Cookie Fam Genetics' Gelatti Smell / Aroma

Here you can find information about the Smell / Aroma of the cannabis strain Gelatti from Cookie Fam Genetics, collected by the users of the SeedFinder.

Effect Average %
Lemon 58% (medium)
Raspberry 54% (medium)
Tangerine 53% (medium)
Fennel 48% (medium)
Blackberry 46% (medium)
Cherry Blossom 41% (medium)
Diesel 40% (medium)
Ginger 38% (medium)
Grapefruit 37% (medium)
Mango 36% (medium)
Sandalwood 36% (medium)
Passion Fruit 34% (medium)
Acidic 28% (low)
Licorice 23% (low)

This data was drawn from 1 reviews. Thanks to: lavacake