An image of Pamelina


breed by Rare Dankness Seeds

Here you can find all info about Pamelina from Rare Dankness Seeds. If you are searching for information about Pamelina from Rare Dankness Seeds, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Pamelina is an mostly indica from Rare Dankness Seeds and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days) Rare Dankness Seeds's Pamelina is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Rare Dankness Seeds Description

Pamelina is an Indica -dominate hybrid that is a cross between the infamous Forum Cookie cut and RD#2. Together these two strains created an aromatic, high yielding, uplifting hybrid that has high potency.

Lineage: Forum Girl Scout Cookie x RD #2

Indica/Sativa % : 90/10

60-65 Days flower time.


Pamelina Reviews

Known Phenotypes

None up to now (homogenous?). Add a phenotype here.

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Indoor Strain Review

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is very high
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is super
Bud Structure
The dried buds are very hard and very compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is strong and long lasting
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Pamelina Degustation

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Smell / Aroma

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Pamelina Comparisons

How is Pamelina growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Rare Dankness Seeds' Pamelina and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Rare Dankness Seeds Pamelina:

Pamelina Lineage / Genealogy

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Pamelina Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 0 direct descendants from Rare Dankness Seeds in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Pamelina Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Pamelina User comments

Altogether we've collected 2 about Rare Dankness Seeds.
got this strain as cutting, grew it like 6 times now indoor 600w. the nugz are extremely dense and might be the most beautifull nugz ive ever had. and ive had countless strains in the last 20y. very beautifull to look at when still on the plant, and also dry. since i do not smoke myself, i can only tell about
experience from other people. pam is a highly requested weed, strong and delicious. yield is not extremely high, but good-medium. the nugz are extremely heavy, so u put a handful on the scale and hit 80gr. gotta see to believe. keep night-temps 16-18deg, all leafes turn black. not purple, black! ive never had that before. sure, dark purple at nighttemps around 16-18deg, but not that crazy ass black color. looks insane. like a piece of art, so beautifull. had them under 600w super navt in canna cogr, advanced hydroponics with canna boost.
its one of my favourite strains, would count it in my all times top 10. needs medium EC and a slightly longer 186 period. really nice and recommendable.
would say slightly better for cannaseur than for commercial growers, since its no real super powerhouse. for a skilled grower, ~40gr per plant in 5plants cogr slab no problem.
Posted by dikkbutt on 08-11-2021 13:04
low germ rate, ended up with 3 females. very nice plants, lanky need support, big buds, very resinous, not the strongest smell: classic og, mint, dough, herbs, hashish, earth, pine and floral.

some male flowers at lower branches, tops where clean.
Posted by Orangetree on 18-06-2020 00:36

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