The SeedPolice

Seedbank Reviews & Radar

Here we monitor seed shops worldwide and collect data about quality, delivery times and reliability.

Seedbank Reviews

SeedCop's List is a long list of all known Seed-Shops, now also sortable and including the actual user-reviews. Here you can allocate the good and the bad shops very simple, just have a look to the colors from green to red. This should help you to find bad dealers before you waste your money - and you can find some good and fast seedbanks at the same time.

The latest 42 reviewed Seedbanks

Shop Status
Sementes de Maconha
Sensible Seeds
Greenpoint Seed Bank
Multiverse Beans
Reeferman seeds
DC Seed Exchange
Discount Cannabis Seeds
Dutch Passion
Humboldt Seeds
Barneys Farm Shop
Rocket seeds
Clone quest
Growing Up Ganja
Cannapot Hemcy
Gnomes Garden
Purple City Genetics EU
Auto Seeds
SeedSupreme Seedbank
North Atlantic Seed Company
Suzy Seeds
Fast Buds
Gorilla Seed Bank
Alpine Seed Group
Seed City
The Real Seed Company
Hanf & Hanf
Oregon Elite Seed Bank
Semena Konopi
Exotic Seed
Irish Seedbank
Seeds Here Now
High Supplies
Green House Seeds
You made good or bad experiences with a shop lately? You were duped or cheated? You got fake seeds? Or a lots of cool bonusses, good service and/or a fast delivery? You like (or you do not like) that other customers also will make the same experiences? So take a minute and alert your experiences to the SeedCop now - it's done in a minute and will help a lot!