SeedFinders NewsFlash

Blog :: Wizard

New: Dr. Wizard - The Strain Selector

The first and raw version of our new strain wizard is online now! Now you can filter your strains not only with the breeder-info but also with the strain review data from our users! At the moment not all filters are activated (its the first beta version), but you can already choose between aroma, taste, high, effects, ratings and more then 30 different strain-attributes right now - and much more will follow in the next days. You can combine all the filters as you like - and also the table byself is order- and sortable, so i hope this will become a realy useful tool for you :) But please note, what you see right now is the first beta-version (and its in the middle of the night now) so i hope it will work well for you ;-) if something seems to be wrong - please let me know! see you later, klaas
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Monday 14th of May 2012 04:26:38 AM

New filters for the Strain-Wizard

Now you can add the following new filters to our Cannabis Strain Wizard:

* Flowering time (indoor)
* Growth Behavior (including different subfilters) and
* 3 filters for the yield (Amount, The ratio of leaves to buds and Compactness)
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Thursday 17th of May 2012 09:07:21 PM

Permanent links for the Wizard!

Up from now our cannabis strain wizard delivers permanent links for the actual selected filters! Onto this way you can preselect strains for friends and send them the link to the selection very simple - or you can use the links to bookmark your own strain-selection! If you are using an actual browser, the urls should change directly into the browsers navigation bar - if you are using an old browser you need to copy the link from the box into the left menu (where you also can change the language).

I hope you like this new option, and here as a test a link to a preselection for beginner friendly cannabis-strains!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Sunday 9th of September 2012 06:22:14 PM

New module: Cannabinoid Profiles, Comparison and Search

Recently we collect and store cannabinoid test (THC, THCA, CBD, CBG, THCV, CBC and CBN) for the different varieties of cannabis. This thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography tests have been provided by breeders and testing labs (user upload will follow soon) and allow us to integrate the major cannabinoids and acids in our search, comparison and sorting options. Furthermore, we can now also provide detailed profiles and comparisons for each variety. For the beginning we have only about 230 tests to approximately 80 strains in the database - but the main work is done and many more tests will be added soon!

A summary of the average values for all the tested strains (as well as some charts for the subspecies) can be found in our research area. If you like to search, filter and sort strains based on the test results - just use our Strain Wizard and it's possible filters and display options for cannabinoids! Furthermore you can find a short chart and some classifications (compared to other varieties) on the respective strain-info-page! You will see the box at the left side if there are any tests in the database - and also check out the link below this box to view the detailed profiles and test-results including pictures.

Here the most important links and an example for a detailes strain-test-profile:

* SeedFinder Labs / Cannabinoid Overview
* SeedFinders Cannabis Strain Wizard
* Cannabinoid profile for Blue Dream
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Wednesday 30th of January 2013 12:06:20 PM