DJ Short

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder DJ Short. We've collected data about 32 Cannabis Strains breed by DJ Short (4 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 7 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about DJ Short.

DJ Short's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
90s Blues DJ Short - indica regular
Azure Haze DJ Short 70 mostly indica regular
Blue Moonshine DJ Short 53 mostly indica regular
Blue Star DJ Short - unknown regular
Blue Velvet DJ Short 50 indica / sativa regular
Blueberry DJ Short 50 mostly indica regular
Blueberry Sativa DJ Short - mostly sativa regular
Cocoa Kush DJ Short 58 indica / sativa regular
F-13 DJ Short 56 mostly sativa regular
F13 Throwback DJ Short 56 mostly sativa regular
First Light DJ Short 58 mostly indica regular
Flo DJ Short 60 mostly sativa regular
Glazed Berries DJ Short 63 mostly indica regular
Grape Krush Throwback DJ Short 59 mostly indica regular
Grapekrush DJ Short 56 indica / sativa regular
Happy Pussy DJ Short 57 mostly indica regular
Honeybee DJ Short 58 mostly sativa regular
Instablue DJ Short 49 mostly indica regular
Johnny Blaze DJ Short 70 indica / sativa regular
Mountain Jam DJ Short 56 mostly indica regular
Navy Cross DJ Short 63 mostly sativa regular
Newberry DJ Short 58 mostly indica regular
Old Time Moonshine DJ Short 53 mostly indica regular
Seven of Nine DJ Short - mostly sativa regular
Temple Flo DJ Short - indica / sativa regular
The Red Eyed Bride DJ Short 60 unknown regular
Toe Jam DJ Short 63 mostly sativa regular
True Blueberry DJ Short 53 mostly indica regular
Vanilluna DJ Short 58 indica / sativa regular
Velvet Krush DJ Short 61 mostly indica regular
Velvet Rush DJ Short - indica regular
Whitaker Blues DJ Short 57 mostly indica regular

More info about this breeder

DJ Short's image

A Breeder since the early 70's, DJ Short has produced some of the most unique strains found anywhere on the planet. His Blueberry strain placed first in the Indica category at the 2000 Cannabis Cup. As one of the most important Breeders of our time, DJ Short raises the bar for all cannabis breeders with his original mix of new and Old World genetics. All seeds are 100% organic.
