Fast Buds Company' Rhino Ryder Taste

Here you can find information about the Taste of the cannabis strain Rhino Ryder from Fast Buds Company, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Vinegar 28% (low)
Hashish 27.5% (low)
Pistachio 26.5% (low)
Lemon Grass 23.5% (low)
Pepper 21.5% (low)
Wood 20.5% (low)
Mango 20% (low)
Curry 18.5% (low)
Cloves 17.5% (low)
Coughsyrup 17% (low)
Musky 17% (low)
Mint 16% (low)
Lime 15.5% (low)
Spearmint 15.5% (low)
Cantaloupe 14.5% (low)
Earth 12.5% (low)
Ginger 11% (low)
Grapefruit 10% (low)
Jasmine 9% (low)
Vanilla 8.5% (low)
Kiwi 8.5% (low)
Pine 8% (low)
Cranberry 5% (low)
Pineapple 5% (low)
Tangerine 5% (low)
Cedarwood 5% (low)

This data was drawn from 2 reviews. Thanks to: Kristallfull and symmetric