Auto UK Cheese |
Seedsman |
83 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Ultra Power Plant |
Victory Seeds |
77 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Unicorn Poop |
GB Strains |
74 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Auto Uzbeka |
AutoFem Seeds |
58 |
ruderalis / indica |
regular |
U - Pink Kush |
Dr. Underground |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
U Dub HP Bx |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
U-God |
Life's Blood Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
U2 |
Mr Nice Seedbank |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
UBC Chemo |
Clone Only Strains |
77 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
UBC Chemo |
B.C. Bud Depot |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
UBC Chemo |
Federation Seed Company |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ube |
Taylormade Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uber |
Cannarado Genetics |
61 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Uber Candy Haze |
Dutch Flowers |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Uber Dawg |
Pisces Genetics |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Uberkush |
Sannie's Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Udder Madness |
Solfire Gardens |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Swamp Donkey Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Coastal Seed Co |
- |
unknown |
regular |
UFO Cookies |
Sin City Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
UFO x Bubba Kush |
Ripper Seeds |
73 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Big Sky Beans |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uganda Mamba |
The Landrace Team |
126 |
sativa |
regular |
Ugly Unicorn |
Jinxproof Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Underground Originals |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Red Scare Seed Company |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uk Auto-Ammi |
London City Genetics |
77 |
ruderalis / sativa |
feminized |
UK Auto-PENG |
London City Genetics |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK Blues |
Lineage Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
UK Bluez |
London City Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
UK Cheese |
Elev8 Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
UK Cheese |
Green Fantasy Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
UK Cheese |
CSI Humboldt |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
UK Cheese |
Shaman Genetics |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
UK Cheese |
UKSeedCo |
56 |
unknown |
feminized |
UK Cheese Auto |
Humboldt Seed Organisation |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK Cheese Auto |
Shaman Genetics |
56 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK Cheese x Aloha WW |
The Blazing Pistileros |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
UK Cheese x Animal Cookies |
Ripper Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
UK Cheese x Zombie Kush |
Ripper Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
UK Cheesy Express |
Phoenix Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK Chem |
Connoisseur Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
UK Exo |
London City Genetics |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
UK Home Made Cookie's |
Trump Seeds |
65 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
UK Monkey |
Wanted Seeds |
- |
unknown |
Clone only |
UK Psychosis |
London City Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
UK Riot |
Compound Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK Scottish Power |
London City Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
UK08 |
Unknown or Legendary |
77 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
UK47 |
Tempa Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ukhrul |
The Real Seed Company |
55 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ukiah Berry |
Blackbird Preservations |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ukraine - Hybrid |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ukraine - Ruderalis |
Original Strains |
- |
ruderalis |
regular |
Ulduz |
Bald Monkey Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ulduz |
Bald man Lala Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate AK |
Sumo Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultimate Banana Kush |
Dankonomics Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Chem |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate Chem 08 |
Thunderfudge |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate Chem 2010 |
Riot Seeds |
- |
indica |
regular |
Ultimate Chem 818 |
Thunderfudge |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Circle |
Wanted Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ultimate Flex |
Terp Fi3nd |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Frosting |
Smokingrower |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Indoor |
Capricorn Seed Company |
53 |
indica |
regular |
Ultimate Juice |
Flying Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Kush |
Bohemiaseeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate Kush |
Cannarado Genetics |
68 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultimate Lav |
Exotic Genetix |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate Lemon Bubba |
Thunderfudge |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate OG |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultimate Peak |
Capricorn Seed Company |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultimate Purple |
B.C. Bud Depot |
53 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Ultimate Smoothie |
Solkana Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultimate Stoney Berry |
Stoney Girl Gardens |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Thai |
Hemcy Genetics |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultimate Warrior |
Terp Fi3nd |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra 85 |
Olympic Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Ultra Alien |
Pacific NW Roots |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultra Boof |
Your Highness |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultra Chem SFV |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ultra Critical |
