Sunset Sherbet |
Linda Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Big Z |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Bluemosa |
Moscaseeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Corn Syrup |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Honey Bee O.G. |
Royal Jellies |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
L.A. Vanilla Cake Auto |
Silent Seeds |
88 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Lime Og x Durban |
AK Bean Brains |
61 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Motor City |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Murder Hornet |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Nerdz |
BSF Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
New Car Smell ‘20 |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Nina's Haze |
Shangri-La Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ol Betsy’s Nigjtmare |
Santa Cruz Goatfarm |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Velvet Cream |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
… And Beyond |
Dankensteins Lab |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
.508 |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
'78 LA OG Affie |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
'78 Skunk 'D' x Gorilla Grape |
TCVG Shit |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
'78 Skunk 'M' x Gorilla Grape |
TCVG Shit |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
'87 Firebird |
Bred By Woses |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
'98 Aloha White Widow |
Pua Mana Pakalolo |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
’97 SAGE |
The Bank Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
"FRITZ" The Cat |
Fattymcfattfatt |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(CD x C-99) x (CD x SD) |
Classic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(CD x C-99) x Purpurea F-2 |
Classic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
(G13 Hashplant x Chitral) F3 x Taskenti F2 |
Magic Herbs |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
(GG#4 x BlissfulWizard) x Do-Si-Dos F2 |
Grandiflora Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
(Ghost OG x SkyJaro) x Oil Spill |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(HTC DC x Skunk) x Deep Chunk |
B. Seeds Co. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(OG X Sour Diesel) X Durban |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
(PyDog ix1 x White OG V2) x Deep Chunk |
B. Seeds Co. |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
(Sticky Dog x Zkitllez) X Larry OG |
Tramuntana Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch |
Tramuntana Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
#1 Stunna |
Relentless Genetics |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
#41 Zi |
Karma Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
+Speed Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
49 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
00 Cheese |
00 Seeds Bank |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
00 Kush |
00 Seeds Bank |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
00 Kush Fast |
00 Seeds Bank |
48 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
00 Skunk |
00 Seeds Bank |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
007 Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
069 Skyline Cookies |
Terpdawg Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
1:20 CBD+ |
Positronics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
1.3G |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
10 |
Gage Green Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
100 Hand Slap |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
100 Proof |
Chef's Genetix |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
100 Rackz |
Strayfox Gardenz |
56 |
unknown |
feminized |
100 Sourz |
Strayfox Gardenz |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
1000 Mile Stare |
Cosmic Wisdom |
52 |
mostly indica |
regular |
1000L x Diesel |
Macaronesia Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
100K |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
100th Meridian |
Trichome Orchards |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
101 Headband |
MTG Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
1024 |
Medical Seeds Co. |
78 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
10Gs |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
10th Planet |
Ethos Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
10th Tempest |
Senpai Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
11:11 |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
11:11 x Zangria |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
12 Star |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
12lb Hammer |
Exclusive Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
13 |
Earthly Pleasures |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
13 Flowers |
Smiling Tiger |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
13 Roses |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
13 Stars |
Ken Dog Smoke Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
13th Floor |
Matchmaker Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
13th Ghost |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
13th Warrior |
Enlightened Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
14th Star |
Greener Mountain Boys |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
16RootBeers |
Frostpops Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
187 |
Dominion Seed Company |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
1911 |
Cult Classics Seeds |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
1979 Xmas Bud |
CSI Humboldt |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
1984 |
Mogwai Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
1985 Skunk #1 IBL |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
1995 Sensi Star Sativa |
Riot Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
1997 |
Silberhaze Genetics |
84 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
1998 Mystery |
Anjaneya Mountain Medicine |
77 |
unknown |
regular |
2 B Blunt |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
2 Fast 2 Vast |
Heavyweight Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
2 Girls 1 Cup |
Ohms Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
2 In The Pink |
Riot Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
2 OG's |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2 Pounder |
Kiwiseeds |
75 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
2 Scoops |
Elev8 Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2 Stroke Gelonade |
Big Sky Beans |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
2 Stroke Lemonade |
7 East Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
20 Guage |
Afterthought Autos |
78 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
2016 OG Glue |
Odyssey Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2016 OG Glue (Blueberry Pheno) |
Odyssey Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
2046 |
Medical Seeds Co. |
115 |
sativa |
feminized |
206 Coookies |
PNW Cultivar |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
2112 |
NorStar Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
215 Superbud |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
22 |
The Cali Connection |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
24 Carat |
Mephisto Genetics |
63 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
24K Banana |
Utopia Farms |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
24k on Fire |
The Vault Seed Bank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
24K Tangie |
BSB Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
25 Lighterz |
Marrs Cult |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
26 Cookies |
Riot Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
26mm |
In House Genetics |
68 |
unknown |
feminized |
2Many |
Jinxproof Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2nd Amendment |
