Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Therapy Seeds. We've collected data about 42 Cannabis Strains breed by Therapy Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Therapy Seeds.
Strain name | Breeder | Flowering time | Strain heritage | Feminized |
3X Platinum | Therapy Seeds | 70 | indica | regular |
Alien Dawg | Therapy Seeds | 56 | mostly indica | regular |
Barbancho | Therapy Seeds | 65 | mostly indica | regular |
Chem Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Chispitika OG | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | regular |
Deep Chunk | Therapy Seeds | 58 | indica | regular |
Eleven Stonen | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Fire Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Fire Mint | Therapy Seeds | 65 | mostly indica | feminized |
Gary Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Gas Mint | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly sativa | regular |
Gypsy OG | Therapy Seeds | 56 | mostly indica | feminized |
Jacaranda | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly sativa | regular |
Karmen | Therapy Seeds | 70 | sativa | regular |
Kripa | Therapy Seeds | 65 | indica / sativa | regular |
Kriptonyta | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Kristofer | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | reg. and fem. |
Kush Deseert | Therapy Seeds | 65 | mostly indica | regular |
La Kush Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Lizogu | Therapy Seeds | 60 | indica / sativa | regular |
Lizogu Chip | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | regular |
Lizogu Mint | Therapy Seeds | 68 | indica / sativa | reg. and fem. |
London Chip | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | regular |
London Connection | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | feminized |
Manglar | Therapy Seeds | 77 | mostly sativa | regular |
Melonera | Therapy Seeds | 65 | sativa | feminized |
Pink Kush | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Plata o plomo | Therapy Seeds | 65 | mostly indica | regular |
Pure Alien | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | feminized |
Purple 18008 | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | feminized |
Rainbow Sherb Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Readhead OG | Therapy Seeds | 60 | mostly indica | feminized |
Sour Fire | Therapy Seeds | 65 | indica / sativa | regular |
Super Moshine | Therapy Seeds | 65 | indica | regular |
Tentacion | Therapy Seeds | 65 | mostly sativa | regular |
Therapy Dawg | Therapy Seeds | 60 | indica / sativa | reg. and fem. |
Therapy Pre 98 | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Therapy Sour Diesel | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Tropy OG | Therapy Seeds | 64 | indica / sativa | regular |
Warriors | Therapy Seeds | 60 | unknown | feminized |
Zkittel Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Zoap Chip | Therapy Seeds | 63 | mostly indica | regular |
Seed Bank begins its most serious work at the beginning of 2011.
Seed Therapy selects the best clones with large quantity of trichomes and enough quality in the resin.
It preserves an ample collection of elite clones some own selection and others of other cultivators of the sector.
His work is in full evolution and his work is more specific in regular seeds but also works women.