Auto Imperium X |
Anesia Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Insomnia |
Apex Seeds |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Island Diesel |
Dispensario Seeds |
- |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
I - 65 Pie |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
I del la D |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
I Love College |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
I Scream Sandwich |
The Oregon Leaf Cultivation |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
I-70 |
Deep Space Creations |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
I-80 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
I-95 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
I-Spice |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
I.E.D |
Illuminati Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
I.E.D. |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
I.P.A. |
Cult. Six16 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
I.S.S |
Jardala Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
I'm from Holywood |
Cult Classics Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
i80 |
Amish Warrior Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
i80 |
Covert Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
i95 Aviator |
Prima |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
i95 x StarDawg |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica |
regular |
Ibiza Farmers |
Super Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
IBZ Haze |
IBZ Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
iCandy |
Envy Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Icaris OG |
Boneyard Seeds Norcal |
66 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Icarus |
Higher Love |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Icarus |
Omuerta Genetix |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
ICC x OS x Oil Spill |
Emerald Mountain Legacy |
- |
indica |
regular |
Icculus |
3rd Coast Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Clone Only Strains |
60 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Ice |
Fatbush Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Female Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Growi Seeds Amsterdam |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice |
Nirvana Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Ice |
Royal Queen Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice |
Bulk Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice 101 |
RocBudInc |
61 |
unknown |
feminized |
Ice Age |
3rd Coast Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Bomb |
Bomb Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Box Cookies |
Lost River Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Breaker |
Secret Society Seed Co |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Breakers |
Envy Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cold |
Solfire Gardens |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Ice Cool |
Sweet Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cool Auto |
Sweet Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cool CBD |
Sweet Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cream |
Paradise Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Banana |
Sin City Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Banger |
Bloom Seed Co |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Bean |
Dying Breed Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ice Cream Blues |
Fitfriendlyfarmer |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Bx |
Tiki Madman |
- |
indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Cake |
Barneys Farm |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
GB Strains |
67 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
Grand Cru Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
Mad Scientist Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Cake |
Seed Junky Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Cake | |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
United Cannabis Seeds |
64 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake |
Zamnesia |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake Automatic |
Zamnesia |
67 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake Bx1 |
Lit Farms |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Cake Fast Flowering |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake x Kings Kush |
Foxx Exotics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cream Cake x Red Velvet |
Lit Farms |
60 |
unknown |
feminized |
Ice Cream Candy |
In House Genetics |
- |
indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Cone |
Archive Seed Bank |
62 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Dream |
Jinxproof Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Haze |
Dutch Passion |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Man |
Compound Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Man F2 |
True Grit Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Mints |
Seed Junky Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream OZ |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Paint Job |
Parabellum Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Planet |
Eureka Seeds Org |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Punch |
Greenpoint Seeds |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cream Runtz |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Sandwiches |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Cream Sherbet |
Motherland Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Cream Soda |
Intuitive Genetics |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Sundae |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Taffy |
Nugs 420 |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cream Train |
Santa Cruz Goatfarm |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Ice Cream Wedding |
Greenpoint Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Cream Zundae |
Dark Horse Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Cube |
Baked Beanz |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Eyes |
Hypno Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Keki |
Guam Maineian Gardens |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Kush |
Advanced Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Kush |
US SkunkX |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Lady |
Zambeza |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ice Pick |
Green Wolf Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Pie |
Botafarm California |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Pie |
Tiki Madman |
60 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Ice Plateau |
The Agrarian Society |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ice Princess |
Brothers Grimm |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Queen |
BioQueen Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Queen |
No Mercy Supply |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ice Wine |
Terra Firma Exclusives |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ice Wreck |
Crop King Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iceberg |
Anesia Seeds |
62 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iceberg Slim |
NBG Seed Co. |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Icebox Cake |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Icecream Social |
Bulletproof Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iced Apple Skunk |
Cannabella Genetics |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iced Berry Pinatas |
Brain Freeze Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iced Cherry Cookies |
Moscaseeds |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iced Chocolate |
Deep Ellum Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iced Cream Fi3nd |
