SeedFinders NewsFlash

Blog :: Seedfinder

New option: Connect videos to the strains!

If you stumble upon a cool video with extended info or a report about a cannabis-strain - now you can connect it to the seedfinder! This videos will be shown directly below the strain-description where you can watch it! For the moment this option will work only with youtube, but some more video platforms will follow if needed! It's very simple and will work like our ThreadFinder, you only have to insert the video-id, select a preview-image and hit a button - ready! You will find the upload-link onto the strain-description-pages, bottom right, into the big green upload-bar for strain-info. This option will be also integrated into our CannaFox Marijuana Add-On soon.
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Tuesday 4th of January 2011 04:58:44 PM

New page for the latest news!

Short info: Up from now you'll find here a page with the latest uploads from the last 2 weeks! For example pictures, reviews, videos and so one...
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Thursday 6th of January 2011 10:35:12 PM

Maps and More!

The breeders in the SeedFinder now have their own dynamic Strain- and Hybrid-Map! With this new feature you can visualize all the varieties, their parents (and their descendants) of a breeder. You can center the different strains, you come from there directly to the variety descriptions and you can generate more maps (for example for a parent) to quickly find similar strains. Tip: You are able to zoom, stretch or rotate the maps which can be quite helpful! The keyboard shortcuts for that you'll see in the legend, top left of the map.

The whole thing is still in beta, it works better here and there, but it can quickly be a little confusing if too many varieties appear on the map. But hey, it's a start, and at some point I may will find the time to optimize this maps a little further ;) If anyone like to help us to build an even more stylish and more usable visualization, just do it, onto you can find the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit with which we have also crafted our own maps. There are also some other great opportunities for the presentation, but you will see - it's not quite as easy with a few hundred species in one single map ;)

Lots more has changed in recent weeks / months - even if you should have not noticed much of it, most have changed in the background. It was time to clean up a little bit, to bring some structure to the project and to prepare some stuff to make the future updates easier and faster for me ;) The ThanksGiving-Game for example ... From time to time the draw has been delayed a bit - simply because I have not found the time to do the raffle ... Well, I'm sorry, but this does not happen in the future, the draw is now automatic :) New (and visible) are the first "breadcrumbs" for the database - which facilitate the internal navigation - and by the way also google seems to like that ;) Over time this will spread through the entire SeedFinder, hope you will like this too :)

One more thing... Because we were always just on the cleanup we have also optimized our databases - be happy with the new, around 10 times faster query time ;) Yeah, its not a bad idea to have a look from time to time ;) Ok, that no matter for most requests onto our page, but if you view large genealogy trees or hybrid-maps it will be (hopefully) a little noticeable and some seconds faster than before! (And by the way I need only half of the ice for cooling the server.)

Well, I will not list everything here, the spring cleaning is still ongoing - and also some wicked new features will coming soon! Just one example: A giant wizard for strain selection - based only on the user reviews and quite configurable (with all the options from our strain review function)! But patience, patience - the majority is already done - but it will take a little while yet - then it'll be really, really cool ;=)

Allright, see you later,
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Tuesday 7th of June 2011 09:40:59 PM

New Strain-Menu and Strain-Browser

Since tonight you'll see the new menu item "Strain-Browser" top left in the SeedFinder. When you click on it you should see a choice for all breeders and varieties if you do not have JavaScript turned off. This should save you some clicks and time, now you can go from anywhere quickly to all strain/beeder infos. Furthermore there is a new menu for the strain information and uploads. This menu will be shown directly under the strain-browser, on all pages with information about a specific variety and will also work without JavaScript ;) Using this new menu, you can quickly and easily identify and find all the uploaded information about a strain - and also the links to upload and add your own strain-info! This menu hopefully protects you against going loop ways and will help to find all the connected straininfo much easier than before :)
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Wednesday 15th of June 2011 11:07:20 AM

SeedFinder goes HTML5

We changed our doctype to HTML5 now! This will bring us some new options, but we hope thats not noticeable for the moment ;) Where we are headed, it can be shown in a first small example. We will integrate some new stuff step by step, but as a first step and example we have updated our strain clouds for aroma, taste and effect right now :) Until now we included our pie-charts as old-fashioned, big PNG files or with the google chart api - now we can deliver nice vector graphics as inline SVG. These not only look better and load faster, they also are even prettier scalable. Here is a good example: Acidic aroma-cloud with pie-chart for Mandala #1. (And some more onto the strain info page.) Check it out, and hopefully you will also see the piechart - but normally it should work with the most (actual) browsers. (If not - please send us a short message and we will see what we can do!)
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Thursday 29th of September 2011 11:10:33 PM

Server and Admin moved...

