Skunk Devil Genetics

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Skunk Devil Genetics. We've collected data about 13 Cannabis Strains breed by Skunk Devil Genetics Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Skunk Devil Genetics.

Skunk Devil Genetics's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Alkemy Skunk Devil Genetics 63 indica / sativa regular
Beerus Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Candy Shop Skunk Devil Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Champa Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Devil Fruit (HC) Skunk Devil Genetics 70 mostly indica reg. and fem.
Fairy Dust Skunk Devil Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Heart Stomper Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Hellcatz Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Lucy's Choice Skunk Devil Genetics 70 mostly sativa regular
Madara Skunk Devil Genetics 63 indica / sativa regular
Minx Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Pleasures Skunk Devil Genetics 53 indica / sativa feminized
Seven Circles Skunk Devil Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Skunk Devil Genetics's image

Skunk Devil Genetics was founded in Southern California and is ever-developing into a global group of cannabis cultivators and breeders that work both independently and collaboratively to create new, improved, competitive and truly unique Cannabis varieties. SDG is where rare and exceptional strains come to life through unmatched care and dedication. Our passion lies in crafting cannabis genetics that push the boundaries of taste, potency, and aroma, combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge cultivation skills. We meticulously select and nurture each strain, ensuring that only the highest quality progeny thrive.

