An image of Chocolate Trip

Chocolate Trip

breed by Dutch Flowers

Here you can find all info about Chocolate Trip from Dutch Flowers. If you are searching for information about Chocolate Trip from Dutch Flowers, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Chocolate Trip is an indica / sativa from Dutch Flowers and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±50 days) Dutch Flowers's Chocolate Trip is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Dutch Flowers Description

Chocolate Trip will please indoor growers looking for exotic sativa quality in a highly manageable hybrid exhibiting the curiously strong chocolaty sweetness and brain-wiring psychoactivity of fabled Chocolate Thai pure landrace. Chocolate Trip's stocky, tight-noded phenotype thrives under indoor lighting, and will reward with an abundant yield of dense buds of top notch headstash quality.

We obtained Chocolate Thai from growers in Hawaii (who also sourced our Lemon Thai, already offered here). The Chocolate Thai had a classically thunderous, soaring high that immediately won everyone's preference. Unfortunately, the superb quality came with a 14 week flowering period price tag. The buds were incredibly aromatic and resin coated, but very spindly, with strings venturing on their own out of the thin main floral cluster, giving it an overall skimpy braided look. Curious structure, definitely landrace looking, but hardly productive even outdoors. Our Chocolate Thai source had warned that to obtain a reasonable yield outdoors, his method was to crowd many plants in a limited space outdoors, in a style reminiscent of hemp grown for fiber.

While the Lemon Thai only needed heavy parent selection, the Chocolate Thai demanded a lot of work to make it worth growing for the indoor grower. We used an Indigo Diamond female crossed to a male Chocolate Thai and selected the best female out of over a hundred seedlings. This female was then pollinized with a pollen pool composed of the three best males of a twin cross where the roles were reversed, i.e. a Chocolate Thai mother crossed with an Indigo Diamond male.

The resulting Chocolate Trip passes with flying colours the flowering time and yield breeding goals: it takes around 50 days or less to flower, and is an extremely generous producer of hefty, thick buds that carry the trademark spicy sweetness of the Chocolate Thai. As a result of heavy selection, the Chocolate Trip exhibits an amazingly short and bushy phenotype: will finish under a meter (40 inches) tall if flowering is induced at 16 inches. This plant will yield an average of 4.5 ounces of exceptionally aromatic buds that retain the vanilla candy taste and trippy psychoactivity of the Chocolate Thai.
The Chocolate Thai has passed all its extreme sweetness and spicy exotic taste on to our Chocolate Trip. The taste is exceedingly sweet, and flavor is highly appealing with a very strong vanilla note over a peanut butter background. It is this extreme vanilla sweetness over a peanutty base that brings the smell so close to chocolate, although we are sure that the uncanny chocolate smell in some imported Thai is the result of a peculiar curing procedure that may include substances unrelated to cannabis.

Chocolate Trip's Indica base hits very hard, but still gives an extremely energetic, lucid, visual high. It has both a lot of "bass" and "treble", yet the overall tune is definitely speedy, like a dance track. The Chocolate Trip prowess is to satisfy the Indica and Sativa lovers equally, even when it is clearly sativa dominant in both high and taste. This allows for a powerhouse high, but there is no "dumb" or "lock" effect: remarkably cerebral and active, with a knack for inducing visuals (as some smokers report colours).

Stocky, tight noded phenotype, great yield, quick flowerer, Chocolate Thai high and taste with a hard punching Indica base make the Chocolate Trip an excellent all-around strain for growers looking for landrace qualities in an easy to manage plant.

Lineage: (Indigo Diamond X Chocolate Thai) X (Chocolate Thai X Indigo Diamond)
Indoor Harvest Time: 50 Days


Chocolate Trip Reviews

Known Phenotypes

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Chocolate Trip Degustation

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Smell / Aroma

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Chocolate Trip Comparisons

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Dutch Flowers Chocolate Trip:

Chocolate Trip Lineage / Genealogy

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Chocolate Trip User comments

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