Plant-Profile about Sugar Black Rose (by Delicious Seeds)

This Plant-Profile was generated by 6 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: Mastercard, IndigoGreen, Bluefox, SmokingOne, null0 and rasterfarmer

Information about the growth of the plants:

Harvest Time Outdoor
End of October +/- 2 weeks in CmSh3 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Begin of October +/- 2 weeks in CmHm2 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Middle of October +/- 3 weeks in CmSh3 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Begin of October in CmSh2 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Middle of September in BmSa2 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Begin of October +/- 2 weeks in CmSh2 climates at the northern hemisphere.
Growth Behavior
Bushy, Strong, Sturdy, Stretch, Squat and Fast
Side Branches
a lot of ; medium length to long as well as strong and vigorous
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
  • ...have no problems with low temperatures.
  • ...have no problems with high temperatures.
  • ...are well suited for a ScroG (Screen of Green).
  • many, thick buds on the side branches.
  • ...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
  • ...are a good choice for beginners.
  • ...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.
  • ...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
  • ...should be supported into the flowering period. (Nets, JoJos, Bamboo-Sticks).

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is very high
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is slightly above average
Bud Structure
The dried buds are hard and compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is strong and long lasting
Tolerance Built
slightly below average tolerance education


View all effects of this strain.

Smell / Aroma

No data available for this strain.


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General Impression

Sugar Black Rose (Delicious Seeds) (Outdoor) is all together extraordinary and quite recommendable

(On average 8 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)

Additional Information

Mastercard says

+++diesmal sativalastiger Phäno+++ passt besser auf die Beschreibung der Seedbank als der Indicaphäno den ich letztes jahr hatte+++

blüht früh aber auch lange+++große Buds+++schöne Herbstfärbung+++

+++diesmal wirklich süßes Aroma von Blütenhonig bis Biodiesel+++guter Ertrag+++

+++ der Indica phäno vom vorigen Jahr hatte ein wesentlich komplexeres Aroma +++

+++ aber man kann wohl nicht Alles haben+++

IndigoGreen says

3/3, greenhouse, great resistance to mold, great yield, not much trimming needed, resin coated buds and small leaves -i mean the trichomes are so dense you can hardly see green at some places, smells fantastic (the name fits her). One plant was ready in begin of Oct. the other two in middle. Need more curing, but in my vaporizer(Linx Gaia) i tasted peppermint, black pepper, a bit sweetness, some floral... High is body stone. As i said, will cure longer. Great strain, will grow again.

null0 says

Would recommend using a larger container then the seven gallon smart grow bags that I used. Could easily handle a twenty gallon container, but then I'm seventy and can barley lift these. The sample seed I grew last year had more of a Sativa look to it then the current crop. That plant had to be harvested on 09/13 due to a severe windstorm and a weeks worth of rain. Will update when I harvest.


Have to say I'm very impressed by the mold resistance of the plants. Yield was moderate but the taste was excellent. Also took cuttings that I grew and matured and those were fantastic. Highly recommend this plant. Only problem I've encountered is dealing with Delicious Seeds. Impossible to communicate with.


Bluefox says

Hatte sie in einem ca.50l(zu klein auch für spät angezogene Pflanzen! das Dreifache wäre wohl ideal!) Tontopf an der (leider gar nicht so sonnigen)Südseite unseres Wochenenddomizils...trotz einmaliger Hauptriebkappung kaum Seitentriebneubildung,

die vorhandnen entwickelten sich aber kräftig..

sie reift recht"früh" man kann sie Anfang Oktober(bei Masseverlust)ernten..bei gutem Wetter aber bitte 14 Tage länger warten..

aber auch nicht viel länger da die sie sonst an Qualität verliert! kann wohl kaum vermeiden das Gefatter Grauschimmel seinen teil beansprucht(wenns nicht grad ein Goldener Herbst ist)das ist der "Blutzoll"den man zahlen muß..

den die Buds sind von AUßERORDENTLICHER QUALITÄT!..dicht und rund,nicht all zu groß...auch für erfahrene Grower nicht von Indoor zu!

..frisch getrocknet riecht sie wie ein Blumenladen..nicht nach Rosen auch nicht nach Blüten überhaupt sondern dieser typische "Schnittblumengeruch"..also eher "grün"..

später dann auch deutliche Holznoten(zeder?) mit einer Spur Hasch..oldscool würd ich sagen im besten sugar bei mir!

entfaltet seine geistig sedierende wirkung erst nach 10 Wochen curing vollständig (körperlich bleibt man recht beweglich) legt den Kopf nach hinten und relaxt..ohne zu weit abzudriften..und nach einer viertel Stunde kann man sich wieder aufrichten und ist auch kognitiv wieder belastbar.(pics!)

SmokingOne says

I'm outdoor grower and this is the best strain that i grew in 6 years! Grows very fast and produce lot of sweet smelling hard buds that! The name of the strain is good description ot the smell, smells like sugary, fruity roses with darker tones (influence of black domina). She has good mold resistance, but few buds can mold away, but she compensate with huge yield! Notice that I grow in swampy places where humidity is high, also near the end of flowering, begining of October, weather usualy get shity. Don't grow other strains near her! She devours nutritions, so other strains near hear don't grow very well! She is sturdy plant but because of lot of hard buds it is recomended to support her!

She is ready to harvest around 10. october (46NL, Central Europe)

Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:

Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: Mastercard, IndigoGreen, Bluefox, SmokingOne, null0 and rasterfarmer

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