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Plant-Profile about Lemon OG Kush (by DNA Genetics Seeds)
This Plant-Profile was generated by 1 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: Dicker1985
Information about the growth of the plants:
- Flowering Time Indoor
Between 60 and 60 days (Average: 60)
- Stretch after the initiation of flowering
±250 Percent
Initial of flowering onto around 10 cm. - Final Height onto around 35 cm.
- Growth Behavior
Stretch, Strong and Fast
- Side Branches
a great many
medium length to long
as well as
strong and vigorous
- The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
...can be placed close together.
- not need much fertilizer.
...are not susceptible to mold.
...looks and grow more like a Indica.
...are well suited for very low growrooms.
...are well suited for a ScroG (Screen of Green).
- many, thick buds on the side branches.
...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness
- Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is great
- Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is super
- Bud Structure
The dried buds are very hard and very compact
- Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed insane strong and very long lasting
- Tolerance Built
extremely slow tolerance education
Smell / Aroma
General Impression
Lemon OG Kush (DNA Genetics Seeds) (Indoor) is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable
(On average 10 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10!)
Additional Information
Dicker1985 says
Habe mit 3 fem. Samen von DNA Genetics angefangen. Nennen wir sie A, B und C. Aus diesen 3 seed's habe ich definitiv zwei Phenotypen erwischt. Pheno C brauchte fast zwei Wochen länger und produziert zunächst deutlich langsamer seine Buds. Jedoch war dies auch das Harziger und gedrungenere Bud. (sativa Pheno). Zwischen B und A waren jedoch nur kaum Unterschiede zu erkennen. sehr ähnlich in Blütedauer und Erntemenge jedoch wuchs Pheno B noch gedrungener als Pheno A (Indica Pheno) Da ich die Pflanze für scroG nutzen will habe ich nun auf die Stecklinge von Mutter B gesetzt, da sie im direkten vergleich die schnellste war. Denke das sie einfacher zu scrogen ist, da sie sehr starke und lange Seitentriebe bildet. Alles in allem echt ne super Genetik, bin echt begeistert. Die Lemon OG Kush kann man nur empfehlen.
Here you can have a look onto the single Plant-Profiles:
Single Plant-Profiles about this strain was uploaded by: Dicker1985
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