |
Jamaica Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Cotton Candy Cane |
Emerald Triangle |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Cotton Candy Grapes |
Envy Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cotton Candy Grapes |
Diamond Rock Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Cotton Candy Grapes |
Blue Bloods Grow |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cotton Candy Kush Early Version |
Delicious Seeds |
45 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cotton Candy Machine |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Couch Potato |
Gonzo Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Couch Project |
Bald man Lala Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Couch Slouch |
Thunderfudge |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Couchlock |
British Columbia Seed Company |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cougar Milk |
Bodhi Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cougar Piss |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cough |
Relic Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cough Bx1 |
Relic Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Cough Drops |
Crockett Family Farms |
- |
unknown |
regular |
CoughNRuntZ |
Moab Genetix |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Count Dankula |
The Plant Stable |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Count Stankula |
Horners Horticulture |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Countdown |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Counterfeit Kush |
Cannavore Selections |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Countree Grammer |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Country Line Big Bud |
County Line Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Country Roads |
Black Bear Cannabis Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Countrytime Kush |
Thunderfudge |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
County Line Hash Plant |
County Line Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Courage The Cowardly Dog |
Oregon Microgrowers Guild |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Courtesy |
Helvetic Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Courtesy x Dorothy |
Helvetic Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Courvoisier |
Red Bee Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Covelo Sour Diesel |
MTG Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Covert |
Acumen Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
COVID Kush |
Smoke One Genetics |
95 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Coville Blueberry |
Cosmic Wisdom |
52 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cow Patty |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cowboy Breath |
Green Wolf Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cowboy Cakes |
Westco Seed Co |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cowboy Candy |
The Plant Stable |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cowboy Cookies |
Greenpoint Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cowboy Kush |
Greenpoint Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CQ48 |
Breeders Boutique |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
CR+ |
Blim Burn Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crabby Apple Tree Karen |
Intergalactic Holistic Healing |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crack Berry Zkittlez |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Crack Cookies Auto |
207 Genetics |
80 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Crack Dawg |
Riot Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crack Pie |
Taylormade Selections |
62 |
unknown |
regular |
Crack Walker |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cracker Jaxx |
Bristol County Cultivars |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crackerjack |
Hyp3rids |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Crackers |
Super Strains |
77 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Craigs Skunk |
Unknown or Legendary |
45 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cran-Cherry |
Califunkyuh |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cranannas |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cranberry |
Mr. C Seeds |
66 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cranberry Haze |
Breeder Choice Organisation |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cranberry Zkittlez |
Mr. C Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cranebow City |
Crane City Cannabis |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Crap the Shitter |
Riot Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Crash Helmet |
Alien Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Crash Landing |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Crash OG |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Crash Test Dummy |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Crashberry |
Kraken Genetix |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crater Lake V4 |
Dynasty Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crawnic Aliens |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crawnic Invasion |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crawnic Power |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crawnic-1000 |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crayzie Cookies |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Craze |
TreeTown Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Crazy Bitch |
Copa Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crazy Bubble |
Kannabia Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Crazy Bud Auto |
Kera Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Crazy Cheese |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crazy Chem |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crazy Cookies |
Zambeza |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Cow |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Crazy Daze |
Dman Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Glue |
The Bank Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crazy Good |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crazy Hazey |
Archive Seed Bank |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Horse |
Cannabis Family Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crazy Lazy |
Positronics |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Miss Hyde |
Samsara Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Miss Hyde Auto |
Samsara Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crazy Murdock |
Unleashed Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Crazy Oregon Ducks |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Crazy Roses Fast Version |
Growers Choice |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Crazy Train |
SnowHigh Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Cream |
Cream Crop Co. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Cream & Cheese CBD 1:1 |
Seedsman |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Cream & Sugar |
Exotic Genetix |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cream 47 |
Sweet Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cream Auto |
420 Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cream Automatic |
Blim Burn Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cream Automatic + Keykard |
Blim Burn Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Cream Ball |
High Five Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cream Banger |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Cream Brulee |
Hypno Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |