Sweet Seeds' Psicodelicia Taste

Here you can find information about the Taste of the cannabis strain Psicodelicia from Sweet Seeds, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Wood 100% (high)
Butter 80% (high)
Lemon 75% (high)
Coffee 70% (high)
Parsley 50% (medium)
Tangerine 40% (medium)
Chestnut 30% (low)
Cocoa 30% (low)
Sweet Lemon 25% (low)
Acidic 25% (low)
Hot Milk 20% (low)
Cedarwood 20% (low)
Hashish 20% (low)
Hazelnut 20% (low)

This data was drawn from 1 reviews. Thanks to: BenLaden