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Plant-Profile about Monasteria (by Nectar Seeds)

This Plant-Profile was generated by 3 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: weedygonzales, tribun and Lazybear

Information about the growth of the plants:

Growth Behavior
Stretch and Fast
Side Branches
an average number ; long as well as above average strongness
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
  • ...looks and grow more like a Sativa.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is very good
Bud Structure
The dried buds are hard and compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is strong and long lasting


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Smell / Aroma

View all Aroma / Smell info of this strain.


No data available for this strain.

General Impression

Monasteria (Nectar Seeds) (Indoor) is all together good strain, but there are better ones

(On average 7 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)

Additional Information

Lazybear says

Monasteria - Meine ist eine Inzucht von jemandem aus dem Hanfburg Forum so wie ich das gehört habe.

Lange Nodienabstände,wächst wie ein ausladender Kerzenleuchter mit langen nach oben gebogenen

Seitentrieben die mit ein bischen Aufsicht alle auf eine Höhe gebracht werden können.Habe sie

nur beschnitten angebaut.

Wenig Blätter,harte kompakte Nuggets mit Calyxentürmchen

Schon deutliche Sativa.

Geruch&Geschmack war verhältnissmässig stark und andauernd.

Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:

Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: weedygonzales, tribun and Lazybear

SeedFinder Strain Reviews

This Strain-Profile is an average out of all Plant-Profiles who was uploaded by our users. If you also have grown this strain before, please use our upload-form to expand and update this data! Its fast and easy, you only have to check some boxes, but it will help us a lot to fill up our database and standardize the strain-descriptions. And later we can integrate some options to search or sort this data, too!