Organic Gardeners

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Organic Gardeners. We've collected data about 9 Cannabis Strains breed by Organic Gardeners (2 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 8.67 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Organic Gardeners.

Organic Gardeners's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Chemtrails Organic Gardeners 63 mostly indica regular
Cookies & Monsters Organic Gardeners 67 indica / sativa regular
Critters Organic Gardeners 63 indica / sativa regular
Eyeliner OG Organic Gardeners 65 indica / sativa regular
Funky Face OG Organic Gardeners 67 indica / sativa regular
Ghost Town Kush Organic Gardeners 68 indica / sativa regular
Plutonium OG Organic Gardeners 67 indica / sativa regular
Super Glue Organic Gardeners 65 indica / sativa regular
Tigers Piss Organic Gardeners 68 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Organic Gardeners's image

The Organic Gardeners Collectiv are true Ganja Family and Pheno Hunters our mission will be to bring the best Elite Strains... Classic Strains and Best Selected Phenos on the Market.We creating these unique Limited Genetics for true Herb Lovers,.,Medi Growers and Old/New School Heads... All Strains Selected by Us... Most of our Strains grown from Seeds and have Keeping the best Pheno.... hope we can make them available for the best price you have seen in the Seed Business...

We make only 100% Regular Seeds
We Grow 100% Organic go the Way of Nature
We Grow only 100% Living Soil and Tea no Bottle Fertilizer
