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Semena Konopi is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means we do not have very much info about this seedbank - you should have a view to the user-reviews or try by self at your own risk.
Der Shop ist teilweise leider in CZ und auch die Emails nach Bestelleingang werden in CZ Sprache verschickt.
Ansonsten ist der Shop top. Günstige Preise, schneller Versand, einwandfreie Verpackung gute Qualität.
As far as i know the only Shop that accepts Paypal.
A lot of banks, by far the best prices ive seen, even the own Brand seeds for 2-3€ are good Quality so far. Lots of freebies every time i ordered and deliveryed in 2 days every time
Standard, perfect service (y)
You made good or bad experiences with a shop lately? You were duped or cheated? You got fake seeds? Or a lots of cool bonusses, good service and/or a fast delivery? You like (or you do not like) that other customers also will make the same experiences? So take a minute and alert your experiences to the SeedCop now - it's done in a minute and will help a lot!