Azarius Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultra Early Love |
Reefermans Seeds |
46 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultra Fizz |
Calyx Bros. Seed Co. |
67 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultra Freshies |
Cult Classics Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Ultra Glue |
Lady Sativa Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra Grapefruit |
Ultra Genetics |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultra High Frequency |
Red Scare Seed Company |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra La Chem |
Bean Boyz Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra Lemon Haze |
Auto Seeds |
68 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultra Lemon Haze |
Stone Free Seeds |
48 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ultra Power Plant |
Victory Seeds |
56 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ultra Skunk |
Dutch Passion |
53 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Ultra Sonja |
GrindHouse Medical Seeds Co. |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra Violet Haze |
SnowHigh Seeds |
88 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultra Violet Poison |
Bio Bomb Selections |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultra White Amnesia |
Ministry of Cannabis |
63 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Ultrabrite |
Thunderfudge |
74 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultrashack |
FlowerPower Seedbank |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
UltraSour |
TH Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Ultraviolence |
Cult Classics Seeds |
67 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Ultraviolet |
Samsara Seeds |
70 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ultraviolet Eclipse |
Enlightened Genetics |
53 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Ultraviolet Haze |
TreeTown Seeds |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
UltraViolet OG |
Archive Seed Bank |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Anesia Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Una Fria |
Wyeast Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unabomber |
The Capitan's Connection |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unapologetic |
Noble Genetics |
55 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unbroken Chain |
Mycotek |
61 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Uncirculated OG |
In House Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Uncle Ebenezer |
Happy Little Treez |
74 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Uncle Elroy |
Dead By Dawn Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uncle John's Headband |
Magick Beans |
77 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Uncle Lucious Lemonade |
GreenMan Organic Seeds |
- |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Uncle Moneybags |
Lupos CannaSeed |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Uncle Willie's Gasoline |
GibbsKutz Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uncles Magoo |
Patchwerk Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Uncut Gems |
Triple C Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Under Dawg |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Under Dawg #1 |
Top Dawg Seeds |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Under Dawg D |
Top Dawg Seeds |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Undercover Butter |
Fresh Coast Seed Company |
53 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Underdawg |
Loompa Farms |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Underdawg Cake |
TH Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Underdawg OG |
Clone Only Strains |
63 |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
UnderDawg OG |
TH Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Underdawg OG x London Pound Cake x Kushmints |
TH Seeds |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Underdog OG |
Loompa Farms |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Underdog Urkle |
Loompa Farms |
68 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Undertaker |
ScareCrow Seeds |
65 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Undertow |
Colors by Cultivar |
- |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Unforgettable |
Beyond Top Shelf |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unholywood |
Flight Time Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unicorn |
Anomaly Seeds |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unicorn Bacon |
Anomaly Seeds |
56 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Berries |
Mobties609 |
65 |
indica / sativa |
Clone only |
Unicorn Blood |
Riot Seeds |
63 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Cake |
Sinisterslim |
42 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Cakes |
Cult Classics Seeds |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Cakes |
Universally Seeded |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Cookies |
Mobties609 |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn F2 |
Anomaly Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Farts |
H.B.K. Genetics |
68 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unicorn Heaven |
Second Generation Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Krack |
Puget Sound Seeds |
48 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Kush |
Unicorn Boys Genetics |
53 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unicorn Meat Pie |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unicorn Milk |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Unicorn Pebbles Runtz |
Petepacks |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Piss |
Rage City Genetics |
59 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unicorn Poop |
GB Strains |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unicorn Poop |
ThugPug Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Poop Bx |
The Bakery Genetics |
70 |
unknown |
regular |
Unicorn Pops |
Aura Genetix |
50 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unicorn Porn |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
unknown |
regular |
Unicorn Porn Star |
HereWeGrowSeedCO |
