An image of Nigerian Purple

Nigerian Purple

breed by The Landrace Team

Here you can find all info about Nigerian Purple from The Landrace Team. If you are searching for information about Nigerian Purple from The Landrace Team, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Nigerian Purple is an sativa from The Landrace Team and can be cultivated indoors, outdoors and greenhouse (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±81 days) The Landrace Team's Nigerian Purple is/was never available as feminized seeds.

The Landrace Team Description

Genetics: Nigerian Purple
Latitude: unknown
Source: Afropips
Elevation: 1400-2300 m.a.s.l. (4600-7500 feet)
Veg: 11-12 weeks
Flower: 10-13 weeks
Height: 130 – 150 cm
Phenotypes: 5 (4 purple 1 green)
Aromas: intense lemongrass,spicy,menthol,fique,roasted chicken and burnt meat
Taste: mentholated and fruity
Yield: medium
Effects: energetic,awakening,active,alive,euphoric,motivating,psychoactive,long-lasting
Characteristics: Ideal for indoor spaces. Purple and green phenos. Fast and resinous
Grow type: outdoor,indoor,greenhouse

Nigeria Purple is an early and resinous purple and green gold sativa possessing great vigour and speed of growth. The height is medium and makes it a good choice for sativa lovers who only grow indoors and cannot wait for long vegetative and flowering times. This genetic line is undoubtedly a great tool for breeding due to its beautiful colours, potent resin and intense aromas of lemongrass and fruits.

This Sativa from Nigeria is special for its precocity to grow and flower. Its purple phenotype makes it even more special and the green phenotypes are very very resinous . It is a complete and extensive selection from Afropips’ Nigerian from the 80’s with pleasant aromas of intense lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus). We made this selection from Nigeria focused on colour and resin, a male with reddish green and purple tones and resinous purple females were selected with reddish tones too.

This results in mostly purple plants. The underside of the leaves are of a beautiful reddish and purple, the leaves are thin and very serrated. The internodal spaces are short, the vegetative stage takes between 11 to 12 weeks maximum and flowering is also very fast, from 10 to 13 weeks maximum.

Purple Nigeria is one of the fastest and most special sativa lines of the TLT, the buds are stylized, resinous and fragrant, the green phenotype is very resinous with spicy, aromatic,mentholated, roasted chicken and burnt meat aromas.

We have found 4 purple phenotypes with different variations and one resinous green. Some of the purple phenos smell of biscuits (cookies) and fermented strawberries whereas some of the green phenos smells of roasted chicken and burnt meat. The effect is energetic, awakening,active,alive, euphoric, motivating, psychoactive with a duration of two hours for the purple phenotypes and the green phenotype has a more intense and long-lasting effect of up to 4 hours. The taste is fragrant aromatic and with a hint of menthol. We have cultivated this plant from 1400 to 2300 m.a.s.l. behaving beautiful and beautiful in all places, the maximum height that we have seen is from 130 to 150 cm.


Nigerian Purple Reviews

Known Phenotypes

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Nigerian Purple Degustation

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Smell / Aroma

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Nigerian Purple Comparisons

How is Nigerian Purple growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with The Landrace Team' Nigerian Purple and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

The Landrace Team Nigerian Purple:

Nigerian Purple Lineage / Genealogy

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With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Nigerian Purple Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 0 direct descendants from The Landrace Team in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Nigerian Purple Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Nigerian Purple User comments

Altogether we've collected 0 about The Landrace Team.

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User Reviews

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Medical Values

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