Mo Stanky Danks |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iced Gems |
Eleventen |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
ICED Grapefruit |
Female Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Iced Gushers Auto |
RocBudInc |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iced HeadBand |
Loompa Farms |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Iced LemonAid |
Annunaki Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Iced Out |
In House Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
feminized |
Iced Out Blueberries |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iced Out Wook |
Catalyst Creations |
58 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Iced Peach |
Perfect Tree |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iced Pineapple |
Cannabella Genetics |
54 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iced Sangria |
Atlas Seed |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iced Up Cherries |
Square One Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iced Widow |
Female Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Icee Melt |
Crockett Family Farms |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Icee Rink |
Shadow Corporation Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Icer |
R-KIEM Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
IceWine |
Chef's Genetix |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Icewood |
Cult. Six16 |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ichigo 100 |
HashHeads Genes |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ickis |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
iCritical |
The iSeeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Icy Grape |
Copa Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Icy Hot |
Bigworm Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
IcZee |
Webb Genetics |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Idiocracy |
Mr. Green Jeans Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Idukki |
The Landrace Team |
98 |
sativa |
regular |
Idukki Gold |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
140 |
sativa |
regular |
Ierdbei F3 |
Basic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Iguana |
La Mano Negra |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iguana on a Ztick |
GameStrainz |
60 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Iguanna Farts |
Sterquiliniis Seed Supply |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
iHaze |
The iSeeds |
80 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
63 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Ikigai |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ikigai |
Tokyo Seeds |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Il Diavolo |
Delicious Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
ill.OG |
illo Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Illegal Aliens |
Garden of Dreams Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Illinois Crack |
Round Boy |
75 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Illinois Skunk |
Nikko Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Illogical Kush |
Farmer Fly |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Illuminauto #54 |
Mephisto Genetics |
- |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
Illusion OG |
Tiger Trees |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Illusion OG |
Wyeast Farms |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Iman |
Binary Selections |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Immaculate Cherry Dream |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
66 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Immaculate Desserts |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Immaculate Desserts Bx |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Immortal |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Immortal Bear |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Immortal OG |
Illuminati Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Immortal Zkittlez |
Universally Seeded |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Immortality |
Socal Seed Vault |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
IMPA Ruderalis |
KalySeeds |
90 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Impala 64 Haze Auto |
Sumo Seeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Imperial Dank |
707 Seed Bank |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Imperial Eagle |
Dominion Seed Company |
61 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Imperial Star Destroyer |
Andromeda Strains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Imperialism I |
Pretty Good Plants |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Imperialism II |
Pretty Good Plants |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Imperialism III |
Pretty Good Plants |
- |
indica |
regular |
Imperium X |
Anesia Seeds |
67 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Impressions |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
In The Pines |
Aficionado Seed Collection |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
In Z Air |
Perfect Tree |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
In-Fern-Ho |
Nomad Seed Bank |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
In-N-Out |
Otter Grows |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inca Gold |
NorStar Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Inca Spirit |
Hemcy Genetics |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inca Trail |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inception |
Pacific NW Roots |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Incredible Bulk Auto |
Dr. Krippling Seeds |
63 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Incredible Hawaiian Hulk |
Pua Mana Pakalolo |
64 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Incredible Lemon |
Theraplant |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Incredible Power |
Sin City Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Inda-Couch |
Jinxproof Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indacouch |
Alaska Cannabis Cache |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indi-Sat |
Cultivators Choice |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
India - Hybrid |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
India - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
India - Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
sativa |
regular |
Indian |
4:20 Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Indian Haze |
Seedsman |
70 |
sativa |
regular |
Indian Kush |
VIP Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Indian Mandarine |
Mr H Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Indian Morning Haze |
DutchBreed |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indian Pudding |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indian Skunk |
Seedsman |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Indian Sommer |
KalySeeds |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indian Summer Chimäre |
KalySeeds |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
Indiana Bubble Gum |
Moscaseeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Indiana Bubblegum |
Fleur du Mal |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
Indica / Sativa |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indica Cream |
Kannabia Seeds |
53 |
indica |
feminized |
Indica Delight |
Kannabia Seeds |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Indica Diablo |
Mighty Mite Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indica Giganticus |
Reefermans Seeds |
71 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
Indica Star |
Southern Star Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Indica XXL |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
