Mother Chucker's Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Mother Chucker's Seeds. We've collected data about 15 Cannabis Strains breed by Mother Chucker's Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Mother Chucker's Seeds.

Mother Chucker's Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Blue Hawaii Mother Chucker's Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Chemjack Mother Chucker's Seeds - mostly indica regular
Dark Night Mother Chucker's Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Hot Box Mother Chucker's Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Jack Herer OG Mother Chucker's Seeds - mostly indica regular
Jacktiva Mother Chucker's Seeds - indica / sativa regular
LA Jack Mother Chucker's Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Longboard Mother Chucker's Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Milf Mother Chucker's Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular
Mr. Burns Mother Chucker's Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Mrs. Elvis Mother Chucker's Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Silver Jack Mother Chucker's Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Stacy's Mom Mother Chucker's Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular
Sugar Magnolia Mother Chucker's Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Twitter OG Mother Chucker's Seeds 77 mostly indica regular

More info about this breeder

Mother Chucker's Seeds's image

Based in Southern California, Mother Chucker's Medicinal Cannabis Seed Company has been supplying Cannabis growers worldwide with quality medicinal cannabis seeds for MMJ patients and caregivers.