73 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Pussy |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Unicorn Rainbows |
Universally Seeded |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unicorn Sherbert |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unicorn Sherbert |
Universally Seeded |
55 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unicorn Shoes |
Cult Classics Seeds |
61 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unicorn Shoes |
Universally Seeded |
60 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unicorn Sliderz |
The Bakery Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unification |
Cult Classics Seeds |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Union Jack |
Sagarmatha Seeds |
68 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Unique London |
The Vimana Collective |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Unity |
The Bakery Genetics |
63 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Unknown Kush Early Version |
Delicious Seeds |
59 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
feminized |
Unknown Strain |
Original Strains |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Unskinny Pop |
Realpotency |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
UP Kush |
AndalucĂa Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Upapi |
Bred by 42 |
60 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Upaya |
Ethos Genetics |
- |
unknown |
feminized |
Uplift |
Bodhi Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Upper Cut |
Oni Seed Co |
67 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Uppercut |
Up The Hill Creations |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Upside Boundcake |
Green Team Genetics |
70 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Upside Down Cake #4 |
Lit Farms |
60 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Upside Down Frown |
Cannarado Genetics |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Upstate Moscato |
Nyxclusives Genetics |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Upstream |
Delicatessen |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Uptown Clockstar |
Riot Seeds |
84 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Uptown Girl |
Clone Only Strains |
65 |
unknown |
Clone only |
Uptown Girl |
Barneys Farm |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Uptown Girl |
Deep Ellum Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uptown Girl |
Omuerta Genetix |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uptown Haze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Uptown Lights |
Deep Ellum Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uptown White Dawg |
Riot Seeds |
74 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Uranai Baba Kush |
Hisens Crew |
60 |
indica / sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Uranus Lemon Haze |
Naledi Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Urban Cheese |
DaHood Urban Seeds |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Urban Guerrilla |
Freedom Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Urban Poison |
Nirvana Seeds |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Urgam Valley |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
84 |
sativa |
regular |
Urgam x Malana |
Indian Landrace Exchange |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Urkel Girl |
High Ground Ganja |
70 |
mostly sativa |
regular |
Urkle Berry II |
CannaVenture Seeds |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Urkle Bx1 |
CSI Humboldt |
55 |
unknown |
regular |
Urkle Lemons |
Skunk House Genetics |
67 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Urkle Train Haze |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
unknown |
regular |
Urkle's Royale with Cheese |
Secret Santa Genetics |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Urkle91 |
Goat and Monkey Seeds |
- |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Ursa Major |
Unknown or Legendary |
- |
indica |
regular |
Ursula Berry F2 |
Humminbird Genetics |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
Ursula Berry F3 |
Humminbird Genetics |
75 |
ruderalis / indica / sativa |
regular |
UruWhite |
Ketama Seeds |
55 |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Uruzghani x Jack's Cookie |
Forum Genetics |
60 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
USA - Hybrid |
Original Strains |
- |
indica / sativa |
regular |
USA - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
USA - Mostly Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
regular |
Up The Hill Creations |
70 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Utopia |
Absolute Cannabis Seeds |
58 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Utopia Dreams |
Goldenseed |
- |
mostly indica |
feminized |
Utopia Haze |
Barneys Farm |
75 |
mostly sativa |
reg. and fem. |
Uttarakhand |
The Landrace Team |
112 |
sativa |
regular |
UV-A |
Rare Dankness Seeds |
63 |
indica |
regular |
SubCool’s The Dank |
58 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uvaz |
Black Tuna |
62 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Uvaz |
Wizard Trees |
63 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
UW |
Clone Only Strains |
- |
mostly indica |
Clone only |
UW Cookies |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uw Og |
Slanted Farms Seed Company |
65 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uzbekistan |
CH9 Female Seeds |
53 |
indica / sativa |
feminized |
Uzbekistan |
Kannabia Seeds |
56 |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistan - Indica |
Original Strains |
- |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistan Bokhara |
The Landrace Team |
53 |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistan Hash Plant |
Nomad Seed Bank |
60 |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistan Yangiyul |
The Landrace Team |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistani Headstash |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
indica |
regular |
Uzbekistani Shit Show |
Red Scare Seed Company |
63 |
indica / sativa |
regular |
Uzbekistani Thunderfuck |
Red Scare Seed Company |
56 |
indica |
regular |
UzBlockistan |
Red Scare Seed Company |
56 |
mostly indica |
regular |
Yardie Seeds |
60 |
mostly sativa |
feminized |
Uzi Love |
Red Scare Seed Company |
50 |
mostly indica |
regular |