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La Buena Hierba is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means we do not have very much info about this seedbank - you should have a view to the user-reviews or try by self at your own risk.
Everything works great. Fast delivery, good ripe seeds, great bonus.
Alles fein: schnelle, diskrete Lieferung nach Überweisungseingang.
Die Jack Herer Auto reg haben alle gekeimt, waren gesund, alle sauber (no herms) und die Weibchen (6/10) haben super performed; waren nach 11-15 Wochen fertig. Die 5 mitgelieferten Bonusnüsse (Eirdbei) werden 2021 auf den Balkons von zwei Freunden getestet.
Super Preise & super service - was will Mensch mehr?
You made good or bad experiences with a shop lately? You were duped or cheated? You got fake seeds? Or a lots of cool bonusses, good service and/or a fast delivery? You like (or you do not like) that other customers also will make the same experiences? So take a minute and alert your experiences to the SeedCop now - it's done in a minute and will help a lot!