Seach Medical Group

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Seach Medical Group. We've collected data about 15 Cannabis Strains breed by Seach Medical Group Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Seach Medical Group.

Seach Medical Group's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Argvana Heart Seach Medical Group 53 indica / sativa regular
Black Seach Medical Group 53 mostly indica regular
DeDutch Seach Medical Group 53 mostly indica regular
Golden Boy Seach Medical Group 53 mostly sativa regular
Havarra Wedding Seach Medical Group 50 indica / sativa regular
Jerusalem Groove Seach Medical Group 53 mostly sativa regular
Kahavvai Mode Seach Medical Group 53 mostly sativa regular
Kush Ben Yamini Seach Medical Group 50 indica / sativa regular
Kush Dan Seach Medical Group 53 mostly sativa regular
Nchoosha Y Seach Medical Group 53 sativa regular
Red Rhino Seach Medical Group 53 indica / sativa regular
Silver Star Seach Medical Group 54 mostly sativa regular
Super Silver Bullet Seach Medical Group 50 indica / sativa regular
Tachllta Till Seach Medical Group 53 mostly sativa regular
Zardde Gold Seach Medical Group 53 sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Seach Medical Group's image

Seach Medical Group, pioneering the field of medical cannabis in Israel and worldwide since 2008. Founded by the Sarid family, 3rd generation of farming experts, who were exposed to the great medical potential of cannabis during their father’s unfortunate sickness. With the growing awareness about cannabis and its medicinal benefits, the Sarid family has spent many years researching and developing medical cannabis products of uncompromising quality with the goal of improving the lives of thousands of patients. The vast knowledge and experience gained over the last decade has allowed the company to continuously improve the quality of its products, while advancing the company’s technological capabilities. Seach’s wide variety of exclusive strains, global network of strategic partnerships, groundbreaking clinical trials, and development of novel cannabis technology, gives Seach a leading presence in the global cannabis industry.

Today, and for the last decade, the company has been supplying high-quality medical cannabis products to leading pharmaceutical brands, as well as thousands of patients and pharmacies on a monthly basis. All the company’s products are cultivated and manufactured in accordance with the most stringent standards and instructions of the Ministry of Health.

