An image of Fruit Tartare

Fruit Tartare

breed by Aficionado French Connection

Here you can find all info about Fruit Tartare from Aficionado French Connection. If you are searching for information about Fruit Tartare from Aficionado French Connection, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Fruit Tartare is an mostly sativa from Aficionado French Connection and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±53 days) Aficionado French Connection's Fruit Tartare is More THC than CBD is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Aficionado French Connection Description

Fruit Tartate, an easy to cultivate and generous Sativa
This Sativa dominant hybrid grows vigorously, developing plenty of secondary branches. It is recommended to prune or pinch out the apical tip early in the growing period to encourage even stronger development, delivering a more abundant harvest.

Pinching out or pruning is also important in controlling the pronounced stretch of this plant, which lasts for several weeks at the beginning of flowering. Its Sativa dominance will not prevent Fruit Tartare from flowering relatively quickly.

Fruit Tartare is ready to harvest in just over 7 weeks, with a yield of compact, resin-coated and colourful flowers.

It is well adapted to outdoors cultivation where it can reach a large size. The outdoor harvest is at the end of September, or early in October for the more Sativa leaning phenotypes.

Fruit Tartare, a pleasure to cultivate and to taste
Fruit Tartare offers to the consumer a real explosion of flavours. As its name suggests, it combines fruity aromas, pineapple, lemon and exotic fruits, largely inherited from the Zkittlez.

More refined palates will also detect the subtle black cherries, guava and orange juice aromas of this extremely complex bouquet of flavours, something you will never become bored of.

It has a very pleasant and sociable effect, with gentle euphoria, stimulating your body and mind. It is a perfect variety to let your spirit sine, adding an exotic touch to your daily life.

This is an exceptional variety to select and conserve a mother plant to ensure your garden will always have some Fruit Tartare growing in it.

Aficionado French Connection Fruit Tartare info:
Type: Regular cannabis seeds
Genetics: (Forbidden Fruit x In The Pines) x [Forbidden Fruit x (Zkittlez x Magnum Opus #18)]
Sativa dominant hybrid
Flavour and aroma: pineapple, lemon, black cherry, guava, orange juice
Indoor flowering: about 7-8 weeks
Outdoor harvest: end of September – early October
Harvest: Average
THC: High
CBD: Some phenotypes have a CBD/THC 1:4 ratio


Fruit Tartare Reviews

Known Phenotypes

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Fruit Tartare Degustation

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Smell / Aroma

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Fruit Tartare Comparisons

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Aficionado French Connection Fruit Tartare:

Fruit Tartare User comments

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