Nirvana Seeds' Wonder Woman Taste

Here you can find information about the Taste of the cannabis strain Wonder Woman from Nirvana Seeds, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Hashish 37% (medium)
Violet 29% (low)
Lemon 28% (low)
Lemon Grass 27% (low)
Tangerine 23% (low)
Cinnamon 20% (low)
Sweet Lemon 19% (low)
Honey 18% (low)
Orange Blossom 17% (low)
Nectar 15% (low)
Vanilla 15% (low)
Grapefruit 15% (low)
Bubble Gum 14% (low)
Sugar 13% (low)
Lime 11% (low)
Licorice 10% (low)
Pine 8% (low)
Maple 5% (low)

This data was drawn from 1 reviews. Thanks to: beej83