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Strain-Pages now configurable!

written by seedfinder

Strain-Pages now configurable!

Registered users are now able to configure the order and the visibility of the single modules at the strain-info-pages. Maybe you want to see always the parents very at the top, then the reviews and the tastings? No problem at all: Define your own order and tell us if we should shown the modules collapsed or open - and we will do so! Just log in to the user area and select the "Page Setup" link in the left user menu!

...btw... also guest are now able to collapse/expand the single modules - and this will be also stored for the following pageviews - but the cookie will be deleted one hour after the last visit! If you want to safe that settings and/or to change the order of the modules: Please create a user-account for that!
By seedfinder Posted in SeedFinder's News/Info on Friday 5th of April 2019 10:29:33 PM


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The new lineage view is very hard to use and view on mobile devices. A vast majority (>70%) of traffic is now mobile. Can you please make the lineage view/family tree more mobile user friendly? The old site was much better in this regard.

Posted by Anonymous User on Monday 28th of October 2024 11:56:18 PM