Mogwai Genetics

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Mogwai Genetics. We've collected data about 38 Cannabis Strains breed by Mogwai Genetics Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Mogwai Genetics.

Mogwai Genetics's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
1984 Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica feminized
Alien Life Form Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Animal Liberation Front Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Animal Pie Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Aurora Borealis Mogwai Genetics 66 mostly indica regular
Barf Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Beatle Juice Mogwai Genetics - indica / sativa regular
Bermuda Triangle Mogwai Genetics 77 mostly indica regular
Black Sheep Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Bluff Creek Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Cheech Wizard Mogwai Genetics 64 mostly indica regular
Classified Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Close Encounters Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
ConeHeads Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Extraterrestrial OG Mogwai Genetics 74 mostly indica regular
Fallen Mogwai Genetics 66 indica regular
FurBall Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Garfield Mogwai Genetics 45 indica / sativa regular
Gorda Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Gordon Shumway Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Gremlins Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
HalfTime Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Large Marge Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
Lochness Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
MacDre Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
MelMac Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Melmac Yogurt Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Pizza The Hut Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
Rhonda Mogwai Genetics 61 mostly indica regular
Roswell Mogwai Genetics 70 indica regular
RowdyRoddyPiper Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica feminized
Schwartz Yogurt Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
Spaceballs Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
Stupefeying Mogwai Genetics 70 mostly indica regular
TR-3B Mogwai Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
Twizzlers Mogwai Genetics 61 mostly indica regular
Wedding Cat Mogwai Genetics 75 mostly indica regular
Xfile Mogwai Genetics 61 mostly indica regular

More info about this breeder

Mogwai Genetics's image

From Los Angeles - California, formerly known as TSL Farms.

