An image of Auto Kerosene Krash

Auto Kerosene Krash

breed by Dutch Passion

Here you can find all info about Auto Kerosene Krash from Dutch Passion. If you are searching for information about Auto Kerosene Krash from Dutch Passion, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Auto Kerosene Krash is an ruderalis / indica / sativa from Dutch Passion and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±84 days) Dutch Passion's Auto Kerosene Krash is only available as feminized seeds.

Dutch Passion Description

Auto Kerosene Krash is a robust XL size auto-flowering plant that delivers results that leave no one indifferent. It produces compact, resinous, powerful and flavourful buds with a performance unseen in auto-flowering genetics.

Auto Kerosene Krash genetics
Kerosene Krash is a cross between Gorilla Glue #4 and a Sunset Sherbet male. Based on the results of this great plant, Dutch Passion developed the auto-flowering version. In this breeding work, Dutch Passion has used its Auto Glueberry OG (Glueberry OG x Auto Blueberry) to transfer the auto-flowering trait and maintain all of Kerosene Krash's organoleptic characteristics intact.

This automatic version produces quite large plants indoors and outdoors, taking the appearance of a compact Christmas tree, with a main branch surrounded by secondary ramifications that further enhance the harvest.

It has a full cycle of about 12 weeks, requiring full light input for best results, with a 20h light photoperiod indoors. The yield can reach up to 400-500g per m2, producing premium quality buds. It is advisable to grow it in a discreet place and to use an activated carbon filter indoors, as it releases very strong odours.

Kerosene Kras, Diesel flavours
Dutch Passion has obtained in this Kerosene Krash the classic Diesel and petrol flavours, with a slightly fruitier Auto Glueberry OG touch. This creamy taste lingers in the mouth for a long while, like a delicious sweet treat.

Auto Kerosene Krash presents THC levels easily exceeding 20%, with a particularly powerful high to enjoy a psychedelic euphoria that evolves into a more relaxed physical and cerebral state.

Dutch Passion Auto Kerosene Krash info:
Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seed
Genetics: (Gorilla Glue # 4 x Sunset Sherbet) x Auto Glueberry OG
Indica dominant hybrid
Flowering: 9-10 weeks
Complete cycle: 12 weeks
Yield: 400-500g per m2
THC: 20%


Auto Kerosene Krash Reviews

Known Phenotypes

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Auto Kerosene Krash Degustation

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Smell / Aroma

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Auto Kerosene Krash Comparisons

How is Auto Kerosene Krash growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Dutch Passion' Auto Kerosene Krash and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Dutch Passion Auto Kerosene Krash:

Auto Kerosene Krash Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 2 direct descendants from Dutch Passion in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Auto Kerosene Krash Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Maestro Auto (Urban Legends) Kerosene Krash Auto (Dutch Passion) x {Bruce Banner (Dark Horse Genetics) x Unknown Ruderalis (Original Strains)}
Wicked Witch Auto (Magic Strains) Witch Doctor (Magic Strains) x Kerosene Krash Auto (Dutch Passion)

Auto Kerosene Krash User comments

Altogether we've collected 0 about Dutch Passion.

Unluckily not one of this comments is in en!

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