Auto Rainbow Bubble |
Mudro Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Ramses |
Pyramid Seeds |
91 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Real Gorill4 |
Real Gorilla Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Red Russian XXL |
Victory Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Reek'n |
The Devil's Harvest Seed Company |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Relax |
Dispensario Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Auto Runtz |
Mr. Hide Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Russian |
Dutch Quality Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Russian | |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
R-Kiem |
R-KIEM Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
R.I.L x Sowah |
Tonygreens Tortured Beans |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
R.K.S. |
Reserva Privada |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
R18 |
Fuzzy Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
R2 Dank 2 |
Most Wanted Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
R4 |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
R4 |
New420Guy Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rabbit Hole |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rabbit Punch |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rabbit Run |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Rabbit Run |
Control Group Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rabid |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Race Fuel |
Archive Seed Bank |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Racefumes |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rack City |
Envy Genetics |
- |
indica |
regular |
Radical Auto |
Absolute Cannabis Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Radical Juice |
Ripper Seeds |
73 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Radical Juice Auto |
Ripper Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Radioactive Iodine |
Olfactory Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Radioactive Kush |
Danky Dankster Seed Co. |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Radioactive Rodent |
Yetis Pheno |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rado Banger |
Karma Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rado Biker |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rado Rose |
Karma Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rae’s Crick |
Nerds Genetics |
59 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rafale |
Botafarm California |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rafiki |
Secret Society Seed Co |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rag Grease |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rage OGK |
Moscaseeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raging Ranger |
Denverdoggy |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ragnarok |
Alphakronik Genes |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ragnars Hammer |
Copenhagen Seed Company |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rail Gun |
SnowHigh Seeds |
102 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rain Bird |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rain Dance |
Katsu Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow |
Lifetime Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow |
Virgin Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Belts |
Archive Seed Bank |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Belts |
Zamnesia |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Belts 2.0 |
Archive Seed Bank |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Belts 2.0 F2 |
Lazy Daizy Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Belts 3.0 |
Archive Seed Bank |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Belts Automatic |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Belts Bx1 |
OG'naj Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Berries |
Raw Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Bitez |
Raw Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rainbow Boogie Fever |
Trippy Kitty Cultivation |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Bridge |
Let’s Grow WNY |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Bubba |
Katsu Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Buns |
Zephyr Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Cake |
ApeOrigin |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Cake |
Pheno Finder Seeds |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Cakes |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Cakes |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Candy |
Growers Choice |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Candy |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Candy Autoflowering |
Growers Choice |
77 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Candy XL Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Chip |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Rainbow Crushers |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Rainbow Dash |
Seed Canary |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Diesel Cookies |
Chantico Seed CO |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Donut Auto |
Anesia Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Falls |
Nasha Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Flame |
GreenFire Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Flame #8 x Blueberry Syrup |
CalCo Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Fritters |
Trichome Orchards |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Fuel |
Grounded Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow G |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Gelato |
GreenFire Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Gelato |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Gelato |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Glue |
BSB Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Grape |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Grapes |
Zero Gravity Genetics |
66 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Guava |
Nugs 420 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Guava |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rainbow Harbor |
Envy Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Hashplant |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Jimmies |
Green Team Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Jones |
Connoisseur Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Jones Haze |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Kashmiri |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Kiss |
seeyouNtea genetics |
64 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Kush Autoflower |
United Cannabis Seeds |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Lady |
HappyDadSeeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Land F2 |
Baked Botany |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Larry |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Mandarin BX |
PrimeShift Genetics |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Margy |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Marker |
Lit Farms |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Marshmallows |
Dankensteins Lab |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Mints |
00 Seeds Bank |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Mints |
Arctic Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Mints Auto |
00 Seeds Bank |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Monk |
A.B. Seed Company |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Pavé |
Compound Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Pebblez |
A.B. Seed Company |
55 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Pie |
GreenFire Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Pie |
Zephyr Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Reserve |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Reserve x Bubba x Pakistani Sativa |
Red Scare Seed Company |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Ringz |
Marrs Cult |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Road |
Paradise Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Road |
The Agrarian Society |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Rocket |
7 East Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Rozay |
Relentless Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Runtz |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Runtz |
Growers Choice |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Runtz |
Nugs 420 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Runtz |
Philosopher Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Runtz |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Saltz |
Lit Farms |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Saphire |
Black Leaf |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Rainbow Serpent |
Bodhi Seeds |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Shades |
Your Highness |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Sherb |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Sherb Belts |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Sherb Chip |
Therapy Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Sherbert |
Apothecary Genetics |
46 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Sherbert #11 |
Blim Burn Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Sherbet |
Zamnesia |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Sherbet 54 |
Prima |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Sherbet Automatic |
Zamnesia |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Sherbet Jelly |
GemSearch Original Dank |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Sherbet Shake |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Showers |
Colors by Cultivar |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Skunk |
MOG Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Skunk |
Noyes Boys Genetics |
66 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Slice |
Trichome Orchards |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Snowman |
Cannarado Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Soap |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Sorbet |
Let’s Grow WNY |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Stank |
Puget Sound Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Sugar |
Umami Seed Co |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Swirl |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Triangle |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbow Truffle |
Uprising Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Truffles |
RedEyed Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbow Valley |