53 |
indica |
feminized |
Indica-Creeper Hybrid |
Super Sativa Seed Club |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indica-Maliwi Hybrid |
Super Sativa Seed Club |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indicators |
Best Coast Genetics |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
Indigo |
Sativa Seedbank |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indigo |
Vancouver Island Seed Company |
49 |
indica |
regular |
Indigo Berry Kush |
Sweet Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Indigo Blue |
Dutch Flowers |
44 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indigo Child |
MassMedicalStrains |
53 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Indigo Child Bx1 |
MassMedicalStrains |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indigo Child Bx2 |
MassMedicalStrains |
50 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indigo Child x Star Pupil |
MassMedicalStrains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Indigo Diesel |
Second Generation Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Indigo Dream |
Cannabis Family Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indigo Express |
The Bank Genetics |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Indigo Grapes |
MassMedicalStrains |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Indigo Prayer |
MassMedicalStrains |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Indigo Pupil |
MassMedicalStrains |
58 |
indica |
regular |
Indigo Pupil (Fem Version) |
MassMedicalStrains |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Indigo Tara |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Indigo Triangle |
MassMedicalStrains |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indigo Unicorn |
MassMedicalStrains |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Indisat |
The Seed Bank |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Indra Kush |
Dungeon Of Dank Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indreadible |
Siam Seeds |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Indrid Cold |
Socal Seed Vault |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Induced Coma |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Industrial Plant |
Dinafem |
48 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Industrial Plant Autoflowering CBD |
Dinafem |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Inebriating Mint |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Infatuation |
Sin City Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Infernal Hulk |
Patchwerk Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inferno Haze |
Gage Green Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inferno Haze F2 |
Gage Green Genetics |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Infidelity OG |
Secret Society Seed Co |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Infinite Chi |
Grandpa Buds Seeds |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Infinite Euphoria |
Burning Bush Nurseries |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Infinity |
Liberty Seeds |
49 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Infinity & Beyond |
Flip Side |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Infinity And Beyond |
Sunken Treasure Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Infinity Stone |
Nerds Genetics |
62 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Infrared |
Tiger Trees |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Ingemar's Punch |
De Sjamaan |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inglewood Cookies |
South Bay Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inglourious Bastard |
Sanya Sativa Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Inherited OG |
Flip Side |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inked Up Cherries |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Inland Orange |
Roots 6.4 Gardens |
63 |
unknown |
regular |
Inner Peace |
Fire Garden Pharms Genetics |
60 |
indica |
Clone only |
Inner Peace v2.0 |
Fire Garden Pharms Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Innervision |
MassMedicalStrains |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Insane Chem 91 |
Insane Seed Posse |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Insane Jane |
Jaws Gear |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inside Joke |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Inside Peanut Butter Outside Jelly |
Red Scare Seed Company |
55 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Insomnia |
Apex Seeds |
69 |
sativa |
feminized |
Inspector Cheese |
Ronin Garden |
73 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Inspector Lestrade |
Doc's Dank Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inspector Royale |
Irie Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Inspiration |
Ketama Seeds |
57 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Instablue |
Blue Star Seed Co |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Instablue |
DJ Short |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Instakush |
Ministry of Cannabis |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Intense Skunk |
De Sjamaan |
48 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Intergalactic |
Exotic Genetix |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Intergalactic Lot Lizard |
Beyond Hype Seed Co |
63 |
unknown |
feminized |
International Space Station |
Finest Picker Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
International Space Station |
Red Scare Seed Company |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Interstate Pimping |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Interstellar |
Flip Side |
68 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Intimidator OG |
Sin City Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Into The Mystic |
Happy Bird Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Introduction |
Gage Green Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Invader Zim |
southdagrowda |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inzane Auto |
Ethos Genetics |
90 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Inzane Cherry |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
80 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Inzane In The Membrane |
Ethos Genetics |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Inzane Orgasm |
MadCat's Backyard Stash |
75 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ioncannon |
Triptoe Seed Co |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ipanema Kush |
Eureka Seeds Org |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ipot |
Ministry of Cannabis |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Iran |
The Landrace Team |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iran - Hybrid |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iran - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
Iran Shiraz |
The Landrace Team |
74 |
indica |
regular |
Iran Yazd |
The Landrace Team |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iranian |
The Real Seed Company |
70 |
indica |
regular |
Iranian Auto Flower |
Dr. Greenthumb |
50 |
indica |
feminized |
Iranian Bubba Kush |
Dr. Greenthumb |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iranian Chemdawg |
Dr. Greenthumb |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iranian Cindy 99 |
Dr. Greenthumb |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Iranian Diesel |
Dr. Greenthumb |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iranian Early Flower BX2 |
Oregon Green Seed |
41 |
indica |
regular |
Iranian G13 |
Dr. Greenthumb |
50 |
indica |
feminized |
Iranian Haze |
Dr. Greenthumb |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Iranian OG Kush |
Dr. Greenthumb |