RedEyed Genetics |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
2nd Sunday |
Smiling Tiger |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2Poison |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
2y2 |
R-KIEM Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
3 Bears OG |
Mephisto Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
3 Cheese |
Taylormade Selections |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
3 Chems |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 Chems 2.0 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 Gorillas |
Mycotek |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
3 Headed Dragon |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
3 Hour Tour |
Aqualung Gardens |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
3 In The Pink |
Exotic Genetix |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 Kings |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
3 Kings |
Blim Burn Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
3 Kings Auto |
B.C. Bud Depot |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
3 OG's #1 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 OG's #2 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 OG's #3 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 Pac |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3 Point Kush |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
3 Run Homer |
New420Guy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
3 Way Purple |
Koby's Organics |
57 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
3.6 Roentgen |
The Agrarian Society |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
303 Alien |
The Fire Department |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
303 Diesel |
The Fire Department |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
303 Headband |
The Fire Department |
60 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
303 Kush Bx |
The Fire Department |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
303 OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
303 Purps |
The Fire Department |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
303 Stooges |
Dark Horse Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
303 White |
The Fire Department |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
303 Widow |
The Fire Department |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
313 Headband |
Beyond Top Shelf |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
315 OG |
Sunshine Dream Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
33 Splitter |
Uprising Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
33 Zkittlez |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
33rd Degree |
In House Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
36 Chambers |
Socal Seed Vault |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
369 |
MTG Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
3D |
Apothecary Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
3D |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
3DG13 |
Antenna Seeds |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
3G |
Monster Flowers |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3Menda |
Old J Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
3P.O.G |
GermanBoyGenetiks |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
3Peat |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
3rd Eye Blind |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
3x Crazy |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
3X Platinum |
Therapy Seeds |
70 |
indica |
regular |
3xPurple |
SnowHigh Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
4 Best 4 You |
Pitt Bully |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
4 Black Rozes |
Massive Creations |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4 Corners |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4 Horseman Haze |
Illuminati Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
4 Juices |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
4 Juicy Skunks |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4 Kings |
Exotic Genetix |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4 Kings |
Massive Creations |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4 Locoz |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
4 Play |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
4 Times Sour |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
4 Way |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
40 Thieves |
Herring Chokers |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
401K |
Avalanche Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
41 Reasons |
Envy Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
413 Chem |
Mycotek |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
42 Stackhouse |
Cult. Six16 |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
420 |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
420 Punch |
Sensi Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
425 |
CannaVenture Seeds |
60 |
indica |
regular |
43 Peaches |
Frosty Mountain Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
44 d`s |
Virgin Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
44DS |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
4516 Mints |
Blasted Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
4Chata |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
4D |
SoCal Seed Collective |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4DD |
People Under The Stairs Genetics |
- |
indica |
regular |
4G |
Purple Caper Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
4K |
Silver River Seeds |
61 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
4th Degree Burn |
Strain Reign |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
4th Gear |
County Line Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4th Gear |
J. James |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
4th Meal |
In-Tents Genetix |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
4x4 |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5 Alive |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5 Berry |
Eureka Seeds Org |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
5 Leaf Clover |
Midnight Roots Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5 Way |
Pukka Seeds |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
50 Shades of Pink |
Lazy Daizy Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
501st OG |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
517 Cronic |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
517 Diesel |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
517 Durban Poison |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
517 Funk |
517 Legend Seed Co |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
517 Gorilla Glue |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
517 Headband |
Pure Michigan Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5G |
Soma Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
5G |
Twenty 20 Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
5G's |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5G's Purple F2 |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5G's Red x Sour Diesel |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5G's Yellow F2 |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) |
Ganja Rebel Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5K |
Black Army Collection |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
5K Puff |
Gage Green Genetics |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
5th Dimension |
All We Know Is Dank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
5th Dimension |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
5th Element |
Elemental Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
6 Mill |
Dominion Seed Company |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
6 Shooter |
Empire Breeding Co. |
- |
unknown |
regular |
60 Day Lemon |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