True Canna Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Wiggler |
Dino Party |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rainbow Wreck |
Archive Seed Bank |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rainbow Zkittlez |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Rainbow Zlushiez |
Zephyr Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbow Zlushiez X Tropical Runtz |
Zephyr Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rainbows |
BSF Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rainbows At Night |
Sin City Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainbows Yoda Like |
Dankensteins Lab |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainier Rum |
Dungeons Vault Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Raining Banana's |
Niagara Ganja Farmer Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rainmaker |
Ethos Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Rainnanabow |
Wolfpack Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
SupraGenetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raisinets |
Salve My Body Medicinals |
59 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raja Rio |
Weed Should Taste Good |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ramblin’ Rose |
Schizm Selections |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rambo |
Tarantula Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rambo |
TH Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rambutan |
517 Legend Seed Co |
90 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rambutan |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rambutan Cookies |
Anomaly Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ramona |
Jett Jenetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rampage |
Lupos CannaSeed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rampage |
Secret Society Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ramses |
Pyramid Seeds |
80 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ramses 47 |
Nativa Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rancid Melon OG |
Yetis Pheno |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Randy Candy |
Goonie Genetics |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Randy Marsh |
Shuga Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Randylosa |
Shuga Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Randylozee |
Shuga Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Randyzotti |
Shuga Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ranger Dog |
Denverdoggy |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ranger OG |
Denverdoggy |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ranger OG F2 |
Denverdoggy |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rango |
Anomaly Seeds |
45 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rapha |
Keys to the Kingdom |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raphael |
Irie Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rapid Afghan |
AC Genetics |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rapid Bud |
The Moon Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rapid Fire |
Alpha Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rapper Weed |
0siris Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rappers Delight |
Sin City Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rare Berry |
Fire Ridge Seed Co |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rare Candy |
Zephyr Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rare Dankness #1 |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rare Dankness #2 |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rare Darkness |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rasah |
Omni Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RasBananaAK |
Sunleaf Seed Co |
50 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rasberry Froyo |
STF Exotikz |
90 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Rasbino |
Madcap Genetics |
42 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rascal OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Rascalz |
Duffles |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rascalz BX1 |
Duffles |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raskal Berries |
Sin City Seeds |
50 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Raskal's OG Kush |
The Cali Connection |
40 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rasol Breath |
Riptide Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rasol Village |
Khalifa Genetics |
91 |
sativa |
regular |
Rasoli |
The Real Seed Company |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Raspao |
Black Tuna |
66 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Raspao F2 |
Black Tuna |
66 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Raspberry AK |
Jaws Gear |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Raspberry Belts |
Dungeon Of Dank Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Raspberry Beret |
7 East Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Beret |
The Highlander Cannabis |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Boogie |
Moscaseeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Breath |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Cake |
Paisa Grow Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Cookies |
Haute Genetique |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Cough |
Nirvana Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Raspberry Cough |
Sativa Seedbank |
77 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Raspberry Crisp |
Alphakronik Genes |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Critical Kush |
Sensi Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Diesel |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
66 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Diesel |
Variety of Cannabis |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Dosido |
Haute Genetique |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Dreamz |
Operation Vet Grow |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Formula |
SupraGenetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Gelato |
Haute Genetique |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Hashplant |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Kush |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica |
regular |
Raspberry Kush BX1 |
Zoolander Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Kush x Northern Lights |
Zoolander Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Lemon Tart |
SupraGenetics |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Mac Diesel |
Gator's Garden |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Montage |
Gage Green Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Moonshine |
Moscaseeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Raspberry Mumma Queen |
Heavy Dayze Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Raspberry Parfait |
Humboldt Seed Company |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Raspberry Peach AK |
Sunleaf Seed Co |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Punch |
Mycotek |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Rally |
KropDuster |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Shoes |
7 East Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Skunk |
2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Soul |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Sourz |
Meeko Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Space Jam |
Yetis Pheno |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raspberry Thunder |
Meeko Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspberry Z |
Grounded Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raspclaat |
seeyouNtea genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rasputin IBL |
Crazy X Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ratanakiri |
The Landrace Team |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Ratatouille |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rated R |
Symbiotic Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rattlesnake Milk |
The Fire Department |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raunchy Runtz |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rave Candy |
Seed Canary |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ravens Revenge |
Tsunami Seed Co |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ravers Paradise |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raw Cookies |
Raw Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raw Diesel |
G13 Labs |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raw Glue |
Raw Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Raw Kush |
Cannarado Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raw OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rawdawg |
Alphakronik Genes |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rawtton |
Ethos Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Raxa Coconut |
Brazilian Seed Company |
98 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ray's Choice |
Kiwiseeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Razberry Garlic |
Aeque Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Razorback Wicked |
Madd Farmer Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razuberi |
Green House Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Razz Fire Gushers |
Zoolander Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razz Peach SkAnK |
Baked Botany |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Razzberriez |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razzberry Dream'z |
G2G Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Razzberry Gastank Auto |
Purple City Genetics |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Razzberry Hashplant |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Razzberry Haze |
Zoolander Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Razzberry Jelly Donutz |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razzberry Lemonaid |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Razzberry OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razzberry Pop Rockz |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Razzberry Punch |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razzberry Rush |
Solkana Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Razzberry Sundae |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Razzberry Tartz |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Razzberry Unicorn |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Razzberry Zkittlez |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Razzle Dazzle |
Cannafari |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Razzleberry Kush |
Unknown or Legendary |
67 |
indica |
regular |
Razzleberry Soda |
Superseed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Razzmatazz |
Beebop Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
RazzNana |
White Ivory Grove |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Green Team Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RC2 |
MOG Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
RCG '79 Xmas Bud |
Rage City Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Re-Animator |
Mycotek |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Readhead OG |
Therapy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Real American Hero |
Omuerta Genetix |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Real Fire |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Reality Ztone |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Reaper OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Reba |
The Bank Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rebel God Smoke |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rebel OG |
Motarebel |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rebel Yell |
Motarebel |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rebirth Haze |
Empyrean Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rebob |
Underworld Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Recharge |
Noshowmogrow |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reckless Runtz |
Moab Genetix |
54 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reclining Buddha |
Soma Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Reclining Lady |
Santero |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
ReCon |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Recon Glitch |
Glitch Genetics |
73 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Recovery CBD |
Medical Seeds Co. |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Recovery Dame Blanche |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Recovery Haze |
Sannie's Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rectangle |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Afro |
Tropical Seeds Company |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Apollo 710 |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Banana Berry |
Growers Choice |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Banana Pudding |
Anesia Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Bandana |
LeeJ Counsell |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Berries |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Berry Tarz |
The Cali Connection |
68 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Bubba |
Mike Crowe Seedery |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Bulgarian Dragon |
Dragons Flame Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Bullz |
ApeOrigin |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Bullz |
Compound Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Red Candy Kush |
US SkunkX |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Card |
Stok'd Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Cherry Berry |
Barneys Farm |
74 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Red Chile Truffles |
Hypno Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Chuter |
G.I_Genetix |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Colombian Haze |
CH9 Female Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Congo |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Red Congolese |
Pax Genetics |
63 |
sativa |
feminized |
Red Critical Auto |
BSF Seeds |
78 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Cross CBD |
Medical Seeds Co. |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Dacca |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Red Dawn |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Delicious |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Devil |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Diesel |
Barneys Farm |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Red Diesel |
Goldenseed |
65 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Red Dragon |
Barneys Farm |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Red Dragon |
Blim Burn Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Dwarf |
Buddha Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Red Eye Jedi |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Red Eye Walker |
Up The Hill Creations |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Genetic |
Dr. Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Ghost Train |
Sur Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red God |
Burning River Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Goji OG |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Gold Metal Haze |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Gorilla Cookies Auto |
Ganja Farmer Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Red Gorilla Girl XL Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Grapez |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Hawaiian Snow |
Sur Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Head |
Coastal Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Headed Stranger |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Heri Fruit Bud |
Da Bean Co. |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Hindu Kush |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Horse |
Good House Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Hot |
A.B. Seed Company |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Hot And Blue |
Jörd Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Hot Cookies |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Hot Pussy Liquorz |
The Bakery Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Hots |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Hulk |
Yetis Pheno |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red II |
Hyp3rids |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Jack Autoflowering |
Growers Choice |
81 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Jaffa |
Forum Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Kachina |
Conscious Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Kachina V2 |
Conscious Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Kumrat |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
60 |
sativa |
regular |
Red Kush Auto |
BSF Seeds |
55 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Red Lazerlite 4 |
Antenna Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Red Leicester |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Leicester Tease |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Libanon |
Flash Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Red Lights |
Taylormade Selections |
57 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Malawi |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Red Man |
RocBudInc |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Red Mandarine F1 Fast Version |
Sweet Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Mango |
Sin City Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Mangosteen |
The Highlander Cannabis |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Matter |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Meat |
Root Orgin Seed Co |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Milk |
Illusion Genetics |
54 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Mimosa XL Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Monster |
Tropical Seeds Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Neck Gas |
The Green Highlander Seeds Bank |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Onions |
Lit Farms |
- |
indica |
regular |
Red Opium |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Orchid |
Mountain Top Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Oreoz |
Tiki Madman |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Pine Kush |
Rebellion Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Poison Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Pomegranate Afghan |
KropDuster |
65 |
indica |
regular |
Red Pop |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Pure Auto CBD |
Sweet Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Purps |
Female Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Purpz Bx |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Rager |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Red Wine |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Rhino |
Seach Medical Group |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Ringz |
Marrs Cult |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red River Alien |
Happy Bird Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Rooster |
Swami Organic Seed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Roses |
Riot Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Rover |
Thunderfudge |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Rum |
Cult Classics Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Runtz |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Runtz Cake Auto |
Purple Caper Seeds |
83 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Runtz OG |
Elite Eighth Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Red Russian XXL |
Victory Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Red Sapphire |
ACE Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Satin |
Magic Strains |
78 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Skies At Night |
True Grit Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Skittlez |
Sur Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Skull |
Grow Today Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Skunk Auto |
BSF Seeds |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Skunk HP |
Strayfox Gardenz |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Smoothie |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Stag |
Laid Out Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Strawberry Banana Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Sugar Auto |
BSF Seeds |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Thread |
The Landrace Team |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Red Tide |
Illuminati Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Velvet |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Red Velvet |
Lit Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Velvet Cheesecake |
Lit Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Velvet Cookies |
Up The Hill Creations |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Velvet Cookies F2 |
Up The Hill Creations |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Velvet Cruffins |
Lost Labs Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Velvet Gary |
Lit Farms |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Velvet Pancakes |
Lit Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Velvet Runtz |
Lit Farms |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Red Velvet Sherbet |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Velvet Tart |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Vine Clementine |
Madd Farmer Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Vine Jackie |
Madd Farmer Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Widow-13 |
Dman Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Red Wine Ice Cream |
Nyxclusives Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red Zeppelin |
Happy Bird Seeds |
94 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Red Zeppelin |
Savage Seed Collective |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Zkittlez |
Lit Farms |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Red-Eye Mind Triks |
Happy Bird Seeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Redankulous |
Staff Selects |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Redbeard Cookies |
New420Guy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Redberry Express |
Domus Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
RedBull |
La Plata Labs |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Redemption Kong |
Happy Bird Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
ReDeux |
Mr Grow Guy |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Redhaired Sonja |
BlueHemp Switzerland |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Redicarisness |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Redline |
Irie Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Redneck Kush |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rednek Dog |
Hillbilly Sunshine |
42 |
indica |
regular |
RedRilla |
Green Sapphire Seed Co |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RedRum |
Green Wolf Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
RedStone |
Illusion Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Redtail Kush |
South Bay Genetics |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Redwood Kush |
Unknown or Legendary |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Redwood Kush |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RedZone |
Glory |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reef Rider |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Reefereshers |
Tastebudz Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Reeferman Sour Diesel |
Reefermans Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reese's Pieces |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Reeze McFlurry |
Unknown or Legendary |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Refael |
Tikum Olam |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Refined Taste |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Refugee |
Howe Farms |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reggae Marley |
La Semilla Automática |
62 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Regulate |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Regulator OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Regulator OG |
Apothecary Genetics |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Reha |
Lineage Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rehab |
Dispensario Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Reign Man |
Raw Genetics |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
Reignbow Sherb |
Larger Than Life Seed Co. |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reina |
Zia Farm and Seed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Relash |
HiBreedProject |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Releaf |
Prairie State Genetix |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Relentless Wifi V2 |
Relentless Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Relic Grapefruit |
Relic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rembrandt |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Remedio Caseiro |
Maconha Seeds Bank |
55 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Remington Rot |
The Grass Menagerie |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Remo Chemo |
Dinafem |
68 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Remus |
Federation Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Renaissance |
French Touch Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Renaqi |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
René |
House Of The Great Gardener |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Repeat Offender |
Short-Sleeved Magician |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Reptilia |
Fully Cooked Seed Company |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Republicanz |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reserve Milk |
Green Team Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Reservoir Dawg |
The Fire Department |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Resident Alien F2 |
True Grit Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Respect |
Reggae Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Respect 4 Gorilla |
Expert Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Respeto |
French Touch Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rest In Paze |
SupraGenetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rest In Peace |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Resting Gas Face |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Restoration |
Crazy Diamonds Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Resurrection |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Resurrection OG |
Root Orgin Seed Co |
75 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Retired OG |
Grandmas Genetics |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Retirement Plan |
Day 1 Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Return Of The Jedi |
Sweed Lab |
68 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Reunion OG |
Skunk House Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Reverse Cowgirl |
Botafarm California |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Revolution |
New420Guy Seeds |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Revolution |
Reggae Seeds |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Revolver |
Crop King Seeds |
49 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rewire |
Kineos Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rey's Dream |
Lost River Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rezin Rainbow |
Crane City Cannabis |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
Ohms Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
RG-Kush |
Rheinland Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RG-Runtz |
Rheinland Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RH/Fruitbud x Lemon Thai |
Bald man Lala Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rhapsody in Blue |
Gage Green Genetics |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rheingold Crack |
Sanya Sativa Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rhino Cookies |
Southern Star Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rhino Krack |
Puget Sound Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rhino Ryder |
Fast Buds Company |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rhino Shit |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rhode Island Skunk |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rhonda |
Mogwai Genetics |
61 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rhonda's Cookies |
HappyDadSeeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rhöner Dröhner |
Clone Only Strains |
85 |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
Rhubarb Pie |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rhubarb Wine |
Fractal Ridge Farms LLC |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riane's Rhino |
Sunshine State Seed Company |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ric Flair '93 |
Red Bee Seeds |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ric Flair Drip |
Greensnowman |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rich Cookie |
Terra Firma Exclusives |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Richard Ramirez |
Laid Out Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Richie Rich |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Rick D 716-B |
HereWeGrowSeedCO |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rick James |
Taylormade Selections |
68 |
indica |
regular |
Rick James OG |
Taylormade Selections |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rick Potion 33 |
HereWeGrowSeedCO |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rick Trip |
Weird & Limited Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rick's Porthole Juice |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rick's Pupil |
MassMedicalStrains |
45 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rick's Pupil Bx |
MassMedicalStrains |
52 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ricks Potion #9 |
Beefcake Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rickshaw |
Cult Classics Seeds |
65 |
unknown |
feminized |
Ricky Bobby |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ricky Bobby |
Wolfpack Selections |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Ricky Bobby OG |
Anomaly Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ricky Espinosa |
Fuzzy Genetics |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ricky Spanish |
Uprising Seed Co |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rico Suave |
Lit Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Riddle MAC |
Capulator |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ride Or Die Girl |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ridgemont High |
Happy Bird Seeds |
90 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Ridick |
Mudro Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rif Hashplant |
CabbagePaps |
42 |
indica |
regular |
Rif Mountain |
The Real Seed Company |
53 |
unknown |
regular |
Rif Mountain |
Whish Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rif Mountain Hash Plant Landrace |
Aurora Winds Botanical Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riff Tree |
Bloom Seed Co |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Riff Tree x Mimosa |
Bloom Seed Co |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Riff Tree x Zkittles |
Bloom Seed Co |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Rift Valley |
Professional Genetics Seeds |
53 |
indica |
feminized |
Rift Valley |
The Bank Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Riggity Wrecked |
Frankenseeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rihanna |
The Bakery Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
RIL Black |
Tonygreens Tortured Beans |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riley Kush |
Rabid Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ring Of Fire |
Romulan Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
feminized |
Ring Of Sour |
Exotic Genetix |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ring Poppa |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ring Pops |
Envy Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ringos Gift |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ringos last supper |
Turpene Time |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ringos Remedy |
Blue Bloods Grow |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rio Negro Colombian Sativa |
Centennial Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Riot's Alien Dog |
Riot Seeds |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
Riot's Blackberry Kush |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riot's Cherry Pie |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riot's Chocolate Diesel |
Riot Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Riot's Mango Storm |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riot's OG Kush |
Riot Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Riot's Sweet OG Kush |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Riotberry |
Riot Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Riotberry OG Kush |
Riot Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rip Lee's OG |
Sterquiliniis Seed Supply |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
RIP Miles |
Prairie State Genetix |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rip Tide |
Enlightened Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rip Tide |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ripcord |
Organarchist |
72 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ripley |
Pacific NW Roots |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ripley, CA |
Sterquiliniis Seed Supply |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ripley's OG |
Mephisto Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ripped Bubba |
SubCool’s The Dank |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ripped City |
Annunaki Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ripped Off Runtz |
Seed Junky Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ripped Reaper |
Avalanche Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ripper |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ripper Badazz |
Ripper Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Ripper Haze |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ripple |
Moscaseeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Ripple Mountain Pie |
Happy Bird Seeds |
76 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rise |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rise ‘n’ Shine |
The Farm Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rishi Kush |
Mandala Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rising Sun |
Moscaseeds |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Rita's Cherry |
Pompous Seeds |
57 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rittus Haze |
Absolute Cannabis Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ritz Carlton #37 |
Cookie Fam Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
River Bank Grape |
Herring Chokers |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
River Song |
Geek Farms |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rives J. |
Gure Brox Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rivo Mints |
NBG Seed Co. |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RKD91 |
Aurora Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
RKS 91 x Irene Alien OG |
Obsoul33t Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
RKS V2 |
Moab Genetix |
45 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
RKS X DC x SS F3 |
AK Bean Brains |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RM Confidential |
The Grateful Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RM Ultimate Outdoor |
Reefermans Seeds |
42 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
RM-G13 |
Reefermans Seeds |
75 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
RM86 |
Envy Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Road Dawg |
Karma Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Road Head |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Road Kill Skunk |
Unknown or Legendary |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Road Kill Skunk |
Alaska Cannabis Cache |
76 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Road Kill Skunk |
CannaVenture Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Road Kill Skunk |
ITC Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
Clone only |
Road Kill Skunk BX1 |
ITC Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Road Kill Skunk F2 |
KropDuster |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Road Kill Unicorn |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill |
Gas Reaper Genetics |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roadkill |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill Afghani |
Riot Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roadkill Alien |
NPG Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roadkill Alien Cake |
NPG Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roadkill Café |
The Bakery Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill OG |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill Pie |
Mr. Macblunts |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill Runtz |
517 Legend Seed Co |
90 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roadkill Skank |
Reservoir Seeds |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill Skunk Auto |
Bear Grows Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Roadkill Unicorn x Dream n Sour |
Fitfriendlyfarmer |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roadkill Wedding |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica |
regular |
RoadKillSkunk |
Skunkwerk Genetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Roadmaster |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Roadrunner #2 |
Dinafem |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roadrunner Automatic |
Dinafem |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roadster V8 |
Fast & Furious Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roasted Sour Chem |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Robby Red Rocket |
Sativa Hoarders Seed Co |
90 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Robby's OG |
OG Labs |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roberts Creek Bongo |
Mike Crowe Seedery |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Robocrop |
Cream of the Crop Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Robot Girl |
Jinxproof Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Robot Monster |
Sterquiliniis Seed Supply |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Robusta |
Pacific NW Roots |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
RocDawg Funk Auto |
RocBudInc |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rock & Rye |
Green Wolf Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rock Bud |
Soma Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rock Fruit FV |
Turbo Flora Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rock Island Rocket |
County Line Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rock Lobster |
Brothers Ink. |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rock Machine |
Doctor's Choice |
73 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Rock Runtzer |
Domus Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rock Star |
Bonguru Beans |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rock Stomper |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rock Sugar |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Rock-Star Kush |
Med-Man Brand |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocket |
Queen Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rocket Banana |
Zambeza |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rocket BB |
WeedboyGenetics |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Rocket Berry |
Hang On! Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocket City Kush |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocket Festival |
Siam Seeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocket Fuel |
303 Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocket Fuel |
Archive Seed Bank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Rocket Fuel Autoflowering | |
81 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rocket Pop |
Mr Grow Guy |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocket Science |
Purple Caper Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocket Science |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rockin Dog |
Kindway Farms |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rockin' Viking |
Bald Monkey Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocking Chair Kush |
Howe Farms |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rockletz |
Hang On! Genetics |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocklock |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rocksteady |
Irie Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rockster's Cheese |
Kaliman Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Rockwell |
Doc's Dank Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocky Dennis |
Cannarado Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rocky Melon |
Karma Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rocky Mountain Berry CBD |
One Premium CBD Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rocky Mountain Blackfire |
Newt Brothers Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocky Mountain Fruit |
Love For The Plant |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rocky Mountain High |
Hazeman Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocky Mountain High |
Taylor'd Genetics |
73 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rocky Mountain Skunk |
Top Dawg Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Rocky Mountain Sour Kush |
Johnston's Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocky Mountain Sweet Kush |
Johnston's Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rocky Road |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocky Road Ice Cream |
Alex Acres |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rocky Runtz |
Nasha Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RockyMountainCookies BX |
Sunleaf Seed Co |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rodeo |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rodeo Driver |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Rogue Burnt Cookies |
Unleashed Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rogue OG Kush |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rogue One |
Happy Little Treez |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rogue One |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rogue One |
New420Guy Seeds |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rogue Punch Wreck |
Massive Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rogue Thunder |
Crop King Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rogue Valley Punch |
Massive Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rogue Valley Wreck |
Massive Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roid Rage |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rojo Runtz |
Root Orgin Seed Co |
85 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rokerij Bubbles |
Rokerij Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rokerij Cheese |
Rokerij Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Roll Ups |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rollercoaster Haze |
Zamnesia |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rollex OG Kush |
The Devil's Harvest Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rollin 88 |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rolling Thunder |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rolling Thunder |
Ronin Garden |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rollins |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
RoloGlue |
Rheinland Genetics |
60 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Romadur |
Red Bee Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roman Candles |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roman Grape |
Taylormade Selections |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romantic Warrior |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rombaz |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Romberry |
BC Growers Association |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romberry |
Freedom of Seeds |
50 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Romberry Widow |
Dutch Flowers |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romie |
Swamp Boys Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romie Rollins |
Aurora Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan |
Burning Bush Nurseries |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Romulan |
Federation Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Romulan |
Next Generation Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan |
Pyramid Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Romulan |
Romulan Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Romulan Ale |
Brain Dead Beans |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan Ale |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan BX1 |
Romulan Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan Cheese |
Next Generation Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan Diesel |
Next Generation Seed Company |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan Ghost |
ROC Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan Grapefruit |
Next Generation Seed Company |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan Hashplant |
Next Generation Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan Haze |
Next Generation Seed Company |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan Haze |
Pisces Genetics |
73 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Romulan Maxx |
Next Generation Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan Rocket |
Just A Handful |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Romulan Sativa |
ApeOrigin |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan Timewarp |
Next Generation Seed Company |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan Warbird |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Romulan Warp Drive |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Romulan x 7 of 9 |
Federation Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x BC Kush |
Federation Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Big Smooth |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Blue City Diesel |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x C99 |
Duke Diamonds Vault |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Romulan x Celestial Temple Sativa |
Federation Seed Company |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan x Cherry Tahoe |
Jordan of the Islands |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Cotton Candy |
Federation Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Dead Banana |
Jordan of the Islands |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x God’s Citrique |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Hawaiian Sativa |
Federation Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan x Hot Rod |
Jordan of the Islands |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan x Mikado |
Federation Seed Company |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Navy Cross |
Jordan of the Islands |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan x NYCSD |
Romulan Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Romulan x OZ Kush Cake |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Purple Hindu Kush |
Jordan of the Islands |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Purple Pug |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x Rogue Valley Wreck |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Romulan x Strawberry Diesel |
Jordan of the Islands |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulan x Super Lemon SMAC |
Jordan of the Islands |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulan x UBC Chemo |
Federation Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Romulawi |
Equilibrium Genetics |
58 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Romulawi Glue |
Equilibrium Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ron Jeremy OG |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ron Swanson Kush |
Johnston's Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ronald Raygun |
Dead By Dawn Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ronin |
Omuerta Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ronnie Barrett |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Roo Vibes |
Jett Jenetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roof 95 |
TH Seeds |
53 |
indica |
feminized |
Rooibaard |
High10ed_031 |
84 |
sativa |
feminized |
Rooibaard |
Madcap Genetics |
68 |
sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Rooie Marie |
Omni Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Room Service |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Root Beer Float |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rootbeer |
Freeborn Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer 91 |
Strayfox Gardenz |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer Boba |
Flip Side |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer BX1 |
Freeborn Selections |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer Bx2 |
Freeborn Selections |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer Candy Cake |
Alien Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rootbeer Cola |
Frostpops Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rootbeer Cream |
Dankmatter Genetics |
69 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootbeer Freeze |
Freeborn Selections |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Rootbeer Rock Candy Bx1 |
Alien Genetics |
- |
indica |
Clone only |
Rootbeer Rock Pebbles |
Alien Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rootbeer Trufflez |
Frostpops Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rootdawg |
Jaws Gear |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roots |
Reggae Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rootz Pink |
Rootzways |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ropa Interior |
Shuga Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rope a Dope |
Ronin Garden |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rope Burn |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ros'e |
Anomaly Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rosa Andina |
Breeders |
53 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rosaberry |
Second Generation Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rose Gold |
Archive Seed Bank |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rose Gold Rackz |
Compound Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rose Gold Runtz |
Compound Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rose Lato OG |
South Bay Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rose Quartz |
Black Leaf |
61 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rose Soul |
Trichome Jungle Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rose-Gold X Z-Tini |
Karma Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rosebud |
Green Source Gardens |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rosenthal x Skittelz |
Kamikaz Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roseta Stone |
420 Genetics |
46 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Roseta Stone |
Gea Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rosetta Ale |
Grand Cru Genetics |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rosetta Stone |
Blim Burn Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rosetta Stone |
Derg Corra Collective |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rosetta Stone |
Brothers Grimm |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rosetta Stone |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rosetta Stone 2016 |
Brothers Grimm |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rosetta Stone XX |
Brothers Grimm |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rosetti Mints |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rosso Corsa |
Aficionado French Connection |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rosso Fuoco |
Honey Hive Genetics |
64 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roswell |
Mogwai Genetics |
70 |
indica |
regular |
Roswell |
SubCool’s The Dank |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roswell Cookies |
Night Owl Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roswell's Lemonade |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rotkohl |
Black Hand Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rotten Apple |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rotten Apples |
TheHoneyCombFarms |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rotten Banana |
ThugPug Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rotten Bananas |
