Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights #5 X Haze effect

Here you can find information about the Effect of the cannabis strain Northern Lights #5 X Haze from Sensi Seeds, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Uplifting 27.8% (low) 16.0000
Dizzying 22.74% (low) 21.3333
Activating 21.81% (low) 15.7500
Psychedelic 20.42% (low) 14.7500
Energetic 18.18% (low) 17.0000
Nervous / Fidgety 15.66% (low) 11.0000
Light headed 15.02% (low) 21.5000
Couchlocking 11.56% (low) 16.5000
Narcotic 10.48% (low) 30.0000
Exhilarating 10.02% (low) 14.5000
Sleepy 9.78% (low) 28.0000
Stressful 9.68% (low) 9.3333
Pain numbing 7.7% (low) 11.0000
Relaxing 7.68% (low) 22.0000
Frightening 7.26% (low) 10.5000
Racy 6.91% (low) 10.0000
Aphrodisiac 5.88% (low) 8.5000
Calming 5.7% (low) 16.0000
Thought provoking 3.46% (low) 10.0000
Paranoic 2.76% (low) 8.0000

This data was drawn from 5 reviews. Thanks to: Teutzchen, AshinKusher, Green89, parpaing and zels420