60 Day Wonder |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
618 OG |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
631 |
Dank Flow Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
64 Peaches |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
6th Sun |
Sativa Hoarders Seed Co |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
7 B Lo |
3rd Coast Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
7 Hills |
Freak Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
7 of 9 |
Federation Seed Company |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
7 S.O.H. |
The Grateful Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
7-11 |
Red Scare Seed Company |
- |
unknown |
regular |
7.3 Diesel |
Forest City Seed |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
7/8 Sour |
Loud Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
706 Royal Sherbert |
Terp Fi3nd |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
706 Sherbet |
Terp Fi3nd |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
706 Skunk |
Terp Fi3nd |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
707 Chemdawg |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
707 Cherry Bomb |
SoCal Seed Collective |
77 |
mostly indica |
regular |
707 Headband |
Clone Only Strains |
70 |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
707 Headband |
B.C. Bud Depot |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
707 Headband |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
707 Kush |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
707 Lemon Tree |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
707 Octane |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
707 OG Kush |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
707 Truth Band |
Emerald Mountain Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
707 TruthBand |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
71 Wicked Flavors |
Madd Farmer Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
710 Cheese |
710 Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
710 Diesel |
710 Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
710 Mango |
710 Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
710 Shock Diesel |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
710 Stick Icky |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
716 Kush |
Taylormade Selections |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
72 Virgins |
Omuerta Genetix |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
747 |
Dr. Greenthumb |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
76 Peace Corps Panama |
Swami Organic Seed |
100 |
sativa |
Clone only |
76' Thai Stick |
Master Thai |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
760 Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
78 |
The Cali Connection |
66 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
78 Daffie |
Red Scare Seed Company |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
7th Heaven |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
7th Wave |
Super Strains |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
7Up |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
8 Ball |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
8 Ball Kush x Deep Chunk |
B. Seeds Co. |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
8 Mile |
Loud Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
8 Mile Lime |
Source Genetics |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
8 Miles High |
Mandala Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
8 Millas High |
Cartel Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
8″ Bagel |
Lit Farms |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
80's Durban Poison |
Khalifa Genetics |
90 |
sativa |
regular |
808 Mana |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
808OG |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
56 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
813 OG |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
813 OG V2 |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
813 Sour Diesel |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
818 Banger |
Karma Genetics |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
818 Pure SFV OG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
818 SFV Fire OG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
818HPOG |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
86 Purpz |
Chef's Genetix |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
87 Lem OG |
Lempire Farmaseed |
40 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
87 Lime Pop |
Freeborn Selections |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
87' Lem x Limepop |
Lempire Farmaseed |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
88 Cherries |
Bodhi Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
88 G-13 HashPlant |
Unknown or Legendary |
60 |
indica |
regular |
88 G-13 Hashplant |
Hazeman Seeds |
67 |
indica |
regular |
88 G13 Hashplant BX |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
89 NL5 |
Melvanetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
89 NL5 BX |
Green Bodhi |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
8G13 HP x NL1 |
Coastal Seed Co |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
8oh2 |
Sunny Gardens VT |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
8oh2 |
White Clouds Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
9 Alarm |
Jinxproof Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
9 Pound Hammer x Northern Lights |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
9 Volt |
Mo Stanky Danks |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
90 Micron |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
90's Nightmare |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
90's Vibes |
Ohms Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
90’s Blues |
Blue Star Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
90s Blues |
DJ Short |
- |
indica |
regular |
90X |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
91 Bananas |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
91 Chem Dog x Caramel |
Apothecary Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
91 DNL |
Top Dawg Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
91 Dragons |
Insane Seed Posse |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
91 Grapes |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
91 Krypt |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
91 Krypt |
Old School Soulder |
89 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
91 Octane |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
91 Royale |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
92 Afghan Ghost OG |
The Bank Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
93 Octane |
GREASi Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
93 Zapreme |
Rated Gas Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
95 Dead |
Parabellum Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
96 Wuntz |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
97 BlueMoonshine x Purple Northern Lights #5 |
Bigworm Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
98 Aloha White Widow |
Unknown or Legendary |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
98 Bubba x Blueberry Syrup |
CalCo Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
99 Bubbles |
Happy Roots |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
99 Cookiez |
The Plug Seedbank |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
9lb Flubber |
The Oregon Leaf Cultivation |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
9lb Hammer |
Jinxproof Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
9Lb Hammer x Purple Punch |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
9lb Punch |
Jinxproof Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
9lb Wedding Cake |
Space Trooper Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
9lb Zombie |
Blazed Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
9th Island |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |