Plant-Profile about SexBud (by Female Seeds)
This Plant-Profile was generated by 2 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: MCG66 and mrnicex
Information about the growth of the plants:
- Flowering Time Indoor
Between 50 and 50 days (Average: 50)
- Stretch after the initiation of flowering
±267 Percent
Initial of flowering onto around 30 cm. - Final Height onto around 110 cm.
- Growth Behavior
- Side Branches
a lot of
extremely short
as well as
strong and vigorous
- The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
...can be placed close together.
- not need much care.
...are tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...need much fertilizer.
...are not vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are not susceptible to mold.
...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
...have no problems with low temperatures.
...have no problems with high temperatures.
...looks and grow more like a Sativa.
...need a lot of room upward.
...are well suited for a ScroG (Screen of Green).
...are a good choice for beginners.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.
- many, thick buds on the side branches.
...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness
- Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is great
- Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is above average
- Bud Structure
The dried buds are rather hard and compact
- Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is strong and long lasting
- Tolerance Built
slow tolerance education
Smell / Aroma
No data available for this strain.
No data available for this strain.
General Impression
SexBud (Female Seeds) (Indoor) is all together extremely good and very recommendable
(On average 9 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)
Additional Information
mrnicex says
Die getrockneten Blüten haben (nach dem zerkleinern) stark süßlich und fruchtig gerochen.
Vom Geruch her sehr angenehm und außergewöhnlich !
Die Wirkung der Sorte ist vorallem geistig aktivierend. Während des Rausches
ist man gut gelaunt und sehr redselig !! Ebenso konnte ich gegen Ende des Rausches
eine gesteigerte sexuelle Lust wahrnehmen. Ihr Name ist also Programm ! Ich würde die
Sorte für lustige Film Abende mit Freunden empfehlen oder während eines Disco
Besuchs rauchen.
Am Ende des Rausches ist man noch relativ klar im Kopf und kaum müde. Daher ist die
Sorte aus meiner Sicht ideal für Anfänger geeignet, die auf Alkohol verzichten wollen.
MCG66 says
Graine cadeau, odeur exquise de fruits tropicaux/sucré, effet ultra high planant assez fort et qui fleurit assez rapidement tout en conservant l'aspect d'une sativa.
Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:
Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: MCG66 and mrnicex
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