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Plant-Profile about Violator Kush (by Barneys Farm)

This Plant-Profile was generated by 1 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: hellmutt

Information about the growth of the plants:

Flowering Time Indoor
Between 70 and 70 days (Average: 70)
Growth Behavior
Squat, Like a christmas tree, Strong, Sturdy and Fast
Side Branches
not very many ; short to average as well as slightly above average strongness
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
  • ...can be placed close together.
  • not need much care.
  • ...are not very tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
  • not need much fertilizer.
  • ...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
  • ...looks and grow more like a Indica.
  • ...are well suited for very low growrooms.
  • ...are well suited for a SoG (See of Green).
  • ...are a good choice for beginners.
  • ...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.
  • ...should be supported into the flowering period. (Nets, JoJos, Bamboo-Sticks).

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is very high
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is super
Bud Structure
The dried buds are hard and compact


View all effects of this strain.

Smell / Aroma

No data available for this strain.


No data available for this strain.

General Impression

Violator Kush (Barneys Farm) (Indoor) is all together extremely good and very recommendable

(On average 9 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)

Additional Information

hellmutt says

Outta 5 seeds only 2 germed

Both grew fast whit almost no problems. Easy to grow.

Are not very tollerant of heavy nutes.

Was grown in same hydro reserwar with CBD seeds lavander.

lavander never showed sighns of nute burn but Violator kush did.

At the end the nute burn might of stressed her out a bit cus lower buds had some seeds where as the top buds where rock solid.

Lower buds where aire where as the top where compact.

Yeild was above avrage got just a few grams over 4oz for both plants.

After 68th day i flushed with water and some other bottle stuff. Put in darkness for 3 days .

Ive done it in the past and i think it works, my nugs are super frosty always.

Dryed for 3 days and jared.

Took a bit longer to get that afgani taste just right! But now shes very tasty and hashy.

U can tell this one is from afganistan or somewhere around there.

The high is very destinctive very smooth yet powerful.

Taste-8 very hashy earthly taste.

Look-8 you can really tell this one comes from some middle eastern lineage.

Smell 8 strong tabaco like smell likda like pipe tabaco smell.

High-9 very smooth easy going feeling and very body calming stone also very distingtive high.

Yeild-7 she got me some good amount about 4 oz from 2 plants.

Over all i say shes a 9.

Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:

Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: hellmutt

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