Swami Organic Seed

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Swami Organic Seed. We've collected data about 28 Cannabis Strains breed by Swami Organic Seed Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Swami Organic Seed.

Swami Organic Seed's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
76 Peace Corps Panama Swami Organic Seed 100 sativa Clone only
Blue Orca Haze Swami Organic Seed 67 mostly sativa regular
Blue Orca x ’85 Roadkill Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
Blues Power Swami Organic Seed 61 mostly sativa regular
Cascadian Frost Swami Organic Seed 60 mostly indica regular
Cherry Bomb Swami Organic Seed 75 indica / sativa regular
Durban Bubble x Nigerian Sunshine Swami Organic Seed - indica / sativa regular
Guerrero x Panama Swami Organic Seed - mostly sativa regular
Guru Juice Swami Organic Seed 74 mostly sativa regular
KMBCBF2 Swami Organic Seed 73 mostly sativa regular
Kahuna Bud x Cherry Bomb Swami Organic Seed 67 indica / sativa regular
Mazar-I-Shariff x Pakistan Chitral Kush Swami Organic Seed 60 mostly indica regular
Michoacán Swami Organic Seed - unknown regular
NL #5 x Haze BX1 Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
NL#5 x Neville's Haze F4 Swami Organic Seed 70 mostly sativa regular
Nigerian Sunshine Swami Organic Seed 60 indica / sativa regular
ONExBONL5NH Swami Organic Seed 60 indica / sativa regular
Paki/Choco Thai x Chocolate Thai Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
Purple Zebra Swami Organic Seed 61 mostly sativa regular
Red Rooster Swami Organic Seed 70 indica / sativa regular
The One x Blue Moon Rocks BX3 Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
The One x Paki Hash/Chocolate Thai Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
The One x Panama Swami Organic Seed 60 mostly sativa regular
The One x Purple Church NL5/Haze BX1 Swami Organic Seed 61 unknown regular
The Yogi Swami Organic Seed 60 mostly indica regular
V Shiva Swami Organic Seed 74 mostly sativa regular
Velvet Rush x NL5xNH Swami Organic Seed 103 mostly sativa regular
Zazen Swami Organic Seed 68 mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Swami Organic Seed's image

Organic Heirloom Cannabis Genetics

Swami Organic Seed is the embodiment of “pura vida” in organically produced cannabis seed. Utilizing the Living Organic Soil methodology we helped establish in cannabis gardening along with Brotherhood of Eternal Love genetics we were gifted by a former BOEL member/associate, we breed for various outcomes in cannabis.

Preservation of Heirloom Cannabis Genetics

Preservation and future development of these heirloom and BOEL genetics are among the priorities we take as a responsibility to cannabis. I personally remember what it was like to enjoy cannabis of the 70’s, and as cannabis activists we are dedicated to bringing these forgotten human pleasures to the modern age. We bring lifetimes worth of cannabis history, cannabis gardening, and cannabis genetics together in Swami Organic Seed.
Why Do We Do This?

Because multiple combinations of poorly selected breedings over the last few decades have produced disease prone types that often lack the desired effects in both indica and sativa preferences. The stronger indicas that were ever present twenty years ago are all but extinct today. Sativa types have been selected to near monotony as well. Overall, the more important genetic aspects of cannabis are often overlooked and bred out. We’re on a mission to change this and make available to future generations that which is truly great cannabis.

