
Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Zomia. We've collected data about 14 Cannabis Strains breed by Zomia Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Zomia.

Zomia's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Chanderkhani-Rumsu Feral Selection Zomia 126 sativa regular
Dai Daeng - Red String Thai Stick Zomia 112 sativa regular
Dvaravati Zomia 140 sativa regular
Erawan Zomia 140 sativa regular
Ko Chang Zomia 126 sativa regular
Kroeng Krawia Zomia 140 sativa regular
Muang Xai Zomia 140 sativa regular
Squirrel Tail #1 - Phu Phan Zomia 126 sativa regular
Squirrel Tail #2 - Mae Chaem Zomia 98 mostly sativa regular
Squirrel Tail #3 - Hat Yai Zomia 126 sativa regular
Squirrel Tail #4 - Phon Sawan Zomia 140 sativa regular
Tanaosri #1 - Red Star Zomia 140 sativa regular
Thai Mango #1 - Mae Chaem Zomia 140 sativa regular
Tiger Tail #1 - Mae Chan Zomia 140 sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Zomia's image

Zomia Collective is a union of traditional Landrace Cannabis growing communities based in Asia.

Zomia offers a selection of ethically sourced, open pollinated landrace genetics from the point of origin.

