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Fruit Automatic

breed by Dinafem

Here you can find all info about Fruit Automatic from Dinafem. If you are searching for information about Fruit Automatic from Dinafem, check out our: Basic infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds, User comments, for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic infos

Fruit Automatic is an ruderalis / indica / sativa from Dinafem and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days) Dinafem's Fruit Automatic is only available as feminized seeds.

Dinafem Description

Grapefruit is a very pretty plant with splendid autumn shades. It is very productive, has a great flavour and convincing effect; anyone would love to have it in their garden. That means us too! So we decided to start a new automatic strain of Grapefruit that would allow us to enjoy a fruity taste in the middle of summer without too many complications. The result is our Fruit Automatic, an automatic strain that includes Grapefruit genetics in order to achieve more flavour, resin and production as well as a more intense effect. In addition, it is larger than other automatics and flowers in only 60 days after germination takes place -65 at the most- producing abundant sweet-smelling resin, dense plants with thick Indica leaves, and buds as sticky as honey. It seems to produce the strange tendency among humans to want to smell them up close. We believe this is due to the fact that the combination of thick glittering crystals of resin and the smell that this plant emits makes it irresistable to cannabis cultivators and enthusiasts. It is a variety that stands cold weather fairly well so we recommend planting towards the last week of May in order to harvest the last week of July, and in this way achieve unbeatable results.

Flowering at 20 hours: 60-65 days
Outdoor harvests: from April to October.
THC: Medium (6% - 12%)
CBD: High
Production: From 20 to 50 gr
Height: In soil from 30 to 85 cm. In hydroculture up to 100 cm
Composition: Ruderalis 25% Indica 55% Sativa 20%
Genotype: (Lowrider#1 x Dinafem #1) x Grapefruit


Fruit Automatic Reviews

We've collected strain info from 4 for Fruit Automaticindoor.

General Impression

Strength / Lasting Effect

The weed is insane strong and very long lasting

User rating

Fruit Automatic gets 5.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Known Phenotypes

None up to now (homogenous?). Add a phenotype here.

More info

Please click here to see the full Plant-Profile!

Outdoor Strain Review

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is absolutely risible
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is extremely bad
Bud Structure
The dried buds are fluffy
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Indoor Strain Review

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is slightly above average
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is very good
Bud Structure
The dried buds are slightly below average
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed insane strong and very long lasting
Tolerance Built
quasi not any tolerance education
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Fruit Automatic Degustation

The seedfinder users tested Fruit Automatic and uploaded information about the of Dinafem' Fruit Automatic. Here a short overview, click to the charts or links to get an exact description and find similar cannabis varieties!


No data available for this strain.

Smell / Aroma

No data available for this strain.


No data available for this strain.

Fruit Automatic Comparisons

How is Fruit Automatic growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Dinafem' Fruit Automatic and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Dinafem Fruit Automatic:

Fruit Automatic Lineage / Genealogy

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Fruit Automatic Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 0 direct descendants from Dinafem in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Fruit Automatic Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Fruit Automatic User comments

Altogether we've collected 3 about Dinafem.
OUTDOORS 52N, Absolute waste of space, couple of grams at best in middle of summer, nice smoke but not a lot of it, may do better indoors
Posted by rellik on 10-04-2018 19:22
This plant grows very easily, and is one of the best auto fems I have grown. It has a tendency to need heavy Cal/Mag towards the end of the grow so be aware for the signs of deficiency. The smell is very strong during the flowering process, probably the strongest smell of autoflower that I have grown as well, very distinct smell of grapefruit. I had this and one other plant under 600W and for the last 10 days it was moved outside to increase THC production. I harvested at day 64 with mostly cloudy and only a sporadic amber. It could go longer if you prefer the indica stone but I prefer a sati smoke. The weight was ~ 170 grams for one plant and was a little fluffy for the buds. This one is definitely a beginner strain as it takes heavy nutes with no problems and was very easy to grow. Highly recommended.
Posted by a420er on 08-09-2013 18:40
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