Tropical Seeds Company

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Tropical Seeds Company. We've collected data about 34 Cannabis Strains breed by Tropical Seeds Company (5 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 6.93 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Tropical Seeds Company.

Tropical Seeds Company's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Afrokush Tropical Seeds Company - indica / sativa feminized
Bisho Purple Tropical Seeds Company 60 indica / sativa feminized
Bubbler Kush Tropical Seeds Company 60 mostly indica regular
Ciskei Tropical Seeds Company 53 sativa regular
Cognition Tropical Seeds Company 74 mostly sativa regular
Congo Pointe Noire Tropical Seeds Company 91 sativa regular
Congolese Kush Tropical Seeds Company 75 indica / sativa feminized
Dandy Dance Tropical Seeds Company 65 mostly indica feminized
Double Congo Tropical Seeds Company 91 sativa regular
Durbakistan Tropical Seeds Company - indica / sativa feminized
Durban Punch Tropical Seeds Company 80 sativa regular
Full Energy Tropical Seeds Company 91 mostly sativa regular
Hazey High Tropical Seeds Company 81 sativa regular
Heaven's Gate Tropical Seeds Company 60 mostly indica regular
Heaven's Gate CBD Tropical Seeds Company 73 mostly sativa feminized
King Congo Tropical Seeds Company 70 sativa regular
King Congo V4 Tropical Seeds Company 65 sativa feminized
Kush Medicine Tropical Seeds Company 63 mostly indica regular
Kushmatic Tropical Seeds Company 75 ruderalis / indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Mazarmatic Tropical Seeds Company 75 ruderalis / indica feminized
Nepal Highland Tropical Seeds Company 65 sativa regular
Old Congo Tropical Seeds Company 90 sativa regular
Panacea Pack Tropical Seeds Company 65 mostly sativa regular
Purple Bisho Tropical Seeds Company 58 indica / sativa regular
Purple Pakistan Chitral Tropical Seeds Company 56 indica regular
Red Afro Tropical Seeds Company 70 mostly indica feminized
Red Monster Tropical Seeds Company 56 mostly indica feminized
Senegal Tropical Seeds Company 91 sativa regular
Smooth Smoke Tropical Seeds Company 60 mostly indica feminized
Smooth Smoke V2 Tropical Seeds Company 60 indica / sativa regular
Swacky Tropical Seeds Company 80 sativa regular
Towerful Tropical Seeds Company 63 mostly indica feminized
Zamalmystik Tropical Seeds Company 84 mostly sativa regular
Zambia Tropical Seeds Company 85 sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Tropical Seeds Company's image

From Tropical Seeds Co. we’d like to introduce ourselves to the general public totally opened.We hope you can get to know our line of work with this web,how we do it,the infrastructures where’s developed and why we’re something different within the Cannabis breeding world.

Most of our installations (greenhouses and indoors) are situated at 28ºN latitude,subtropical climate, have allowed along the time to achieve outdoor selections any season of year,a great advantage for growing this precious plant, unthinkable in other latitudes and most of the world

We got drastically reduced normal selection timespans, thanks to this climatic possibility which allows to reproduce three tropical sativas generations in just one year of outdoor work.
Particular characteristics such as rain and wind absence, an average temp of 22ºC,a powerful luminic intensity,together with a favourable photoperiod,projects us with full authority in today’s efficient structures concerning I+D’s

Our passion for big tropical sativas and benign climate have allowed us to select from thousands of specimens,some of them maybe impossible to tame in different latitudes.From this intensive but careful selection, we’re pleased to introduce you our first strains. We’ve decided to start with just a few varieties, chosen simply by their peculiar qualities,not least of them the “luxury” of offering early sativas of short flowering times,or the pleasure of growing pure sativas in virtually any latitude.Also to find hybrid vigor in several F1’s, as well as indica bybrids strains that can satisfy this cannabis type lovers, which can be completed easier in all growing methods,specially indoors.

Awaiting for everyone to benefit from our medical and collection strains, we invite you to try our new genetics, which we’d be honored for them to reach you thus allowing to share and preserve the spoils, result of many years of work preserving and improving this jewels.

Only inconvenience is the illegality attached to sending these seeds to certain countries of the world, for we’re very sorry they restrict the possibilities of legal treatment, forcing us to incur in legal offence should we send them. We advice you to get informed on your national laws regarding this before taking interest in any of the products on offer.

Last, let' us entice you to try the product of all this dedicated and time consuming work and we’re so glad we finally can offer!

From here,all members of Tropical Seeds Co want to send you a big hello.

