Vermont Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Vermont Seeds. We've collected data about 1 Cannabis Strains breed by Vermont Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Vermont Seeds.

Vermont Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Fiber Queen Series Vermont Seeds 45 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Vermont Seeds's image

Vermont Seeds is owned and operated by me, Ethan Descoteau of Vermont, USA. A common misconception is that Vermont Seeds is a Cannabis-Seed Company. While I have worked with High-CBD Hemp, that is not the primary product or goal of my life's passion that is Vermont Seeds. I have been adapting and selecting many crops since I was young teenager, typically crops not found in our GMO-Corn, Hay, and Maple landscape. My family has been here hundreds of years, some of my lines are heirlooms from local families found nowhere else. These are the true backbone of Vermont Seeds. How did I get involved in CBD? Not too long before the 2018 Farm Bill that Legalized Hemp Growing, my health declined and suddenly recreational THC was making me sicker instead of helping symptoms I had battled for years. I stopped using high-THC Cannabis entirely and switched to Low-THC Hemps. I found and made herbal combinations to help combat chronic Lyme disease and the co-infections, with CBD being the primary ingredient for symptom relief. In 2018 I got my hemp permit in VT and grew European Certified Hemps and various High-CBD hybrids that were popular in Colorado and the other CBD-Boom states. I created several new crosses that year selecting parents for less than .3% Total THC. After another nosedive in health, even with most of the pain at bay, I realized I wouldn't be able to grow hemp by myself anymore. So thereafter I worked as a grow consultant for other farms, while continuing my non-cannabis breeding at home. In the coming years I hope to provide more high quality multipurpose hemp hybrids. Sspecifically to allow northern farmers a selection of non-autoflower early finishing fiber-seed-cannabinoid "3-in-1" hemps.
Vermont Seeds is Not associated with any other seed company or farm, in any capacity, foreign or domestic. My specialty is locally adapted lines and hybrids of alternative crops for small farms here in VT, and only available ever available to USA farmers.
I do NOT have ANY Connection to "GreenMountainSeeds" or "Vermontman" or "Pineapple_Express1988" or "ACESeeds". I do NOT have ANY Connection to "TheHashMan" or any other Vermont CBD Farms.
Thank you for your interest.

