Bald man Lala Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Bald man Lala Seeds. We've collected data about 24 Cannabis Strains breed by Bald man Lala Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Bald man Lala Seeds.

Bald man Lala Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
ALTA Bald man Lala Seeds 70 indica / sativa regular
Aoraki 13 Bald man Lala Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
BlueBuChu Bald man Lala Seeds - ruderalis / indica / sativa regular
Bubble Chung Bald man Lala Seeds 70 mostly indica regular
Couch Project Bald man Lala Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
FlatAffie Bald man Lala Seeds 53 mostly indica regular
Flatbubble Bald man Lala Seeds - mostly indica regular
Flatland Basic Bald man Lala Seeds 53 mostly sativa regular
Flatland Basic x Bubblechung Bald man Lala Seeds - indica / sativa regular
FreeWorld Bald man Lala Seeds - unknown regular
Happy Amnesia Bald man Lala Seeds 81 indica / sativa regular
Lala's Burkle Thai Bald man Lala Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Lala Haze Bald man Lala Seeds 91 mostly sativa regular
Lemon Thai Bald man Lala Seeds 56 mostly indica regular
Levitator Bald man Lala Seeds 77 mostly sativa regular
Nepdane Bald man Lala Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Neptune Bald man Lala Seeds - ruderalis / indica / sativa regular
Northern Light x Lemon Thai Bald man Lala Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Purple Nepal Bald man Lala Seeds - mostly indica regular
RH/Fruitbud x Lemon Thai Bald man Lala Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Royal Ulduz Bald man Lala Seeds 63 mostly sativa regular
Siesta Kush Bald man Lala Seeds 70 mostly indica regular
Ulduz Bald man Lala Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Vega Bald man Lala Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Bald man Lala Seeds's image

Bald man Lala started with his first seed back in the late 70', with a handfull of seeds he got from his school teacher. After growing and making seeds for his own use he started to pass around his seeds to a small group of danish growers. They liked what they got and told him to continue to breed good outdoor plants..And so he did. After several years he met his mentor Esbe from Hybrids From Hell and started to work together with Esbe on a few projects. Later on he started to produce indoor seeds for him self and for HFH Seeds, and have been doing it since. Today BML is part of several collectives (Bald Monkey Seeds, Derg Corra Seeds and HFH seeds), but at the same time hes running his own line too (Bald Man Lala Seeds), producing in- and outdoor seeds.