Welcome in the new year - and on our new server in the Netherlands! The move is almost finished and everything should work again - if not, please get in touch with us! But not only the server emigrated from Germany - the complete Seedfinder team (klaas) has moved - greetings from the sunny south of Tenerife! Now we are ready for a lots of nice updates, new options and changes - but more info later ;-) Up to this time: Have fun with the new server and see you later!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Saturday 5th of January 2013 03:23:35 PM

New module: Cannabinoid Profiles, Comparison and Search

Recently we collect and store cannabinoid test (THC, THCA, CBD, CBG, THCV, CBC and CBN) for the different varieties of cannabis. This thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography tests have been provided by breeders and testing labs (user upload will follow soon) and allow us to integrate the major cannabinoids and acids in our search, comparison and sorting options. Furthermore, we can now also provide detailed profiles and comparisons for each variety. For the beginning we have only about 230 tests to approximately 80 strains in the database - but the main work is done and many more tests will be added soon!

A summary of the average values for all the tested strains (as well as some charts for the subspecies) can be found in our research area. If you like to search, filter and sort strains based on the test results - just use our Strain Wizard and it's possible filters and display options for cannabinoids! Furthermore you can find a short chart and some classifications (compared to other varieties) on the respective strain-info-page! You will see the box at the left side if there are any tests in the database - and also check out the link below this box to view the detailed profiles and test-results including pictures.

Here the most important links and an example for a detailes strain-test-profile:

* SeedFinder Labs / Cannabinoid Overview
* SeedFinders Cannabis Strain Wizard
* Cannabinoid profile for Blue Dream
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Wednesday 30th of January 2013 12:06:20 PM

SeedPolice Update - New Seedbank list with more functions!

Last week we updated our seedbank review area a little bit! Since today our "SeedCops List" for serious and dubious seedbanks and shops is now a little bit more clearly arranged, sortable (finally), and also you will find now some more info about the single shops! Also we prepared are some new otions, as example you now will be able to filter the seedbanks by payment-methods, you can find the actual reduced offers from this shops, and you now can see and read also the single user reviews!

-> Click here to visit the new Seedbank Review Area

Btw... Also the upload area got a small update, you now are able to upload your reviews very simple - and without any registration at our pages! If you made any good or bad experiences with a seed order in the last time, please add your review here, its done in a minute and will help a lots of other growers worldwide! (The Review-Area is now also available in german, spanish and french!) And last but not least - if you are missing a shop in our list - no problem - simply upload the shop-info together with your review and we will add it to the list as soon as possible!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info, News from the shops. on Wednesday 29th of May 2013 03:29:11 PM

database fuckup!

Because of a big database problem we've lost the data from around the last 3 months! If you have uploaded something in this time, please do it again, this would be very nice! (Maybe you also need to recreate your user-account!) I'm very very sorry for the hazzle and the stress and the time you have lost while adding your information - Sorry again! :( Btw... I was able to restore at least the strain-data and breeders as like as some shop-reviews and pictures from the memcache, so we are up to date again with the strains and the genetic info :)
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Thursday 8th of May 2014 05:49:24 PM

Join the first SeedFinder SUPERBOWL

Get prepared for our first Cannabis Cup! The new, yearly SeedFinder SuperBowl will be presented to the best breeder/seedbank/grower - and everyone is invited to join!

The first SeedFinder SuperBowl I will be handed out whilst the second Copa Canaval at the 7th and 8th of March 2015 at Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). This event is held from two local cannabis clubs (CannaWorld Canarias in Santa Cruz and the CSCC TFS in Los Cristianos) and will be more a party and holiday-meeting then a hectic expo! We will have two days of party together with all our friends from all around the world, we plan to lie around in the sun while enjoying some music - and we definetly need to smoke some (or better a lots) of the best cannabis strains available! If you like to join us there - we would be happy to see you here! Check it out, maybe you can find the time - and think about the weather in your home country at the beginning of March - here it will be warm and sunny ;-) But even if you can not find the time: Its also possible to join the competitions by courier service - just send in your stuff by post - we will send you back the cups, no problem ;-)

Alright... And how to join the Cup?
You need to send in your samples no later than the 31th January 2015 - and you can join with a maximum of two strains!
To join the SeedFinder SuperBowl I you need to send in buds AND an extract (hash or bho) from the same strain! The minimum amounts are 12g (buds), 3g (hash) and 2g (bho)...
...beside of this samples there is no entry fee or something like this - this cup is a non-commercial one!

Btw... There are also some different cups you can join at the Copa Cannaval - altogether we have 16 cups in different 6 categories (indoor, outdoor, hashish, bho, professional, seedfinder superbowl) to award! Please check out the Copa Cannaval Webiste for more information - or go to facebook and join the events there! Here the links:

Copa Cannaval Website:
II Copa Cannaval at facebook:
SeedFinder SuperBowl at facebook:
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Tuesday 9th of December 2014 07:51:27 PM