Gus' Unique Selections |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rotten Fruit Cocktail |
Skunk House Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rotten Martian Monkey |
Dolla Seedz |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rotten Panda |
ACE Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rotten Peaches |
Tinos Genetics |
75 |
unknown |
feminized |
Rotten Peaches X MAC |
Stone City Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rotten Pomegranate |
Fammabis Farms LLC |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rotten Rainbow |
The Grateful Seeds |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rotten Rozay |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rougarou |
Tatewari Tactical |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rough Zea |
illo Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Roughneck |
Centennial Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Round Earth |
MassMedicalStrains |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roundhouse |
7 East Genetics |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Route 66 |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Route 66 Burger |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rowdy Chem |
Dominion Seed Company |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
RowdyRoddyPiper |
Mogwai Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rox |
Paradise Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Roxanne |
Exotic Genetix |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Roxanne |
New420Guy Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Roxy |
Goodfellas Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Afghani |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal AK |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal AK Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Bacon |
Matchmaker Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Bird |
Red Scare Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Blackberry Kush |
South Bay Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Blueberry Gelato |
South Bay Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Bluematic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Breath |
No Till Punk |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Breath |
South Bay Genetics |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Canadian Haze |
Canadian Seed Lab |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Canadian Haze Auto |
Canadian Seed Lab |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Caramel |
Royal Queen Seeds |
49 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Royal Caribbean #1 |
Secret Santa Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Carpet |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal CBG Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Cheese |
Royal Queen Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Cheese Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Chem |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Cherry Punch |
South Bay Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Cherry White |
Fire Ridge Seed Co |
57 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Chocolate Thai |
SnowHigh Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Cookies |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Royal Cookies Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Cranberry |
Mr. C Seeds |
64 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Creamatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Royal Critical Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Dane |
Unknown or Legendary |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Dane |
Derg Corra Collective |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Dane |
Growers Choice |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Dane |
Hybrids from hell |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Dane |
Zenseeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Domina |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Royal Dutch |
Super Sativa Seed Club |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Dwarf |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Empress |
Almighty Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Flush |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Flush |
Nirvana Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Flush |
Sativa Seedbank |
77 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Forte |
Crescendo Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Fortune |
Sincerely Cali |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Fuel |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Garlic |
Red Scare Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Goo |
Terp Fi3nd |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Goo Bx |
Terp Fi3nd |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Gorilla |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Gorilla Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Gorilla Runtz |
Turn It Up Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal GWAV OG |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Haze Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Highness |
Humboldt Seed Company |
55 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Highness |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Jalalabad |
Red Scare Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Jelly |
Taylormade Selections |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Jewels |
Terp Fi3nd |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Kush |
G13 Labs |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Kush 7 |
Emerald Mountain Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Kush Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Kush Bx10 |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Kush Bx6 F2 |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Kush BX6 F3 |
Hungry Hippo Farm |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Kush Mints #11 |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Kush X |
Emerald Mountain Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Kush x 88g13HP |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Kush x Skunkdog BX1 |
Matchmaker Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Laterine |
Pretty Good Plants |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Lemon Tart |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Madre |
Royal Queen Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Mauiberry |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Medic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Meltdown |
Red Scare Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Merlot |
Terp Fi3nd |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Moby |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Mystery |
County Line Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Oak |
Archive Seed Bank |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal OG |
South Bay Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal OG CBD |
Big Dog Exotic Cannabis Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Oil |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Orange Haze |
Next Level Michigan Seed Co. |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Oreoz |
Zia Farm and Seed |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Plaque |
Illuminati Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Punch |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Royal Purple |
SnowHigh Seeds |
95 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Purple Kush |
Breeder Choice Organisation |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Purple Kush |
Emerald Triangle |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Purple Kush Auto |
Emerald Triangle |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Purple Kush CBD |
Emerald Triangle |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Royal Purple Kush x SCBDx |
SuperCBDx |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Purple Thai |
SnowHigh Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Queen |
No Mercy Supply |
40 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Rainbowz |
South Bay Genetics |
57 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Redz |
Solkana Seeds |
66 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Rigby |
Crescendo Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Robbery |
Seed Bandit seed company |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Royal Runtz |
Flight Time Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Runtz |
Royal Queen Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Runtz Automatic |
Royal Queen Seeds |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Salute |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Sauce |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Skunk |
misterD Farmhouse |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Skywalker |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Royal Sour x Oil Spill |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Spill |
Emerald Mountain Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Stomper |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Stomper Remix |
Night Owl Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royal Tenenbaum |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Thai |
Spliff Seeds |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal THCV |
Royal Queen Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royal Ulduz |
Bald man Lala Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Royal Wedding |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Wedding Cake |
London City Genetics |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal with Cherries |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royal Yerba |
Pacific NW Roots |
65 |
unknown |
regular |
Royal Zkittlez |
South Bay Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royale Haze |
Dinafem |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Royale With Cheese |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Royalmatic |
Ministry of Cannabis |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
RoyalMazar |
Real Gorilla Seeds |
85 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Royalty Trees |
Archive Seed Bank |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Rozay |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rozay Cake |
Relentless Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rozé |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Roze F3 |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rozie Perez |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rozzilla |
Goodfellas Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Desert King Mountain High Seed Co. |
