SeedFinders NewsFlash

Blog :: Seedfinder

ThreadFinder Updates - Add your Forums

We've refurbished and updated one of the oldest SeedFinder modules within the last days - the ThreadFinder! (with this module you can connect info/growreports/threads from other websites directly to the strains at the seedfinder!)

Because a lots of old websites was offline or not working any more it was necessary to kick them out finally - and to connect some new forums instead! And here we need your help! If you can not find your favorite forum/community connected to the seedfinder - please let us know about and we will add it to the list in a minute! But please note: The content there need to be accessible for thThreadFindere public and not only after logging in with an user-account...
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Wednesday 20th of February 2019 07:00:58 PM

New Cup-Winner Pages!

In the last week we've updated another of the very old modules at the SeedFinder - the Cannabis Cup Winner stuff! We just put the new version online, the first new winners of the HighLife Cup are already added (the rest of the cups we will bring up to date within the next days) and then we will add a shitload of new cups step by step!

yeah, check out the new outputs here: Cannabis Cup Winner Pages

^^ now you not only can visit the single cups like before - also it is possible to browse through the single categories like Indoor, Hydro, Kush or CBD weed - you even will find the TOP3 of the best rated strains for each of this categories there! (more search/browse-options for the cups as like as better and bigger Top-Lists for the cannabis cups will also follow soon!)
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Friday 1st of March 2019 05:08:24 AM

bigger and better photo-uploads!

...we've updated the SeedFinder strain-picture-gallery-upload a bit today! Now you can upload much bigger photos - and you also can turn them around if they are not directly shown in the right direction ... Also the upload is more easy now, specially at mobile devices! ...yeah, check it out and upload your pictures to the strains - pictures say more than 1000 words and are always a big help for the others!! The link to do so you will find in the left menu at every strain-description page!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Wednesday 6th of March 2019 05:29:12 PM

Strain-Pages now configurable!

Registered users are now able to configure the order and the visibility of the single modules at the strain-info-pages. Maybe you want to see always the parents very at the top, then the reviews and the tastings? No problem at all: Define your own order and tell us if we should shown the modules collapsed or open - and we will do so! Just log in to the user area and select the "Page Setup" link in the left user menu!

...btw... also guest are now able to collapse/expand the single modules - and this will be also stored for the following pageviews - but the cookie will be deleted one hour after the last visit! If you want to safe that settings and/or to change the order of the modules: Please create a user-account for that!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Friday 5th of April 2019 10:29:33 PM