Cannabis Strain Direct Comparison

Strain VS. Strain

You are looking for varieties with similar characteristics? You've grown several varieties at the same time before and you can draw own comparisons? Our new "Strain VS. Strain" direct comparison option opens up entirely new possibilities!

Comparisons will be shown onto the the strain-detail pages, or click here to view the latest strain comparisons at the SeedFinder.


Compare the main features of two varieties in a few seconds with the help of our new and simple entry form! With your help we can create a database for extensive comparison and sorting options. This will enable us to find suitable varieties, who can be grown together at the same time - or you can exclude strains who does not fits together from the first!

Important: Please upload your comparison only if you also can make your own direct comparisons.For example, if you have grown both varieties at the same time into the same cabinet - or separately as often as possible.