SeedFinder climate specification :: Outdoor Areas


With SeedFinders climate functions you are able to find the right cannabis strains for your specific area. We use a very detailed ecophysiological climate classification system, based on actual data for the last 23 years! The data for the strains byself we collect with our strain-review system directly from the farmer.

Show possible strains for different climate zones

At first you need to select a climate zone. Click onto a zone below for a direct input - or simply add your longitude and latitude to get the actual climate zone for your position on the fly!

Select a climate zone

Or select your climate zone from below

Find strains for the following climates

Our integrative (ecophysiological) climate classification system is based on data like daylength, precipitation, potential evaporation, temperature, height and continentality. All together there are 125 different climate zones, combined with a modular system! Our specification is based on the work of Siegmund, Lauer/Frankenberg and Köppen/Geiger. More info and an exact specification will follow soon.

Data / Calculation / Sources

SeedFinder use its own combined dataset with climate averages from the last 23 years on a regular 0.5 degree latitude/longitude grid. Sources: Monthly air temperature, precipitation and potential evaporation from 1986 - 2008 (Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware). Elevation data from the Tyndall Centre. Calculation and colors for the climatic zones according to the actual Klever/Frankenberg specification system.