Underground Seeds Collective

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Underground Seeds Collective. We've collected data about 20 Cannabis Strains breed by Underground Seeds Collective Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Underground Seeds Collective.

Underground Seeds Collective's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Afghanchitral Underground Seeds Collective 56 indica regular
Amnesia Sativa Underground Seeds Collective 77 mostly sativa regular
Black Afghani Underground Seeds Collective 60 indica regular
Cheesetral Underground Seeds Collective 60 mostly indica regular
Coljam Underground Seeds Collective 105 sativa regular
Colombian Gold 72 Underground Seeds Collective 126 sativa regular
Colowryder Underground Seeds Collective 118 ruderalis / sativa regular
Double Jam Underground Seeds Collective 105 sativa regular
Double Zamal Underground Seeds Collective 147 sativa regular
Ducksfoot Underground Seeds Collective 77 indica / sativa regular
Durganchitral Underground Seeds Collective 67 mostly indica regular
Jamaican Kush Underground Seeds Collective - indica / sativa regular
Nepalma Underground Seeds Collective 77 indica / sativa regular
Ouzbekistan Underground Seeds Collective 63 mostly indica regular
Senegal Underground Seeds Collective 91 sativa regular
Sour’Kush Underground Seeds Collective 63 mostly indica regular
Triple Pakistan Underground Seeds Collective 63 mostly indica regular
Turkish Landrace Underground Seeds Collective 53 indica regular
Zamal CBD Underground Seeds Collective 84 mostly sativa regular
Zamalmystik Underground Seeds Collective 84 mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Underground Seeds Collective's image

A breeders collective using Elite clones and Landrace strains. Years of research and grow to find the best genetics! Varieties that are known as clones, as example ECSD or UK Cheese, but also old Jamaican Lambsbread from the 1960s!!
classics like Amnesia or Columbian Gold! Many landraces 100% sativa from 1970 to 1980 before the Indica / Skunk Invasion...
Underground Seeds Collective has a great interest in the preservation of landraces!
The whole team wish you a very good culture for 2012!