65 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iraqi Haze |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
100 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iraqi Pilgrim |
Derg Corra Collective |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iraqi Triangle |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Irene Alien OG |
Obsoul33t Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Irene Haze |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
90 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Irene Kush X Chemdog D |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Irene OG |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Irene OG x Dirty Sanchez |
Cannavore Selections |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Irene's Ghost |
Fully Cooked Seed Company |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iridium |
Alien Genetics |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Irie |
French Touch Seeds |
78 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Irie OG |
Gage Green Genetics |
49 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Iris |
Treeology Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
Irish Cannonball |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Irish Cheese |
Mighty Irish Seeds |
55 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Irish Cream |
Mighty Irish Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
reg. and fem. |
Irish Haze #7 |
Mighty Irish Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Iron Cindy |
Kingdom Organic Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Cobra |
Red Scare Seed Company |
77 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Curtain Auto |
Plantamaster Seeds |
65 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iron Flow |
Hero Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Iron Gorilla 4 |
DwarvenForged |
84 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Iron Maiden |
Tall Tree Organics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Man |
Kineos Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Mic |
Socal Seed Vault |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Phaze |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Iron Triangle |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Iron Triangle OG #9 BX |
Colorado Seed Inc. |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
IronSmith OG |
Exclusive Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Irrawaddy |
The Landrace Team |
105 |
sativa |
regular |
Irukandji |
Illuminati Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Isaac Haze |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Isaac Haze |
Sweet Funky Breeze Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Iscariot |
Gnostic Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
iShot |
The iSeeds |
60 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ishtar 2023 |
White Buffalo Seed Collective |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ishvara |
DutchBreed |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Isis |
Dutch Passion |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
IsLAnd |
DNA Genetics Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Island Apples |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Island Boys |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Island Chill |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Island Cold Brew |
Farmer Fly |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Island Cookies |
Hawaiian Budline |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Island Eisbaer |
Dispensario Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Island Girl |
Archive Seed Bank |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Goat Cheese |
Dispensario Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Island Lady X Haze |
El Clandestino |
56 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Mango Kush |
Dispensario Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Island Mimosa |
Twenty 20 Genetics |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Island Poison |
Next Generation Seed Company |
42 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Punch |
The Cali Connection |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Island Spice |
Weaving Genetics |
56 |
unknown |
regular |
Island Sweet Diesel |
misterD Farmhouse |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Pie |
misterD Farmhouse |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk |
Unknown or Legendary |
58 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk |
Federation Seed Company |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk |
Next Generation Seed Company |
63 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Island Sweet Skunk Remix |
Lucky 13 Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk x ATF |
Twisty Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk x BC Skunk |
Federation Seed Company |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk x Celestial Temple Sativa |
Federation Seed Company |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk x Jamaican |
Federation Seed Company |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Sweet Skunk x Purple Shaman |
Federation Seed Company |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Island Tour |
The Bank Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Island Treatz |
Bred By Woses |
63 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Island Way Sorbet |
Secret Santa Genetics |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Isles Skunk |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
It's a Trap |
Red Scare Seed Company |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
It's Bananas |
Enlightened Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
It's Fire |
Jinxproof Genetics |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
It's Hashy |
Enlightened Genetics |
66 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
It's It |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
It's It Punch |
Sun Grown Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
It’z It |
Crane City Cannabis |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Apple |
Loud Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Beauty |
Syndikate Vault Seedbank |
58 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Italian Beef |
Tonygreens Tortured Beans |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Italian Beef x Sour Diesel Bx3 |
Tonygreens Tortured Beans |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Cookies |
Dino Party |
74 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Ice |
3rd Coast Genetics |
60 |
indica |
regular |
Italian Ice |
The Cali Connection |
72 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Ice |
Smoke One Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica |
feminized |
Italian Rage |
In-Tents Genetix |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Italian Shoes |
Universally Seeded |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Italian Soda |
Superseed Company |
60 |
unknown |
regular |
Italian Stallion |
Heart & Soil Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Italian Superbird |
Silberhaze Genetics |
73 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Itchycoo Park |
Jamie Cee’s Premium Cannabis Seeds |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Item #9 |
Cryptic Labs |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Its MendoDope |
Mendo Dope Farms |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ivan Ooze |
Exclusive Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ivory Breath |
Aficionado French Connection |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Izar Cream |
Gure Brox Genetics |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Izno CBG Auto |
Califrosty |
81 |
ruderalis / sativa |
regular |
Izzy Cakez |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |