An image of Satori
An image of Satori
An image of Satori
An image of Satori
An image of Satori
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breed by Mandala Seeds

Here you can find all info about Satori from Mandala Seeds. If you are searching for information about Satori from Mandala Seeds, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Medicinal Values, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, Threads, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Satori is an indica / sativa from Mandala Seeds and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±68 days) Mandala Seeds's Satori is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Mandala Seeds Description

We have refined this strain genetically to produce an even more reliable and powerful cross that will delight your connoisseur heart. Satori is an exceptionally easy to grow sativa. She has shown impressive hardiness against spider mites and other pests, and she possesses a good measure of mold resistance. her slim appearance makes it possible to plant in narrow rows, or in SOG, to maximize her typical record yields even more. The firm side shoots provide highest quality cuttings.

As with all our sativas she is heat resistant - an added bonus for small indoor environments and hot summer grows. The mainly sweet and fruity-spicy aroma is a real treat for the senses. Satori grows a long head bud with chunky flowers and does not require much feeding on soil; you can almost do without feeding provided you use quality soil and sufficient pot size (approx. 2 gallon pots for adult plants under 250-600W lamps). Keep EC levels low in hydroponics for best results. All Mandala strains are extremely efficient in nutrient uptake due to their hybrid vigor and require only low EC levels/feeding to develop huge leaf, stem and bud structure. Satori is a high yielding, powerful plant with an exceptional sativa high. The heavy buds are easy to manicure, and from the resinous bud leaves you can produce finest grade hash, comparable in quality to the famous Nepalese "temple balls". Satori shows her therapeutic potential in relieving depression and anxiety; this strain can ease sleep disorders from auto-immune diseases and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

High: a clear, cerebral high and strong potency sets in quickly; it supports concentration and creativity; very inspiring and stimulating. Ideal for writers, artists, musicians, or other creative people.

Satori Reviews

We've collected strain info from 16 for Satoriindoor.

General Impression

Strength / Lasting Effect

The weed is is very strong and long lasting

User rating

Satori gets 8.73 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Known Phenotypes

  1. indica dominant, phenotype #1
  2. long, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa dominant, phenotype #1
  3. short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica dominant, phenotype #1

More info

Please click here to see the full Plant-Profile!

Outdoor Strain Review

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is great
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is above average
Bud Structure
The dried buds are hard and compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed insane strong and very long lasting
Tolerance Built
quasi not any tolerance education
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Indoor Strain Review

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is very high
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is very good
Bud Structure
The dried buds are rather hard and compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is very strong and long lasting
Tolerance Built
slow tolerance education
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Satori Degustation

The seedfinder users tested Satori and uploaded information about the and taste of Mandala Seeds' Satori. Here a short overview, click to the charts or links to get an exact description and find similar cannabis varieties!


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Smell / Aroma

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Orange Blossom
Sour Cream
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Satori Medicinal Values

2 medical user(s) provided personal experiences about the medicinal values of Satori from Mandala Seeds and specially it seem to help with Psychiatric Symptoms, Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation and Anorexia and Cachexia. Please find more information about the medical effects and the dosaging of Mandala Seeds' Satori here at our detailed medical info page page for this variety.

Satori Comparisons

How is Satori growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 7 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Mandala Seeds' Satori and compared this cannabis variety with 7 other strain(s). Click on the links to get more information and see how good this plants can be grown together!

Mandala Seeds Satori: vs Special Kush #1 vs Domina Star vs Bushmans vs Pure AK vs Black Widow vs Nevills Haze Hybrid vs 8 Miles High

Satori Lineage / Genealogy

Satori Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 4 direct descendants from Mandala Seeds in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Satori and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Lemon Zinger Satori x Appalachia
Star Child Satori x Snow Lotus
Satori Haze Nevills Haze Hybrid x Satori
Beyond the Brain {Kolumbien x Haze} x Satori

Satori User comments

Altogether we've collected 9 about Mandala Seeds.
THE grow is not yet finished i will try and update later here are some of my photos one of the pictures shows two satori that are only 14 days into bloom the rest have been on bloom for 49 days they will be harvested on the 70th day. they were fed 1 ml per Litre of water Bio Bizz grow through out the grow except last 2 weeks.They received as directed in the instuctions with the bloom and Top max both from Bio Bizz but generally i just look at my plants and decide from there. I have never taken Ph reading ever! actually they really have grown on their own with little help from me. I have also given them just water on a regular basis. both satori 49 days into bloom seem to be Sativa dominant while one is really tall and stretched the other more like a Christmas tree. The really tall one has far more trichs on than the other i was thinking it could be another type i do’nt know I will upload photos when complete The temperature was between 78-81f though out the grow my humidity was between 27- 38% while in bloom. Today is 21/1/2013 three weeks to harvest
Posted by pippypops on 21-01-2013 05:47
Hatte eine Satori ohne Lüfter unter 250W ESL. 25 Tage Vegi, 66 Tage Blüte brachten trocken ca. 50 Gramm Buds bei einer Endhöhe von 68cm. Trotz anfangs recht hoher Temperaturen bei einer Luftfeuchte von nur 20%, zeigte die Satori keinerlei Verbrennungen. Auch die niedrigen Nachttemperaturen während der Blüte (18°) verursachten keinen Schimmel. Hatte sie in Composana Qualitätsblumenerde, am Ende 15 Liter TOpf (den sie voll durchwurzelte, extrem gute Anwurzelungseigenschaften, Wurzelbooster ist nur KOmmerzprodukt und absolut überflüssig bis schädlich), und habe nur 1 - 2ml/L BioBizz BioBloom gedüngt, da Satori in guter Erde gehalten sehr genügsam ist. Merke: Viel hilf nicht immer viel, manchmal macht viel alles kaputt!

Der Geruch ist dabei eine Mischung aus fruchtig/zitronig und würzig/scharf/Kräuter. Wirklich köstlich, könnte stundelang daran riechen! Die Buds sind optisch von loser Konsistenz, aufgrund des Harzbesatzes jedoch ziemlich schwer. Ich war etwas irritiert, als bis weit in die Blütephase hinein nur weiße Häärchen und kaum buds zu sehen waren; einen richtigen Masseschub macht Satori erst ab Tag 50. Maniküre ist ziemlich viel Arbeit. Nach langer Trocknung und Fermentierung (zumindest die "Tüten-auf-und-zu" Methode) schrumpften die nassen Buds um 81% ihrer Masse auf knapp 50g trocken (18g Mainbud, 32g Seitenbuds). Diese habens aber in sich, die Finger kleben nur so danach.

Das High ist aktivierend, regt sehr zum Nachdenken an und ist sehr klar. Weniger etwas für Freunde von abgedrehten, psychedelischen Haze Trips als viel mehr für spirituelle, medittive Zewecke. Satori ist dabei sehr stark, im Vergleich zu z.B. Amnesia Haze brauchte ich deutlich weniger . Alles in allem sehr stabil, gute Qualität würde es aber wegen des Herzrasens (von dem mir auch Kollegen berichteten) und weil es mir zu klar ist, nicht nochmal anbauen. Trotzdem ist Satori ein ganz besonders Gras; man kann stundenlang über die abtraktesten Gedankengänge philosophieren und erlangt tlw. bahnbrechende Lebensweisheiten, die einen auch Abseits der "Breite" von Nutzen sind. Als Schüler der Stufe 13 habe ich es mir angewöhnt besonders am Abend vor Deutsch / Philosophie Klausuren einen guten Head durchzuziehen, was meine KOnzentration unterstützt und mir weitsichtige, teilweise unbekannte Gedankenverknüpfungen bringt; die Klausuren sind auf jeden Fall sehr gut ausgefallen.

Der verpeilt spaßige, stimmungsaufhellende und euphorisierende Effekt, den ich an bestimmten Haze Sorten so liebe, bleibt aber leider weitestgehend aus. Obwohl Satori einen Indica Einschlag hat, macht es einen so aktiv und "hibbelig", dass an Schlaf danach nicht zu denken ist. Daher eher etwas für den Tag, auch wenn noch Aufgaben oder Partys anstehen, ist man zwar innerlich in einer anderen Sphäre, behält aber (mit etwas Übung) die Kontrolle über die Situation; da man auch so gut wie keine roten Augen bekommt, das Energiegras für auswärts. Habe übrigens aus den Schnittresten ein hervorragendes Temple Balls ICe Hasch hergestellt, das ungefähr 3 mal so potent ist, wie die Blüten.

Alles in allem super Sorte, relativ problemlos anzubauen (ausgenommen hiervon vielleicht das lange Warten auf BUDS!) mit NDL sind hier sicher Rekordernten möglich, sehr potent aber von der Wirkung ganz speziell - man muss es auf jeden Fall probiert haben!
Posted by PsychedelicAwakening on 28-11-2011 17:51

There are 7 more comments in the following locales: de (7) en (2)

Satori Forum Threads

Here you can find external links to Satori related conversations in the different grower forums:

Hanf Angriff der Zombie-Sativas - BT 8x - Ende -

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