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Plant-Profile about Marley's Tribute (by Shaman Genetics)

This Plant-Profile was generated by 1 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: Hashpapy

Information about the growth of the plants:

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Bud Structure
The dried buds are very hard and very compact
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed is strong and long lasting


No data available for this strain.

Smell / Aroma

No data available for this strain.


No data available for this strain.

General Impression

Marley's Tribute (Shaman Genetics) (Indoor) is all together good strain, but there are better ones

(On average 7 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)

Additional Information

Hashpapy says

1 bonus seed, war leider von geburt an krank, kann eigentlich keinen richtigen bericht machen. wollte eigentlich schon aus selektieren aber die jung verbrannten blätter hatten so einen intensiven geruch schon das ich sie noch mit gezogen habe. und das wurde noch belohnt, nicht viel aber super leckeres indica was echt nach grape schmeckt.

Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:

Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: Hashpapy

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