Super Strains

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Super Strains. We've collected data about 20 Cannabis Strains breed by Super Strains (5 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 7.23 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Super Strains.

Super Strains's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
7th Wave Super Strains 63 mostly indica feminized
Agartha Super Strains 53 mostly sativa feminized
Amajikoym Super Strains 78 mostly sativa feminized
Amnesia Super Strains 75 mostly sativa feminized
Automatic Fini Super Strains 63 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Cookies Krush Super Strains 65 mostly indica feminized
Crackers Super Strains 77 mostly sativa feminized
DFA Autoflowering Super Strains 58 ruderalis / sativa feminized
Eden Super Strains 63 mostly sativa feminized
El Cucaracha Super Strains 58 mostly indica feminized
Enemy of the State Super Strains 53 mostly indica feminized
Enemy’s Dream Super Strains - mostly indica feminized
Hermana de la Noche Super Strains 84 sativa feminized
Ibiza Farmers Super Strains - mostly indica feminized
La Cucaracha Super Strains 60 mostly indica feminized
La Jefa Super Strains 67 indica / sativa feminized
Mexican Candy Super Strains 65 indica / sativa feminized
Next of Kin Super Strains 78 mostly sativa feminized
Saga Super Strains 67 mostly sativa feminized
Turing Super Strains 60 ruderalis / sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

Super Strains's image

The SuperStrains seedscompany was established in 2010.
In fact the company activitie’s took place for numerous years under the supervision of nutrient producer HY-PRO, becoming independent just was a logical consequence.
What gave the biggest push to independence was the introduction of the feminising prosess, the seeds activitie’s needed to be concentrated and controlled independendly.

HY-PRO’s seeds division became SuperStrains.

Where before the millenium crossing and breeding was the main activity, after 2000 it was the feminising process which became a speciallity at SuperStrains. The combination of those discipline’s
are credit for the leading position SuperStrains takes in their area today. Years of work in crossing and updating specie’s, creating endless combinations for growth, bloom, taste, smell, strenght etc., had lead to the genetic result which all over the world is known as Amnesia.

Here can be mentioned that over 20 years not one variaty appeared which speaks out as this legendary plant.

It is this huge genetic bank from which the assortment of SuperStrainS is destillated. The selected genetics one by one cary the best line of genetic material available at SuperStrains.

For medical or recreational use, for outdoor or indoor, for userproduct or material for further assimilation.

With Amnesia as the flagship of SuperStrainS it will be wurth wild to look at their assortment more closelly.

Besides her famous daugther for instance there’s Enemy of the State, the mother of Amnesia.
It concerns a very potent indica with unique musky smell and taste. Despite her high age (she’s has her origin in the late 80’s), she still is very popular. Since the rise of medical use of marijuana her painkilling property’s contribute to her popularity.

Enemy of the State is the most indica-type in the SuperStrains assortment.

This assortment from there on goes via El Cucaracha, 7th Wave, Next of Kin and eventualy Amajikoym towards the most sativa.

Hence the assortment as noted is composed out of the best available varieties, the assortment on it self is synoptic, crossings of the 3th generation and more are not accounted for.

In present time SuperStrains’s focus is mainly on genetic heritage and the prodictabillity of the matter. The results of these efforts will be beneficially mainly to the medical sector.

