Reservoir Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Reservoir Seeds. We've collected data about 30 Cannabis Strains breed by Reservoir Seeds (3 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 6.78 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Reservoir Seeds.

Reservoir Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Alpha Diesel Reservoir Seeds 83 mostly sativa regular
Apollo 11 G4 Reservoir Seeds 53 mostly indica regular
Apollo Mist Reservoir Seeds 65 mostly sativa regular
Basic Diesel / D39 Reservoir Seeds 65 mostly sativa regular
Bottle Rocket Reservoir Seeds 55 indica / sativa regular
Chem DD v1.1 Reservoir Seeds - unknown regular
Chemdog D BX#1 Reservoir Seeds - indica regular
Chemdog D BX#2 Reservoir Seeds - indica regular
Chemdog D IBL Reservoir Seeds 68 indica regular
Chemdog D IX-I Reservoir Seeds - indica regular
Chemdog D IX-II Reservoir Seeds - indica regular
Chemdog D Kush Reservoir Seeds - indica regular
Chemdog Sour Diesel Reservoir Seeds 74 indica / sativa regular
DSD v2 Reservoir Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Double Sour Diesel Reservoir Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Double Strawberry Diesel Reservoir Seeds 70 indica / sativa regular
Gonzo #1 Reservoir Seeds - mostly indica regular
Gonzo #2 Reservoir Seeds - mostly indica regular
Killer Queen Reservoir Seeds - mostly sativa regular
Quick Mist Diesel Reservoir Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Roadkill Skank Reservoir Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular
Snowdog BX1 Reservoir Seeds - mostly indica regular
Sour Diesel IBL Reservoir Seeds 75 mostly sativa regular
Sour Diesel IBL 2020 Reservoir Seeds 75 indica / sativa regular
Sour Diesel Royale Reservoir Seeds 70 indica / sativa regular
Sour Queen Reservoir Seeds 63 mostly sativa regular
Strawberry Diesel Reservoir Seeds 65 mostly sativa regular
Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze Reservoir Seeds 80 mostly sativa regular
Willie D Reservoir Seeds 63 indica / sativa regular
Wonder Haze Reservoir Seeds 65 mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Reservoir Seeds's image

Rez, the owner of Reservoir Seeds, has been growing and breeding since the late 1980's. The Reservoir Crew makes their home somewhere in Ad Infinitum, that spinning black void you see just before the lights go....out. Here at Reservoir Seeds, we hope to help you achieve a lofty goal. To always have the best herb in the room! The goal at Reservoir Seeds is, first, to stabilize the SSSC's Legendary, Original Willem's Wonder, and secondly, to produce (very) small batch, super high-quality hybrids that you won't see elsewhere. These seed lots are a one-shot deal, and all are extremely limited in supply.

