Sensi Seeds' Skunk #1 Taste

Here you can find information about the Taste of the cannabis strain Skunk #1 from Sensi Seeds, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Earth 23.71% (low)
Sweet Lemon 18.57% (low)
Grapefruit 15.71% (low)
Blood Orange 15.71% (low)
Cedarwood 14.29% (low)
Wood 14.29% (low)
Sugar 14.29% (low)
Mango 8.71% (low)
Lemon 7.14% (low)
Nectar 7.14% (low)
Passion Fruit 5.57% (low)
Acidic 4.43% (low)
Jasmine 4.29% (low)
Rot 1.43% (low)
Orange Blossom 1.29% (low)

This data was drawn from 7 reviews. Thanks to: smack, ARZTdurchlassen, growking, HHaze, Gargoto, grapeandfuel and boudaflotek