Tikum Olam

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Tikum Olam. We've collected data about 16 Cannabis Strains breed by Tikum Olam Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Tikum Olam.

Tikum Olam's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Alaska Tikum Olam - mostly sativa regular
Avidekel Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Barak Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Dorit Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
El-na Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Eran Almog Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Erez Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Jasmine Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Mango Tikum Olam - mostly sativa regular
Midnight Tikum Olam - mostly sativa regular
Omer Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Or Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Refael Tikum Olam - mostly sativa regular
Shira Tikum Olam - mostly sativa regular
Tal Tikum Olam - mostly indica regular
Zohar Tikum Olam - indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Tikum Olam's image

Tikun Olam Ltd. is the first, largest and foremost supplier of medical Cannabis in Israel and is one of leading medical cannabis companies in the world. The company is the flag bearer and pioneer of the treatment of patients with medical cannabis in Israel. Tikun Olam is privately held and has been operating under license from the Israel Ministry of Health since 2007.
The company’s founding vision continues to drive us to work hard to provide patients with unparalleled treatment alternatives through the development of industry-leading professional standards for growing and treating patients with the highest quality medical grade cannabis available. Tikun Olam consistently sets the benchmark for the medical cannabis industry in Israel and throughout the globe.

