LusoDream Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder LusoDream Seeds . We've collected data about 22 Cannabis Strains breed by LusoDream Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about LusoDream Seeds .

LusoDream Seeds 's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Bang Bang LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly indica feminized
Cheese For You LusoDream Seeds 65 indica / sativa feminized
Darkness Runtz LusoDream Seeds 65 indica / sativa feminized
Do-Zi-Doz Kush LusoDream Seeds 70 indica / sativa feminized
Forbidden Cookies Kush LusoDream Seeds 70 mostly indica feminized
Forbidden Cookies Kush Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Krazy Dreamers LusoDream Seeds 65 sativa feminized
Legend Haze LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly sativa feminized
Legend Haze Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / sativa feminized
Macabre Cookies LusoDream Seeds 65 indica / sativa feminized
Mad Mac Mints LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly indica feminized
Mangosa Glukies LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly sativa feminized
Mangosa Glukies Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / sativa feminized
Mimosa Glukies LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly indica feminized
Mimosa Glukies Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / sativa feminized
Sherbet Lemon Kush LusoDream Seeds 70 mostly sativa feminized
Sherbet Lemon Kush Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / indica feminized
Strawbanana 'Z' OG LusoDream Seeds 75 mostly sativa feminized
Watermelon Punch OG LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly indica feminized
Wedding Dead LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly indica feminized
Zkittlez Blood LusoDream Seeds 65 mostly sativa feminized
Zkittlez Blood Auto LusoDream Seeds 80 ruderalis / sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

LusoDream Seeds 's image

Happy to introduce you to the LusoDream seeds world.
To know the whole story, you'll have to go back in time.
Better known as "Padré".
He started it all when he was young.
It was the meeting of a man calling himself "Mr Stone" that would change everything.
"Mr Stone" taught him everything about cannabis culture, how?, where?, why?, when?, etc.....
The years go by and the disciple surpasses the master.
It was in the 90s that young "Padré" began his fight by going to the first European events dedicated to cannabis legislation and the famous first Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam.
Over time, the events were exported, as well as the birth of LusoDream seeds as well.
You will have understood, it was the trips and the meetings with growers, breeders and seed banks that were able to keep and give more strength to this flame.
Now you are part of the LusoDream seeds story.