65 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
RR91 |
Aurora Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
RS #11 x Purple Punch |
Ripper Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
RS #11 x Sour Face |
Ripper Seeds |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
RS-11 |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
RS11 |
Growers Choice |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
RS11 |
Gea Seeds |
63 |
indica |
feminized |
RS11 Auto |
Advanced Seeds |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
303 Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rub -A- Dubble |
Cannarado Genetics |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rubba Breath |
Cosmic Wisdom |
58 |
indica |
reg. and fem. |
Rubber Butter |
Fresh Coast Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rubber Match |
Secret Society Seed Co |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rubber Necker |
Annunaki Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rubber Pie |
Frosty Mountain Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ruberry |
Maui Jane Seed Co. |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rubik’s Cube |
Terp Fi3nd |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rubikz Cube |
Royal Jellies |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rubina |
KalySeeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruby Cabernet |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruby Frost |
Cannarado Genetics |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Ruby Juice |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ruby June |
Ez Grown |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruby Red Gas |
Dynasty Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruby Rose |
Second Generation Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ruby Runner |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ruby Truffles |
Big Dog Exotic Cannabis Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ruby Vine Afghani |
Blackbird Preservations |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ruby Violet |
Purple City Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Rucu Cucu OG |
SeedStockers |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rucu Cucu OG Auto |
SeedStockers |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rucu Pichincha Purps |
593 Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rude Bud |
Zambeza |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rude Dragon |
Dragons Flame Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rudeboi OG |
ApeOrigin |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
RudeBoi OG |
Archive Seed Bank |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ruderalis |
Original Strains |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Ruderalis |
The Seed Bank |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Ruderalis Indica |
Sensi Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Ruderalis Indica |
The Seed Bank |
- |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Ruderalis Indica/Sativa |
The Seed Bank |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruderalis Sativa |
The Seed Bank |
- |
ruderalis / sativa |
regular |
Ruderalis Skunk |
Sensi Seeds |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ruderalis Skunk |
The Seed Bank |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Rudi |
KalySeeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Rudra Solvent |
ACE Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rufio |
517 Legend Seed Co |
90 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rug Burn OG |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
58 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RugDoctor OG |
Finest Picker Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Rulk Auto |
Urban Legends |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rum Bayou |
Doc's Dank Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rum Punch |
Black Tuna |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Rum Runner |
Greenpoint Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rum Sunset |
Kickflip Genetics |
69 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rumcakez |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rumplemintz |
Binary Selections |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runaway Bride |
Bad Dawg Freebies |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runaway Train |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
80 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runt Puncher |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runt-Zu |
The Grateful Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runthz |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runtz |
Unknown or Legendary |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runtz |
ApeOrigin |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
Dr. Blaze |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
Elev8 Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Runtz |
Linda Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz |
SeedStockers |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz |
Zamnesia |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz 13 |
G13 Labs |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz 2.0 |
Grounded Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz 41 |
Nasha Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz 592 |
Blue Bloods Grow |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runtz Auto |
Barneys Farm |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Auto |
Bluedog Genetics |
55 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Auto |
Greenfield Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Runtz Auto |
Linda Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Auto |
Original Sensible Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Auto |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Autoflower |
United Cannabis Seeds |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Berries |
Raw Genetics |
61 |
unknown |
regular |
Runtz Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Bombz |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Buttonz |
Exotic Genetix |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz BX |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Runtz Crasher |
Nasha Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz F1 Automatic |
Zamnesia |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Fast Flowering |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
67 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Runtz Ghost Train |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Gluntz |
Bulk Seed Bank |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Gum |
Original Sensible Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Muffin |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Of Eden |
Elev8 Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Pucker |
Elev8 Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz Punch |
Herbies Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz S1 |
Clone Quest |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz S1 |
Exotic Genetix |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz S1 |
Nasha Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz S1 |
Turn It Up Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Scout Cookies |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Runtz Smitten |
Happy Bird Seeds |
88 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz V2 |
Kre8 Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz x Black Cream Auto |
Philosopher Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz x Layer Cake |
Barneys Farm |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz X London Pound Cakes |
Stone City Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Runtz x Sour Face |
Ripper Seeds |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Runtz x Strawnana |
Purple City Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz x Thor’s Hammer F4 |
Viking Gardens |
105 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Runtz x Zombie Kush |
Ripper Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Runtz XL Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtz91 |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtzbert |
The Grateful Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
RuntZorbet |
Gas Reaper Genetics |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtztopia |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Runtzz S1 |
Scapegoat Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rurouni Kenshin |
Grow Today Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rush Hour |
Secret Society Seed Co |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Rush of Siam |
ACE Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Russia - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
Russia - Ruderalis |
Original Strains |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Russia - Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Russian Auto CBD |
Nativ Canna |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Russian Automatic |
Exotic Seed |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Russian Blue |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Russian Creme |
Kaiser Chief |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Russian Doll |
Kannabia Seeds |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Russian Fuel |
Flash Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Russian Fuel F2 |
Bay Seeds |
67 |
ruderalis |
regular |
Russian Haze |
Flash Seeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Russian Landrace Auto |
Seattle Chronic Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Russian Love Machine |
The Agrarian Society |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Russian Rocket Fuel |
Short Stuff Seedbank |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Russian Snow |
Vision Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Rustam Kush |
Afghan Selection |
67 |
indica |
regular |
Rusty Glue |
New420Guy Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Rusty Haze |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
68 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Rusty OG |
New420Guy Seeds |
60 |
indica |
regular |
Ruthless Runtz |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Rx |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
RX11 |
Grounded Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ryan's Revenge |
The Capitan's Connection |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Rylo |
Aficionado Seed Bank |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ryu |
Enlightened Genetics |
69 |
mostly sativa |
regular |